Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1540: Why do girls love off-road vehicles?

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Yes, girls really have no solution when they are unreasonable, especially when this is your closest person, and it makes Wu Hao a headache for a while.

But after thinking about it carefully, Wu Hao still agreed to this girl. On the one hand, she can't stand her entanglement, on the other hand, what this girl said is correct, and it is indeed incomparable now with them back then. And now with this condition, why bother to suffer the sufferings of Wu Hao and the others at that time.

Besides, isn't it just a car? Many young people now have it. For example, his brother-in-law has several cars.

Since this girl really wants it, buy one, it doesn't cost much anyway.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao looked at Wu Tong who was sitting across from the dining table and smiled. Then, while tossing noodles, he asked Wu Tong, "Let’s talk about it, what car do you want?"

Lin Wei, who was sitting next to Wu Tong, said with a smile: "We have cooperation with several sports car manufacturers. How about giving you a limited edition sports car, Ferrari, Porsche, or Lamborghini."

Lin Wei is right. Wu Hao and Lin Wei have cooperation with these sports car manufacturers. Wu Hao and their cooperation with these sports car manufacturers are mainly in car machine systems, intelligent voice assistants, as well as new lithium batteries and transparent display screens. The cooperation can be described as very extensive. As for Lin Wei and others, their cooperation with these car manufacturers is mainly in advertising.

Because the user groups of the two virtual space platforms are mainly young people, and the marketing target of sports cars is young people. Therefore, in view of this feature, these sports car manufacturers have done a lot of work in the two virtual space platforms, so they have very close business contacts directly.

So if you want a limited edition sports car, it can be said that there is no problem at all.

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Tong shook his head and said, "I don't want a sports car. This is the first car in my life, so I want an off-road vehicle."

SUV? Wu Hao frowned and said, "What kind of off-road vehicle does the girl drive?"

Why can't a girl drive an off-road vehicle? Not only Wu Tong but also Lin Wei asked.


Faced with the rhetorical question of the two women, Wu Hao opened his mouth, and finally made no excuse. Because he knew that in this case, he could not win at all.

You care about me, I like off-road vehicles, how handsome. Wu Tong stunned Wu Hao, and then said full of longing.

Well, off-road is off-road. Wu Hao said helplessly: "How about giving you a Mercedes-Benz or BMW SUV?"

No, I want an off-road vehicle. Wu Tong resolutely said: "Be hard-line, just like the fifteenth Cavaliers, or George Barton. When you drive it, it feels like you're going forward, it's all smooth."


Wu Hao heard that it was full of black lines, what was this girl thinking. These two vehicles are very hard-core off-road vehicles. They can be called military vehicles. Can those big guys be able to run in the city?

Bang Bang Bang, Wu Hao knocked on the dining table, then glared at the girl and said, "Don't dream, say something reliable."

Oh. After being pulled back to reality by Wu Hao, Wu Tong immediately said: "Then be the warrior, or the Land Rover Defender, the Mercedes-Benz 4*4 seems to be good too."


Whether it is necessary or not, don't forget it. Wu Hao pretended to be angry.

Yes, then buy me a Wrangler. Only then did Wu Tong tell the little nine in his heart.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei looked at each other, and Lin Wei smiled and said: "The Wrangler is uncomfortable to drive, or maybe I will buy you a big G, which is also an off-road vehicle, and the off-road ability is not bad."

No, I want the Wrangler. Wu Tong shook his head resolutely.

Wu Hao stared at Wu Tong for a while, and then smiled and interrogated: "No, a Wrangler shouldn’t have much money. In the past two years, your sister-in-law and I, plus the pocket money you gave you since childhood, add It should be enough to buy one. You can cut it first and play it later. Why did you come to me first?"

Hey, when he heard what he said, Wu Tong showed a kind of embarrassing look that an adult could see through his mind, and then said to Wu Hao: "Brother, you know that the new Wrangler bought only accounts for 100% of the full version of Wrangler. Forty percent, and the remaining 60% need to be modified by myself. I can afford a Wrangler, but the cost of modification is a bit laborious."

"Brother, sister-in-law, just buy me one." Wu Tong shook Lin Wei's arm and said coquettishly.

Good, good, buy one, buy one. Lin Wei was swayed by Wu Tong and said quickly.

Yeah, thank you sister-in-law. Wu Tong immediately kissed Lin Wei, then hugged Lin Wei and snuggled up and said, "Sister-in-law is the best, not like my brother, a stingy man, huh!"

Wu Hao buried his head in the black line when he heard the words, crying at the girl, laughing and crying: "Hey, you know the situation, I don't agree, your sister-in-law can't buy it for you."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Wu Tong froze for a while, then quickly changed his face and expression, ran to Wu Hao and sat down and said coquettishly: "My brother is the best and loves me the most."

After speaking, Wu Tong said to Wu Hao: "Brother, do you have time tomorrow, let's go and drive the car back, I am optimistic, let the boss keep it for me."

Oh, this is a plot long ago. Wu Hao smiled and cursed, then looked at Lin Wei and said: "When do you have tomorrow, let's go buy a car for this girl."

It’s not necessary to buy a car so much, just make a phone call and let people drive it back. Lin Wei looked at Wu Hao and Wu Tong and said with a smile.

Lin Wei is right. For them, they can make a phone call if they buy a car, and they can send it directly. On the one hand, there is really no money. For them, buying a car is as simple as an ordinary person buying a piece of clothing. Buy as you need it, there is no burden, so there is nothing to do.

Wu Hao heard the words and looked at the hopeful and infinitely longing Wu Tong next to him, and then said with a gentle smile: "After all, this is the first car in this girl's life. Let's take it seriously."

Lin Wei heard what he looked at Wu Hao, then at Wu Tong, then nodded and smiled: "It just happens that I have time at noon tomorrow. Let's go after lunch and go together. ."

Thank you sister-in-law, thank you brother! Wu Tong was happy when he heard what they said: "Let's go to pick up the car at noon tomorrow, and then I will treat you to dinner, just as a treat for you."


Hearing this girl's words, Wu Hao and Lin Wei looked at each other and then laughed.

Oops, I ignore you. Wu Tong was a little embarrassed by their smiles, and then stood up and said to the two of them, and then jogged upstairs.

Ha ha ha ha...

Looking at the girl's back, Wu Hao and Lin Wei laughed out loud.

Do you have time tomorrow? Lin Wei looked at him and asked.

Wu Hao took a sip of the noodle soup, then smiled and said, "I can always spare some time, this girl is right, I have really ignored her during this time."

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