Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1547: big trouble

   Call the police, I call the police, we are in big trouble. "

   Captain, what's wrong, what's wrong! Hearing the captain's roar, many people were a little confused.

   When a team member looked at the rough triangular deflation cone in the captain's hand with the light of the flashlight, his expression changed greatly: "Everyone pay attention to your feet, don't walk around randomly, call the police!"

   The stubborn policeman who was hit in front heard the shouts at the scene, but he didn't care about his injuries. Several people endured the pain and came to the captain. After looking at the rough triangular deflation cone in the captain's hand, the faces of these policemen changed, and then they became nervous.

   Report to the team and ask for support. Hurry up, put on the vest to ease the traffic~! One of the middle-aged policemen with a relatively high police rank made a decisive decision.

   Thousands of miles away in Anxi, Wu Hao returned home after a long day of work, took a hot bath and changed into home clothes, and was enjoying the dinner for the two with Lin Wei.

  Although the two are busy at work, no matter how busy they are at work, they are used to going home for dinner. Although it is relatively simple, the two of them eat quietly and tastefully.

   At this moment, Coco's voice came from the speaker: "Sir, emergency call, from Mr. Zhang!"

Um? Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, then showed an apologetic look to Lin Wei, and then went to the living room.

   Come in!

   Okay, it's connected for you!

   Then the big screen lit up, and Zhang Jun's impatient expression appeared inside: "Haozi, something has happened!"

   "What happened, calm down," the sky couldn't fall. Wu Hao smiled.

   Zhang Jun hurriedly said: "There was a problem with the convoy transporting the lithography machine. They were in a car accident in western Hubei."

   Well, are people okay, and goods are okay? Wu Hao was taken aback first, and then asked.

  I don't know, but listening to the feedback from the scene, the car accident was not an accident, but a deliberate attempt. They have called the police for support, what shall we do now.

   Hearing that it was intentional and not an accident, Wu Hao's eyes sharpened, and then calmly comforted Zhang Jun: "Don't panic, first understand the situation. Cocoa, help me contact the team captain!"

  Okay, sir, we are helping you through, please wait a moment.

   After a few blind tones, a low voice came from the phone: "Mr. Wu, hello, this is Wang Xiangping."

   Xiangping, how is the situation at the scene, are there any injuries? In Wu Hao's first sentence, he did not ask about the transportation equipment, but was concerned about the safety of the crew.

This made Wang Xiangping very moved, and immediately replied: "Report, we have now sealed off the scene, and we are increasing our vigilance, protecting the scene, and waiting for police support. Our personnel have no major problems. The leader is in the car. The people in the police car and the officers in the police car have different levels of control, but it’s nothing big, everyone can stick to it."

  Wu Hao felt quite settled after listening, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Whether the goods are damaged."

Wang Xiangping replied earnestly: "The main body of the cargo has not been damaged, nor has it been displaced. However, the two front tires of the transport vehicle have blown out at the same time, and the vehicle has coasted for a period of time, so the cargo may be subject to some vibrations. The specific situation is still unknown. You need to open the cabin for a careful inspection and evaluation before you know it."

   Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and was silent for a while before he said: "Is it determined? This is not a simple accident."

  Wang Xiangping replied in a very serious tone on the phone: "Yes, we found more than 30 triangular deflation cones with very rough self-welding on the scene. Are you correct to deflate the vehicle forum? Very sharp.

  The four tires of the police car in front of the team and our off-road vehicle were all punctured by this deflation cone, and the tires were quickly emptied, causing the vehicle to lose control, and then the collision occurred.

  Because it had just rained in the mountainous area, we maintained a safe convoy. Car No. 1 braked in time after spotting us. Although the two front wheels punctured, they finally stopped, and no more accidents occurred. "

"On such a busy highway, putting this triangular deflation cone, you have not had an accident before, which means that the other party has been staring at you long ago, and deliberately chose this section of the road and released it in front of you. "Wu Hao analyzed.

   Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun, who was still talking on the big screen, couldn't help it: "What are you waiting for, catch people! Grab these dogs R, I will break them into pieces."

   It's alright, arresting people is a matter of the police, so what are you doing? After talking about Zhang Jun, Wu Hao then continued: "Tell the police on the scene about this situation and let them try to intercept at the highway intersection. The other party shouldn't get off the highway yet."

   Hearing what Wu Hao said, Wang Xiangping responded, and then said in a frustrated tone: "I am afraid that there is not much hope. There will be many exits on this highway. We don't know that the other side will go out from that exit."

   Tell the police truthfully, it is their business as to how to investigate. Wu Hao said, "Can you set up a monitoring screen on site?"

   It should be possible, we have related equipment, and we will arrange personnel to erect it immediately. Wang Xiangping responded.

   Well, keep order on the scene and protect everyone. Waiting for the police to arrive, that's all for now, and we'll talk about it later. Wu Hao gave an order, and then hung up the phone, because someone called him again.

   Mr. Wu, how is the situation now? In the video, Xiao Ma asked anxiously at Wu Hao.

   Immediately afterwards, the old horse, Tao Zhengyang, and Xuebing appeared in the screen.

Wu Hao gave everyone the situation on the and said, “Don’t worry too much. The equipment is nothing at present. The police are coming. Wang Xiangping and the others have also protected the scene. Make sure there will be no more accidents."

   is too unscrupulous, too arrogant, these people must be brought to justice. Lao Ma's expression was sullen and angry.

Xue Bing shook his head: "The arrest should be handed over to the police. What we need to care about is the safety of the equipment. Such things have happened, so what should we do next. It is to stop the transportation on the spot. Waiting for the results of the investigation, we will continue to transport and transport the equipment to the Shudu factory as soon as possible."

   It is definitely not possible to terminate the transportation. It is even more unsafe to put the equipment here, maybe it will be trapped by the other party. Therefore, we must deal with this matter as soon as possible and let the convoy set off as soon as possible to transport the goods to the Shudu factory. As long as you enter the factory, you are safe. Xiao Ma shook his head and objected.

   I also agree that the most important thing now is to ensure the safety of the goods. The best way is to quickly transport the goods to the Shudu factory. Tao Zhengyang nodded in approval.

   Transportation is OK, just change the front of the car. The question now is, how do we ensure the safety of the next transportation. Lao Ma asked at the crowd.

   I said earlier that land transportation is very risky. You still don’t believe it. Let’s see the real picture now. Xue Bing complained to everyone.



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