Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1555: Change

When certain countries announced that they would expand the list of restrictions on the lithography machine project, a few people couldn't sit still. First of all, Liu Qixiang could not sit still. On the one hand, he asked someone to be responsible for the incident, and on the other hand, he asked to open up related technologies and absorb other capital forces, even overseas capital forces, to intervene, thereby changing the nature of this company. , To avoid further blows and restrictions. On the other hand, he also asked the board of directors to approve the core technology to actively reconcile with an overseas country, so as to avoid restrictions and blows.

Wu Hao and the others definitely disagree. Don't talk about how feasible Liu Qixiang's requirements are, just say that his requirements have also changed the nature of their project. Even from some perspectives, Liu Qixiang is a compromising and surrendering faction. The real battle had not yet been fought, and the enemy released a few ruthless words and surrendered under the white flag. Obviously, Wu Hao and the others could not accept it.

In addition, this project can be said to have attracted national attention and has extremely high strategic value, which can be said to be related to national security. If these are allowed to intervene and compromises are made, it will undoubtedly affect the future development of the entire project, and even cause the project to fail.

Finally, there is emotion. This is a lithography machine independently developed by their people. The entire project is carried out independently. If external forces are allowed to intervene, it will probably hurt the hearts of all people in the country, which is very unacceptable to everyone.

In the face of Wu Hao, they were so tough and completely rejected his proposal and request. Liu Qi couldn't bear it on his face, and even threatened to withdraw.

This is of course angry, but Wu Hao and the others did not buy it, and Brother Xiao Ma straightforwardly gathered. You can withdraw shares, no problem at all. As far as the shares in their hands are concerned, he is all-inclusive. Before the two parties signed relevant agreements, sales and voluntary withdrawal were not allowed within a few years. If they voluntarily withdraw, they will have to bear the relevant liquidated damages, and their shares will be returned at the original price when the shares were purchased. In other words, besides being able to get back the principal, he doesn't make a cent.

Facing Xiao Ma's tough counterattack, Liu Qixiang's face became very ugly, and he suddenly froze there. At this time, someone needs to give him a step down, but no one exits for a long time.

In the end, Xuebing said, “Don’t get excited, can you talk about anything. Now the situation is complicated. Each of our companies has their own difficulties, so I hope everyone can fully understand.”

So are you going to launch it too? Tao Zhengyang asked directly when he interrupted Xuebing.

Xue Bing opened his mouth, and then showed a helpless expression to everyone: "I am definitely a 100% supporter of this project, but when we are a business, especially a listed company, every decision must be made by shareholders. , Responsible for the stockholders. We have a huge market business overseas. If we receive restrictions and blows, then we will face huge losses, which is not in line with the overall interests of our company. So if we really get to this stage, we need to make a choice If we do, we can only be..."

Xuebing didn't finish what he said, but everyone knew what he meant. Compared to Liu Qixiang, Xuebing's words were more acceptable to everyone. But in the face of such a situation, Ma's mood is still a bit bad. He spoke.

When talking about this project, the risks involved were clearly explained to everyone, and everyone was confident about it. Unexpectedly, it was still such a result. We are not afraid, we have done this project to the end.

Brother Xiao Ma also nodded and said: "In this regard, we really can't blame you. If it is us, I believe there will be the same choice. If you make a decision, please let me know in advance. As for your shares, We will take over all, and if others have difficulties, it will be no problem for me to take over all of them."

Regarding this, everyone smiled, and they don't know what Xiao Ma's idea is in his mind.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "There is no problem in this aspect. We still have some idle funds. And we have attracted more investors to join us before. If you really withdraw, some people will take over this part of the shares. Yes, don’t worry, we won’t make you embarrassed, let’s come and go free."

"Count us, anyway, we don't have much business overseas, can they reach the country if they restrict and strike again." Li Feihong changed his previous humble image at this time, with a look of arrogance.

In the video, Haichao's Sun Shu followed with a smile and said: "Now that the fruit is about to be reaped, wouldn't it be a shame to quit now. No matter what the outcome of this project is, we will stay with us to the end."

We are the same, there is no second way to choose, anyway, surrender to others is definitely impossible, we will die vigorously. Tao Zhengyang said with high spirits.

Hearing the words of the two in the video window, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Okay, we will not discuss this matter anymore. It is definitely not the only two of us who have ideas, so I propose that after the meeting adjourned Everyone think about it, discuss it with each other, and give the result as soon as possible.

In this way, we also have to prepare early, depending on whether it is to prepare funds or to find new investors to enter the market. "

Seeing everyone nodded in the video, Wu Hao immediately waved his hands and said, "If this is the case, let's end the meeting."

Speaking of the windows in the video disappeared one by one, and in the end only the left and right windows were left. This is the Erma. The three of them stayed at the end very tacitly, and it was obvious that everyone had something to say.

It was Brother Xiao Ma who spoke first. He said: "Looking at the appearance of Xueliu, it should be a matter of time to withdraw. We should start preparations earlier. I still have some funds on my side. ."

Lao Ma shook his head and said: "Such a large project has already reached this stage. They must be very reluctant. If there is a slight possibility, they will not choose to quit. So if they are forced to quit. , We can’t accuse them of anything in this regard. We will definitely make the same choice when we encounter such a situation.

Of course, at present, they should be hesitating and waiting for the reaction of the Western world. If the reaction continues to be strong, then they will most likely be unable to withstand it.

I agree with Xiao Ma's opinion and start preparations as soon as possible to prevent all kinds of accidents. I can't help with the money, but I can introduce some reliable investors who have a lot of restricted funds on their hands and are very interested in this project. "

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