Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1557: The discovery journey of foreign media reporters

As time came to July, one thing gradually attracted everyone's attention. This is Haoyu Technology's summer new product and new technology conference. It should be said that every year Haoyu Technology's summer new product and new technology conference attracts attention, and it is even regarded as an annual blessing in the science and technology community. And this year's summer new product and new technology conference is different from all previous Haoyu Technology conferences, which attracts special attention.

This is because the theme of this summer’s new product and technology conference is the field of medical and health technology. According to a series of warm-ups and people familiar with the matter, Haoyu Technology will release a series of medical and health fields at this conference. new technology.

Medical health is currently a general concern of mankind, which is related to life and health, and is very important to mankind. Because of this, it is so worthy of attention.

Therefore, one week before the press conference, reporters from major media from all over the world came to Anxi and started relevant reports.

When these media reporters came to Anxi, they were instantly shocked by Anxi's tremendous changes in recent years, especially the changes in smart technology.

Domestic reporters are nothing, because there are news reports about Haoyu Technology and Anxi, they have heard too much, and some have come to Anxi more than once to interview, so they are not surprised.

But for most overseas media reporters, they set foot in Anxi, and everything in this city aroused their great interest.

The first thing that attracts the most attention must be the virtual reality landscape screen. As the resident of Haoyu Technology, Anxi is also the first city to install and cover the virtual reality display landscape screen. After several years of development, the virtual display interactive system has been covered in the city. Most of the area has been removed, and has entered into people’s daily lives.

For example, at the airport, through smart AR glasses, they can carry out indoor accurate navigation, accurate translation, geographic information tag introduction and so on in the terminal building. It can be said that as long as you have a smart AR glasses, you can see a world completely different from reality.

What these foreign reporters admire more is the use of smart AR glasses in life. As foreign reporters, they cannot use the digital payment system, so they can only envy domestic reporters out of thin air.

After binding the digital payment system, you can easily pay by wearing smart AR glasses. You no longer need to take out your mobile phone to scan the QR code to pay, you only need to look at the QR code after you click on something, and then the iris recognizes the payment. The whole process is very simple, fast, and safe. For most people, fingerprints can be cracked, but it is not possible to crack the iris by ordinary technology.

And when you wear smart AR glasses and walk outside on the street, you will find a completely different world. In this world, everyone and all objects displayed in the field of vision are tagged. The label of the building is the name, it can also be the advertisement of the shop in the building, or even some recruitment information and so on. The labels on the vehicles on the street are the electronic license plates of each vehicle and the related slogan information.

There are also everyone’s facial expressions, such as those with cute facial expressions, those with simple words to say hello, and those with identification information, and so on.

When you are interested in gazing at an object, the system will automatically determine and help you clip more detailed information. For example, if you stare at a certain car-->>

If yes, the system will load the detailed information of the car, such as the manufacturer, model, and some evaluations and user experience.

Even the clothes worn by someone on the street, broken bags, etc., can be introduced. Even this has become a kind of ethos and fashion. Many famous brand manufacturers have followed up. In this way, you can directly see who is wearing what brand and whether it is genuine. For merchants, this is also A kind of mobile advertising, so they are very positive.

And what shocked these foreign media reporters was the ubiquitous virtual digital landscape, such as whales swimming in the sky. People here call it Kun. There are pandas squatting and eating bamboo in the square. And huge statues of terracotta warriors and horses and so on.

All such dazzling things give these overseas media reporters an illusion, as if they are in the future world.

The next thing that opened the eyes of these overseas media reporters was the drones of various colors that quickly traversed the streets. There were a lot of these drones, which shuttled across the streets. Pedestrians on the street have long been accustomed to this.

By understanding them, they know that this is an intelligent unmanned logistics system. Through this system, they can receive their orders on the Internet in the shortest possible time.

Even this system has been extended to the field of food delivery. By placing orders, residents living in the north of the city can eat food from the south in the shortest time. Even this unmanned service has extended to the field of daily consumer goods. Residents can purchase goods through online supermarkets without leaving their homes, and then deliver them to their hands as soon as possible.

After introducing them, they learned that these drones that shuttle through the streets have different functions in different colors. For example, the green one is the logistics express drone, while the yellow one is the takeaway system drone. As for the red ones are fire safety rescue drones, the white ones are traffic command drones, the black ones with police lights flashing are police patrol drones and so on.

It can be said that Anxi has formed a complete intelligent drone system, and it has already focused on various service When traffic jams on the street, the white traffic command drone will quickly Arrived at the scene, and began to detect the situation on the scene, and provide relevant traffic guidance and command services.

The red safety fire-fighting drones are generally not touched. When a fire occurs, the fire department will send nearby fire safety rescue drones to the scene as soon as possible after receiving an alarm to understand the situation on the scene. Buy time for fire rescue work.

The black police patrol drones with flashing lights will not only be responsible for daily security patrols on the street, but will also handle some security cases. Such as hunting down and stalking fugitives, as well as preventing crimes in advance, and so on.

With the blessing of this system, Anxi has also become one of the safest cities in the country, and the crime rate has been declining year by year, and is already at a very low level. In addition, the processing speed and processing efficiency of the case are among the best, and it has become a model for many brother cities to learn from and learn from.

These foreign reporters have experienced this kind of police service once. They dropped a bag at the station and immediately chose to call the police. The police patrol drone arrived at the scene as soon as possible, and came out to inquire, and found the missing package in the shortest time.

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