Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1563: Realistic version of the steel suit

Next is the smart mechanical equipment and sports medicine equipment. In terms of smart mechanical equipment, most of the smart robotic arms are displayed. There are super large ones used in the field of engineering production, and some are used in the field of microsurgery in the medical field. Miniature intelligent robotic arms in the field of precision instrument manufacturing. These intelligent robotic arms are powerful, flexible and intelligent, and are therefore widely praised in various fields.

And Haoyu Technology's market share in related fields based on this technology is also increasing. For example, in the field of engineering construction, their large-scale multi-tactile robots are capable of handling many equipment that was difficult for manual and traditional mechanical equipment in the past. So it is very popular.

In the medical field, micro-smart multi-tentacles surgical robots have also been used in many complex microsurgery operations, and gradually replaced many very expensive and heavy Da Vinci and other surgical robots.

In terms of sports medicine equipment, the main display is the medical intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis. Haoyu Technology's medical intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis will now enable tens of thousands of people to have healthy limbs again, and countless people have resumed their normal lives. Because of this, they have received widespread praise. With this item alone, they can get the Nobel Prize, if there are no other factors.

There is also the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system. Like the medical intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis, it has also helped countless paralyzed patients stand up again. The impact it brings is equally huge and praised by others. However, many people like to put the two together, because they all help patients with physical disabilities to return to normal people.

The benefits brought by these two are not only economic, but also come from multiple sources. They also rely on this technology to be rated as the most warm company in the world, and have won many praises and the trust and respect of patients.

Of course, the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, in addition to being used in the field of sports medicine, allowing countless paralyzed patients to stand up again, it is also widely used in the civilian field.

Of course, compared to this, it is more widely used in the military field and attracts more attention.

In the exhibition area, several sets of military intelligent mechanical exoskeleton systems were displayed. And the most interesting one is undoubtedly the intelligent heavy machinery exoskeleton protection system, which is covered by armor and looks like an iron man. In addition to the difference between the appearance and the Mark armor in Iron Man, the other aspects are simply the actual version of the steel suit of the Mark armor.

Although this is only a set of exhibits in the exhibition hall, because of confidentiality, this is just a shell, and many important things have been disassembled and have not been displayed. But it was still extensively'cared for' by these foreign media reporters.

According to information from relevant overseas organizations, Haoyu Technology has developed a number of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton armors for its military. And many have been equipped in frontline elite forces and special operations forces. Even according to reliable information, its military has formed a special new force for these intelligent mechanical exoskeleton armors. This unit has a brand-new combat concept, and also has powerful combat weapons and equipment, so it has a strong combat effectiveness.

It is said that this unit once sent a small team to go deep into a certain area to perform a secret mission. With the help of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton armor and powerful weapon firepower, it met hundreds of enemies in a certain area and severely damaged the enemy army. A troop then completes its mission and returns safely.

This made the enemy very annoyed, and then went deep into the investigation. According to the survivors at the scene, they encountered a group of ‘robots’ wearing armor. In front of this group of robots, they have no resistance. The bullet can't penetrate at all, and the opponent is fast, powerful, and powerful. In front of them, they had absolutely no power to resist, like lambs in front of the butcher.

The enemy army would certainly not agree to such a big scandal, and the army that got cheap would naturally not admit it. So this matter has become an unproven case. Although the two sides denied it, some information was leaked to reveal to the world this fierce battle and the mysterious ‘robot’. This includes descriptions of some experiencers and bystanders, some brief and vague screens, and some photos showing only the tip of the iceberg.

Although the story is too bizarre, it still lets the world know the existence of this mysterious force and the existence of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton armor.

In the exhibition hall, these foreign media reporters finally saw the full picture of this intelligent mechanical exoskeleton armor, and naturally generated a strong interest.

In this regard, some people expressed concern and feared that these foreign media reporters would speculate about the matter after returning, which would affect the company's image. But Wu Hao is relatively calm. In his opinion, instead of explaining and defending himself, it is better to let them guess for themselves. Anyway, they don't explain it, just don't respond.

For civilian use, this intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system has also been used in many fields, such as mountain climbing, extreme off-road, special operations and so on. With it, the wearer can not only obtain huge power assistance, but also be able to carry heavier objects, which makes it widely recognized and welcomed in many fields.

In addition to these exhibits, there are also exhibits that are closely related to ordinary people's such as some digital products, etc., as well as new lithium batteries, super solid-state batteries, and industrial solid-state batteries that Wu Hao and others are proud of. Such as battery technology, as well as super wireless remote charging technology, super battery cluster module management system and so on.

In the field of high-end batteries, Haoyu Technology occupies more than 60% of the world's market share. Such a large market share also makes them an absolute leader in the field of high-end batteries. Even if it is the remaining share, Haoyu Technology's technology can be said to have a huge impact.

As for wireless remote charging technology, the development is becoming more and more mature. In addition to the ordinary low-power short-range wireless protozoan charging technology, Wu Hao and others have also introduced ultra-long-distance wireless remote charging technology and high-power wireless remote charging. Technology.

And they used their latest high-power wireless remote charging technology in their car wireless remote charging station project in cooperation with the State Grid. It is undoubtedly a very ideal result to shorten the charging time of the vehicle to about ten minutes. It can be said that as far as this time is concerned, there is actually not much difference between the refueling time of a traditional gasoline car.

Even if there is a time gap, it has reached a very small part and can be accepted by most.

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