Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1565: Rarely once officially

As the sky gradually darkened, the time for the press conference was getting closer and closer. As the preacher of this summer new product & new technology conference, Wu Hao also came to the backstage and started preparing.

The makeup team began to help him with makeup and styling. Wu Hao also picked up the transparent tablet and kept looking through it, erecting some of the content on the press conference.

As for Lin Wei, she looked at him tenderly on the side. How could Lin Wei not come to such an important annual conference. So she came early this afternoon and stayed with Wu Hao all the time. Although she didn't say much, she was already using her actions to silently support Wu Hao. Wu Hao knew this in her heart and was moved.

At this time, Zhang Jun and the others walked in and looked at Wu Hao, who was making final preparations while doing styling and makeup. They laughed and joked: "Don't say it, it's rare that you are so serious. when."

Wu Hao took a look at these guys, and then smiled and replied: "After all, this press conference will be very different from previous press conferences, and all the elites in the medical field will come here. I must pay attention to it. Get up, you can no longer be so casual, this is the necessary respect for others."

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Zou Xiaodong nodded and said: "The medical profession is like this. The more important the occasion, the more serious you must be."

Zhang Jun nodded and said: "I just watched it. Everyone has almost entered the venue. There are many unexpected guests and guests, many of whom we can't invite, many, many domestic and even international , In the heart and brain, breathing, circulation, and life sciences.

We just tried to give them an invitation at the beginning, and we didn't expect them to show face so much. It was really unexpected. "

"To put it bluntly, now the entire medical community is very concerned about our summer new product & new technology conference, so the pressure is a lot." Zou Xiaodong looked at Wu Hao and sighed with a solemn expression.

The pressure is also on Haozi, what do you sigh. Zhang Jun irritably replied to Zou Xiaodong, and then smiled at Wu Hao and said: "It's okay, let's pack lightly. Whatever we should do, there is nothing to estimate. This is our territory. What should we do? Call the shots."

Well, I don't need stage fright to let you comfort me. Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, then stood up and said to Lin Wei and the others, "How is my body."

This time, Wu Hao changed his casual clothes at the press conference before, but he just got up. He was wearing a white shirt on his upper body, accompanied by trousers and leather shoes on his lower body, and brought a watch that Lin Wei bought for him. The release also asked the stylist to make it and put it on bright wax.

Very handsome! Lin Wei blushed and gave a compliment, then stepped forward to help him organize his shirt.

As for Zhang Jun and the others, they looked at him, and then smiled. Zhang Jun yelled a few strangely and jokingly: "Don't say it, it's really a bit of a beast, a human being like a dog after such a cleanup."

Fuck off! Wu Hao didn't have a good temper.

Ha ha ha ha…

The tense atmosphere in the lounge disappeared immediately, and was instantly filled with smiles.

For Wu Hao, he is not stage fright at this summer new product & new technology conference. But if you are nervous, that's for sure. After all, it was the first time he had experienced such a formal occasion, especially in the face of so many big takers.

After a while, everyone sat down to rest and waited for the press conference to begin. And Zhang Jun also took the opportunity to report something to him.

"This time, many representatives of pharmaceutical technology giants have come. Basically, we have not invited, domestic and international, and most of them are at the senior management level. It seems that they resisted us this time. The summer new product & new technology conference is also very concerned."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "This is inevitable. We have not been in the pharmaceutical technology industry for a long time, but the launch of a series of blockbuster technological achievements has indeed stung the fragile nerves of these pharmaceutical technology giants. For many For the pharmaceutical technology giants, our pharmaceutical scientific and technological achievements can be said to be grabbing food from their mouths. How can they be calm?

In addition to the preheating of this summer new product & new technology conference, we disclosed that we will release a series of blockbuster medical technology achievements. With the previous experience, they can't pay attention to it.

As for those who come here are all senior executives, I am not surprised. On the one hand, they can come to see how much they value us, and they want to explore it personally so that they can formulate more detailed response strategies. On the other hand, it does not rule out that they came to seek cooperation with us. "

Hearing Wu Hao's analysis, Zhang Jun gave a thumbs up and said: "Awesome, you are right. There are several pharmaceutical giant companies that have expressed a very strong willingness to cooperate with us.

In this regard, I did not refuse, but said that we have a lot of room for cooperation with them, but the specific cooperation is still subject to detailed discussion. "

this is correct. Wu Hao acknowledged: "As far as we are concerned, it is indeed inappropriate for us to engage with these pharmaceutical technology giants. This is not conducive to our future development in this field. Even if we have advanced pharmaceutical technology achievements, we can't stand it from these pharmaceuticals. The joint targeting of tech giants.

In addition, we and these pharmaceutical technology giants are not completely competing against each other. On the contrary, we can also cooperate with them in some areas.

For example, a series of our medical technology achievements, UU reading www.uukanshu. In this respect, com can use the channel of the other party for promotion, which is conducive to our rapid expansion of market share. Moreover, the access and promotion of our medical technology products in overseas regions and countries still need their power in this regard. "

Tong Juan nodded and smiled: "We think so too, so we promised to have further contacts and discussions on possible cooperation areas and projects between the two sides in the future, and strive to promote the success of project cooperation.

The other party is very interested in our new medicine and wants to obtain agency rights in overseas countries and regions. "

Wu Hao heard the words and thought for a while, then looked at several people and asked, "What do you think?"

I think it can be given. Tong Juan first said: "As far as our own strength is concerned, it is indeed impossible to promote the access and promotion of our drugs overseas. We still need to rely on their strength.

Therefore, the early cooperation is inevitable, and it is also very beneficial to our overseas market expansion. So I am more inclined to agree to cooperate with them at this stage. As for the future, we can make decisions based on market reactions. "

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