Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1569: Artificial eyes?

"With such an excellent curative effect, we believe that it can be used not only as a prescription drug, but also as a daily prevention and treatment drug for the people or some daily necessities and foods with prevention and treatment functions.

As everyone knows, the interference rate of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach remains high in the world, and it is difficult to carry out prevention and treatment. The treatment process is long and the side effects are relatively large, which also makes its prevention and treatment work unsatisfactory.

The emergence of this new drug can greatly compensate for this defect and make the prevention and treatment of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach easier.

Our patients can obtain high-purity prescription drugs through prescriptions in hospitals or regular pharmacies, and they can also purchase some low-concentration over-the-counter drugs. Of course, we people can also use daily ointments, mouthwashes, or chewing gum, throat lozenges, biscuits, drinks, etc., for daily prevention and treatment. The overall prevention and treatment effect is also very ideal. "

"We hope that with the joint efforts of everyone, the extremely harmful pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori in the stomach will disappear from our human body, so that it can no longer affect our human health.

Food is a gift from God to us humans. We hope that everyone can have a healthy gastrointestinal tract and enjoy all kinds of things to the full without being troubled by stomach problems.

What we have done today is only a small step, but I believe this is a very good start. I hope that with the joint efforts of all of us, this ideal can eventually become a reality. "

Bang bang bang...

After a round of applause, Wu Hao, who had finished replenishing water, placed the mineral water bottle in his hand and smiled at everyone, "In fact, the successful development of this new drug has also opened up new ideas for us.

In our opinion, since this super phage can be cultivated by us to specifically target Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, can we continue to cultivate it to target other harmful bacteria? For example, some severe bacterial infections, as well as bacterial infection wounds, as well as some bacterial pneumonia, liver and kidney diseases and so on.

Can we use this super phage virus to kill these bacteria, so as to achieve the effect of curing the disease? "

Glancing at the interested people in the audience, Wu Hao spread out his hands and said with a smile: "Of course, this is just an idea of ​​ours. Whether it can be realized or not is yet to be studied later.

The good news is that research in this area has also begun, and the current progress is relatively smooth. Of course, there will also be some problems. For example, we need a large number of scientific researchers with rich knowledge and experience in related fields, and experts will join in and work with us to promote the research work of these projects.

Here, on behalf of the company, on behalf of the Center for Biological and Life Sciences Research, I would like to extend a sincere invitation to researchers, experts, and outstanding graduates in this field. You are welcome to join us and let us work together to do a vigorous and vigorous event. . Perhaps you will appear in the epoch history of humans overcoming diseases in the future. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, there was a burst of laughter in the audience, followed by enthusiastic applause. The reason everyone laughed was that Wu Hao's wishful thinking was so good that he made the best use of everything and directly hit the job advertisement at his home press conference. As for the enthusiastic applause, everyone was moved and admired by Wu Hao's grand dream and goal. It was then that they gave the enthusiastic applause in tribute.

The applause gradually fell, and with a short film, Wu Hao, who adjusted his thoughts, stood on the stage, watching everyone under the stage smile and preaching.

The technology I want to talk about below, in fact, everyone has already known before, this is the intelligent bionic electronic eye project we are doing.

After Wu Hao's words fell, a short introduction video began to play. Wu Hao took the opportunity to take a sip of water. Although there is air conditioning in the hall, it can't hold so many people, so it's still a bit hot. In addition, I kept talking, my voice started to smoke a little. Therefore, whenever he is free, he must replenish moisture in time, on the one hand, moisturize his throat to prevent premature hoarseness of the throat, which will affect the effect of subsequent preaching. On the other hand, it is also to avoid heatstroke and collapse caused by too high temperature and too fast physical exertion.

At the end of the short film, Wu Hao's figure reappeared in everyone's field of vision. He did not speak, but stretched out his right hand, then tapped his finger in the air, and then a ball appeared in the air.

The sphere was constantly changing, like a fruit, like a wheel, like the sun, moon and stars, and finally changed into an eyeball. The whole eyeball is like glass, very warm and moist, with surrounding reflections scattered on it.

"This is our smart bionic electronic artificial eye. Compared with the original engineering prototype, we have successfully made it the size of a human eyeball. In such a small volume, we have integrated our company's imaging technology in light and shadow lenses. , Image data information processing, human-computer interaction system and a series of global cutting-edge technologies.

Combining so many technologies is not easy in itself, and it is even more difficult to concentrate them in such a small volume.

And we did it, we did it inside this eyeball. "

Wu Hao pinched the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye floating in the void with two fingers, and then showed it to everyone: "From the appearance, it is actually no different from the artificial eyeball worn by our blind patients, but relatively speaking, it is more It is more realistic, especially for the depiction of the eyeballs more real and natural. Even if you look at it at close range, it is difficult to find the difference.

Of course, this is not its biggest feature. Its biggest feature is that it can truly replace the function of the human eye and help blind patients restore their light.

We only need to transplant it into the patient's orbit, UU reading www.uukanshu. After a period of restorative training, com can restore the light to the patient. "

How can this be?

Hearing Wu Hao's preaching, the audience immediately exploded. The guests talked about it one after another, obviously not believing in the content of Wu Hao's preaching.

The same is true for media reporters. They don't care about whether this technology is true or not. What they care about is how to transmit this heavy news and seize the headlines.

This is especially true on the Internet. The entire conference was broadcast live online, so netizens also heard Wu Hao's preaching content for the first time. Like the experts, they naturally did not believe them one by one.

In their opinion, this is simply incredible, and it completely subverts their cognition. How is it possible that the current technology has developed to such a level? Has it really created artificial eyeballs? Why are you so unbelievable?

And these reactions from the audience were really seen by Wu Hao who was on the stage, but he did not panic, but stood smiling.

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