Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1575: What kind of technology is this?

"So amazing?" Little Ma was obviously surprised.

The woman in the white suit nodded and said: "This technology is absolutely groundbreaking, and the significance it represents is self-evident. If there is no interference from external factors, I think this year's Nobel Prize should be guaranteed.

Of course, the meaning it brings to mankind is by no means comparable to a Nobel Prize. "

"In fact, I think you have not paid attention to one thing, and that is the technical achievements of Haoyu Technology in the field of brain-computer interaction technology. This time the core of this technology is the brain-computer interaction technology. We can do other aspects, but Brain-computer interaction technology, this is the frontier technology field that the world is scrambling to study.

Although various countries and some companies have achieved corresponding results, compared with the brain-computer interaction technology on this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye, it is insignificant and incomparable at all. "The middle-aged man in his fifties with glasses started to analyze.

What you say is true, Haoyu Technology's achievements in brain-computer interaction technology are really terrifying. Xiao Ma nodded and said.

We are currently not involved in the pharmaceutical industry, so we have no communication or competition with them. The middle-aged woman in a white suit said to Xiao Ma, "However, we must pay attention to the operation of this technology in other fields, especially the Internet and media and entertainment fields. For example, brain-computer interaction systems. This technology is in the Internet field and in the media. There is huge market potential in the entertainment field.

According to the maturity of the brain-computer interaction technology on this intelligent bionic electronic eye, there is no problem in applying them to daily game audio-visual entertainment equipment. "

I agree. A middle-aged man in his fifties with glasses nodded and responded: "Once Haoyu Technology releases products in this area, it will definitely have a huge impact on the existing entertainment and media markets. In addition, they have been in virtual reality before. I am afraid that other entertainment companies will no longer be able to compete head-on with them because of their huge advantages in the field.

I think we should start preparations early in this regard. On the one hand, we should prevent the impact and impact of its related product launches. On the other hand, we must also make a choice. In the future, we should develop the media and entertainment industry to the end. How to come and go. "

Do you mean to give up this piece directly? Little Ma frowned.

The middle-aged man in his fifties with glasses shook his head: "This is our main profit point, how can we just give up?

Once we give up, let's not talk about our market. The decline in stock prices alone is not something we can bear.

And after giving up, we will only have instant messaging and social networking. This market is getting worse and worse. In particular, Haoyu Technology does not allow us to enter the two major platforms of virtual reality and mobile augmented reality, and continue to stick to the traditional Internet and mobile communication equipment, which is a dead end for us. "

It can't be said that it is a dead end, it can still survive, but the situation will definitely be unimaginable at that time. The middle-aged woman in the white suit also nodded solemnly.

So what should we do now? Xiao Ma stared at the two and asked.

The middle-aged woman in the white shirt looked at the middle-aged man in his fifties with glasses, and then hesitated at Xiao Ma before saying: "Cooperation, I think only cooperation can break the situation. While other companies have not reacted yet. , Coupled with the good personal relationship between you and Wu Hao, we should take the initiative to seek cooperation and strive to win before others.

In this way, not only will we not be earlier than the crisis, but also-->>

It may take this to another step. "

The middle-aged man in his fifties with glasses nodded when he heard the words: "If I agree with him, cooperation is the best choice. Of course, if you don’t choose to cooperate, if you don’t choose to cooperate, you can only We have independently researched and developed. But we are not sure how long it will take us from now on to keep up with the development pace of Haoyu Technology in related fields. Or we can invest in related companies and projects to support their development, which also requires a Long process.

Once the technological advantage is established, it is too difficult for others to compete. "

After hearing the words of the two, Xiao Ma nodded, and then gave each of them a cup of tea, and then took a sip from the teacup, and watched the big-screen TV and said, "Let’s watch the press conference first."

The two men and women in the office picked up their tea cups and looked at each other. Then they stopped making a sound and silently watched the screen.

At the press conference, after a short video was played, Wu Hao reappeared in everyone's field of vision, and then smiled professionally at everyone.

"Next, this technology is still related to medical technology. I think it should be our greatest invention in the field of medical technology so far, and it is also a cross-age technology that I think is sufficient to record the history of medical development."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone at the scene, including those who were watching the live broadcast, became curious. What kind of technology it is, it is worthy of Wu Hao's solemn introduction and such a high evaluation.

Wu Hao did not continue to speak, but under everyone's attention, he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.


With the crisp snapping of the fingers, in everyone's field of vision, the entire conference site has undergone earth-shaking changes. This is a bit of smart MR mixed reality display technology. I saw countless red petals floating in the whole scene, just like putting everyone in a sea of ​​petals at once. The petals flew in the air and then quickly gathered red blood vessels. Then These blood vessels converged on the top of Wu Hao's head, and eventually formed a heart that kept beating.

And as Wu Hao stretched out his hands, the beating heart floating in the air shrank and flew into Wu Hao's hands, still beating.

Heart, this is heart 1

Is it possible that Haoyu Technology has made great technological achievements in the field of heart technology.

No, didn’t artificial hearts exist for a long time? There are artificial hearts, which are said to have been realized?

Under everyone's attention Wu Hao folded his hands together, pressed the heart into the palm of his hand, and then emitted a dazzling red light burst into Wu Hao's hands, then disappeared.

"Yes, today we will release the world's first intelligent bionic artificial heart that we have developed to the world."

Gosh, it's really the heart.

What is the difference between the intelligent bionic artificial heart and the current artificial heart and artificial heart?

I am looking forward to it, is it as shocking as the intelligent bionic electronic eye.

God, I look forward to this heart more than the eyes in front. I need it.

The eyes are gone, it is nothing more than being plunged into darkness, but you can still live in the world. And if the heart is gone, then the whole person is gone.

What kind of technology is this, Wu Hao had to introduce it so strongly.


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