Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1581: "Change Heart"

As a summary introduction video ended, Wu Hao opened his hands and announced to everyone:

"This is our smart bionic artificial heart!"

Bang bang bang...

Immediately, all the guests on the scene stood and applauded and cheered. In their opinion, this is indeed the most perfect artificial organ produced by mankind so far. If all the data are true, this intelligent bionic artificial heart can be applied to some patients first, thus saving many lives.

From this point of view, Haoyu Technology’s pre-heating publicity is not false and exaggerated, and this product is enough to benefit all mankind, and it is enough to be recorded in the history of human medicine development.

Waiting for the applause to end, Wu Hao continued speaking to everyone.

"After introducing so much, I believe everyone is more concerned about whether this intelligent bionic artificial heart has been used in clinical practice and how effective it is."

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene calmed down, staring at Wu Hao on the stage, looking forward to his answer.

And Wu Hao didn't disappoint everyone, he smiled and nodded: "Yes, this smart bionic artificial heart has been successfully used in the clinic by us, and it has saved the lives of two patients."

Seeing everyone’s expressions of surprise and joy, Wu Hao smiled and continued to introduce: “After our intelligent bionic artificial heart was developed, we immediately started related testing experiments, mainly on experimental animals. Through a series of experiments, we found that The performance of this smart bionic artificial heart is excellent, even surprising.

These are the two experimental macaques we used for testing. They all come from a commercial company that specializes in breeding and breeding such experimental animals.

After we installed the intelligent bionic artificial heart for these two macaques, their physical signs were not affected in any way, and they returned to normal, just like normal macaques. Now these two macaques have survived for more than 400 days, and their physical signs are still healthy. They are kept in our special laboratory, and everyone can see them tomorrow.

After completing a series of related experimental projects including animal experiments, we immediately began to prepare for clinical trials and recruited relevant experimental subjects, that is, volunteers.

Because of the huge risks of this clinical trial, we were extra cautious when selecting subjects for clinical trials. The selected patients are all patients with severe heart disease. Their heart disease has reached a very serious stage, and there is no treatment except for the accident.

Everyone knows the difficulty of heart transplantation, the most difficult of which is not the difficulty of the operation, but the difficulty of matching the heart source. There are so many heart disease patients, and the source of heart that can be matched is very limited. It can be said that tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people are rushing for a source of heart.

This is not something you can do if you have money and power, you have to consider the timing, and more importantly, the chance. Many patients regretted that they missed it because of a little difference.

The subjects of clinical trials we are in contact with are such patients. For them, this is undoubtedly a hope and opportunity to regain their lives. Although the risk is great, at this stage, they can't think about anything.

Under clinical trials, the operation may fail and die directly. And if you give up this opportunity, you can only wait for the illusory heart transplant opportunity, and then die chronically.

Therefore, most of the patients we have contacted are willing to take a risk. As a result, we have received many applications for clinical trials.

Then we began to screen these clinical trial applications and select some eligible patients. Because it is a phase one clinical trial, we are extremely cautious about this, and we have repeatedly considered and deliberated in the selection of clinical trials.

In the end, we selected 30 patients and prepared for further screening, and finally selected several clinical trial patients to officially enter the clinical trial.

But at this moment, two of the patients were suddenly dying. One of the patients had his heart stopped three times in one day, and each time was very dangerous.

According to the doctor's diagnosis, the patient may die at any time if the heart transplant is not performed.

All the patients and their families immediately found us, asking us to immediately perform smart bionic artificial heart implant surgery for the patients.

Of course, this is not in line with the relevant regulations, but the patients and their families have a strong willingness. The patient’s daughter is very filial. In order to persuade us, she took the initiative to prepare a relevant exemption letter and also recorded a related video, explaining the reasons in detail.

In addition, the patient's daughter also sent related emails to me and many colleagues in the company. Even to beg us, she personally found our scientific research expert in charge of this clinical trial, and directly knelt down and pleaded.

All of us were moved by this. We also have parents. We can naturally experience the panic and sadness of losing a loved one, as well as the desire for last hope.

Therefore, in the spirit of humanity, we are not willing to watch a life pass away because of some rigid regulations.

Therefore, after quick consultation with relevant departments, we finally decided to make an exception to perform the first intelligent bionic artificial heart transplant for this patient.

Immediately we started the relevant preparations for the operation, including a further comprehensive examination of the patient's body to assess the risk of the operation. Then there is the invitation of well-known extracardiac surgery experts to participate in the entire surgical process.

In addition, we also sent a professional technical support team to solve related technical problems in the operating room. "

"Because the patient's condition is serious and his life is in danger at any time, we decided to perform the operation as soon as possible. The patient is very happy to have this clinical trial opportunity. In his words, he thanks us for our efforts regardless of the operation. He joked. I have now stepped into the ghost gate with two feet, and someone is dragging him behind him, playing tug-of-war with Yan Wangye to grab the head."

"After completing the relevant preparations, the patient was immediately pushed into the operating room, and the transplantation of the first intelligent bionic artificial heart officially began.

The doctors need to first remove the patient's heart that is riddled with holes, stuffed with various stents, and has been severely deformed, then repair the window, and then replace it with this intelligent bionic artificial heart.

Although it is the first intelligent bionic artificial heart transplantation operation, the whole operation process is progressing very smoothly. The entire operation time is less than four hours, which can be said to be very fast.

For the patient, he did not feel any pain. After the operation, he was transferred to the ICU intensive care unit, and his physical characteristics were normal. "

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