Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1585: Intelligent bionic electronic kidney

   Chapter 1586 Smart Bionic Electronic Kidney

   Taking advantage of the introduction video, Wu Hao stepped off the stage and took a short break, drank saliva, and the makeup artist also took the opportunity to patch up his bottoms.

  Although there is air-conditioning and cooling, it can’t hold so many people. With this preaching, the back is already wet with sweat, and the makeup on the face is a little fuzzy.

  This is a global live broadcast, so the makeup artist hurried over to make up for him to make sure the image is intact.

  Returning to the stage, Wu Hao continued: "Next we will release one of our only bionic electronic organ projects, which is the intelligent bionic artificial kidney."

"Everyone knows that the kidney is one of the most important organs in the human body. It produces urine to remove and metabolize metabolites and certain wastes and poisons in the body. At the same time, it can also retain water and other useful substances, such as glucose. , Protein, amino acids, sodium ions, potassium ions, sodium bicarbonate, etc., to adjust water and electrolyte balance and maintain acid-base balance.

  In addition, the kidney also has endocrine functions, which can produce renin, erythropoietin, active vitamin D3, prostaglandin, kinin, etc., and can also be the degradation site of part of the body's endocrine hormones and the target organ of extrarenal hormones.

  It is precisely because of this that the kidney side can also be the most important metabolic organ in the human body, which can ensure the normal metabolism of the human body and ensure that the body's circulatory system is in a normal and healthy state.

  Because of this, the kidney is also one of the organs most prone to disease. Every year, tens of millions of people die from kidney disease in the world.

  At present, there is a very mature and complete treatment method for kidney disease in medicine, but for some serious kidney disease, it can only go to dialysis and kidney transplantation.

  Moreover, the effect of most patients after transplantation is actually not very satisfactory. Many patients eventually relapse and die.

  At present, for patients with such severe kidney disease, our medical researchers have developed dialysis equipment to assist the kidneys to complete the circulation, purification and removal of body fluids. With this technology, it also enables those patients with severe kidney disease to survive for many years with this technology.

  But because of continuous dialysis, it is a torture for the patient, and dialysis cannot be performed all the time, and the accumulation of toxins in the body is also a kind of damage to the patient's body.

  So can we develop a mini dialysis machine, put it into the patient's body, and help the patient to circulate and filter the body fluid all the time.

  In fact, the principle of the dialysis machine sounds very simple, you can think of it as a water purifier or a pre-filter. Only one is to filter the impurities in the water, and the other is to filter the harmful substances in the blood.

  The technology in this area is actually very mature. What we have to do is to be able to shrink it and put it into the patient's body.

  How to shrink such a large device into the patient's body is the biggest problem we face. And this involves many disciplines, which also gave our scientific research team a very huge test.

  After repeated discussions and research with domestic and even international kidney disease medical experts, our scientific research team has proposed a total of three design schemes, which can also be regarded as three directions.

  First of all, the first design scheme is to perform extracorporeal circulation, but it is to reduce the huge dialysis equipment to the size that the patient can wear at any time. Then you can carry it with you for filtration at any time and perform extracorporeal circulation filtration. Although this will carry one thing, it has little effect on the patient's normal life. And from the technical point of view, it is relatively easy to implement.

  This kind of scheme is conservative, but it is more feasible and easy to realize. And the impact on patients is minimal. Through our questionnaires with many patients, the patients are quite acceptable to this approach. "

"OK, the second design plan is to engage in internal circulation, but not to replace the kidneys, but to assist the kidneys to perform related circulatory filtering and clearing work. Simply put, it is to implant a device in the kidneys and then assist the kidneys to complete the related tasks. The loop filter clear function.

  This idea is good, but the operating space is relatively small and the difficulty is relatively large. The difficulty here not only refers to the difficulty of technical research and development of the implanted device, but also the difficulty of the implantation operation, and the risk control in the life of the patient after the operation.

  The kidney is not compared to other organs. It is very fragile and easily fragmented. It is very difficult to implant a device in such an organ. And because of its kidney disease, the equipment undoubtedly increases its burden. In this way, the patient may exercise a little vigorously after the operation, which can cause the kidney of the implanted device to tear, break, and so on. Therefore, we are very cautious about this design scheme. "

"As for the third design plan, it is more radical. According to the design team's idea, it is directly in place in one step, just like the development of an intelligent bionic artificial heart to replace the patient's heart. Why can't an intelligent bionic electronic kidney be created? To replace the patient’s kidneys.

The idea of ​​   is indeed bold, but technically speaking, it is also the most difficult. The function of the kidney is not as single as the heart, it is very complicated. But from the two functions of filtering and removing harmful substances and secreting urine, UU reading is more difficult, and it must be reduced to the size of a human kidney, and the weight must be strictly controlled.

  This is undoubtedly a nightmare requirement for the entire R&D work.

  What's more, the function of the kidney is more than that, it can also secrete adrenaline, prostaglandin, kinin and other material elements. How to implement such a function is also one of the most important problems that plague the technology R&D team.

  Although the technology is very difficult, in terms of long-term development, this technology is undoubtedly the most promising.

   Therefore, after some in-depth research and demonstration, we decided to abandon the second set of plans and focus on the research work of the third set of plans, taking into account the technical research of the first set of plans.

  After the unremitting efforts of our scientific research team, we finally completed the first physical model of the smart bionic electronic kidney in May this year, and successfully passed the experiment.

  Look at everyone. In the photo, this is our smart bionic artificial kidney. It is an engineering prototype in the scientific research stage, so it looks a little messy and has a relatively large size.

  But in terms of function, it has been able to simulate most of the functions of the real kidney. Moreover, the performance in the experiment is still very eye-catching, and the result is very gratifying. "

  (End of this chapter)

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