Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1588: Technology with peers is not on one level

   Chapter 1589 The technology with peers is not on the same level

  This night, some people slept very sweetly, some were trying to prove themselves, and many others remained awake all night.

  All kinds of news triggered by this conference, all kinds of news flooded the front pages of major media, and also flooded with various Internet platform communities and forums.

  The country is at night, so the people affected by this news are still relatively limited. Europe and the United States are in the daytime, so news reports about these products and technologies at the press conference are flooding the front pages of major news in Europe and the United States, and there is even more noise on the Internet.

  There are three medical products that were actually released at this conference, namely, a special medicine for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection, an intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye and an intelligent bionic artificial heart. As for the smart bionic electronic kidney released later, only related technical results were announced at the press conference, which is far from being put into clinical trials, let alone the subsequent stem cell cloning and cultivation technology and biological 3D printing technology.

  From this point of view, the types of products released at this conference are still relatively small. However, each of these technological achievements is enough to cause a worldwide sensation.

  First of all, it is the most inconspicuous special medicine for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach. This special medicine seems a little unremarkable, of course compared to the subsequent technical achievements. But such a special medicine is also very much anticipated by the medical profession. Helicobacter pylori has a strong ability to infect. It is currently said that more than half of people in the world are infected with Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. And Helicobacter pylori is one of the culprits that cause the stomach, and people only discovered the harm of this pathogen at a very late time.

  Currently, the treatment methods for Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach are almost the same all over the world, using triple-quadruple therapy and a large number of antibiotics for treatment. The treatment cycle is long, so the side effects of the drug are also huge. Especially for patients with other diseases, the use of such large doses of triple-quadruple therapy drugs will cause huge damage to the patients. Even ordinary people will be affected to some extent by taking drugs in this way.

  And even if the treatment is over and the Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach is cleared, the risk of rapid secondary infection cannot be ruled out.

  The drug itself uses super phage, which is a virus. It has no harm to the human body and no side effects, so it can be taken very safely to kill Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

  If this drug can be successfully launched on the market, it will be able to help humans completely eliminate the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach, thereby greatly helping humans get rid of the occurrence of gastric diseases, and it will also be able to save millions of lives every year.

  But the value created by this drug is enough to make it one of the greatest technologies of the year.

  Of course, some media have paid attention to the market value of this drug. According to the current world, there are about 3 billion people facing the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach. Such a huge market will create a multi-million-dollar pharmaceutical market for Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology.

  Such a huge income is enough to make everyone jealous.

  And this is just an appetizer, the next intelligent bionic electronic eye can be said to amaze everyone in the world. Everyone has never thought that the current level of technology can produce such amazing technical products.

  Haoyu Technology can actually create electronic eyeballs that can only be programmed in science fiction movies, and it has been applied to patients in clinical trials. That pair of photos with blue eyes gleaming has also become the layout photos of major media.

  It’s amazing. Everyone has never thought that such a technology can now appear to create bionic electronic eyes that can be brought into human eye sockets to help people restore their vision. This can be said to have subverted everyone’s cognition to a certain extent.

  Because in people’s perception, the eye is the most fragile organ in the human body. Once damaged, it is difficult to heal. Although the current ophthalmology research has yielded very good results, it is simply impossible to restore light to patients whose eyeballs are completely damaged.

  Even including the most common myopia diseases, what medicine can do at present is correction rather than treatment. All myopia cannot be cured, and intelligence can be restored to normal through correction.

  The cornea of ​​the eye looks like a biofilm, but according to the current human technology, there is still no way to make artificial products. At present, only living-body transplantation technology is used for treatment. To put it bluntly, the donor’s cornea is removed and implanted on the patient’s eye to replace the patient’s original damaged cornea.

  This kind of medical treatment is currently considered to be at the leading level in the world, but in terms of technology or method, it looks very rudimentary or even primitive.

  In addition, it includes lens implant surgery and fundus repair surgery. These operations are only minor repairs to Yanjing to restore its health.

  The intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye technology released this time is a new way to directly create an artificial eyeball. If you just go here, there is nothing unusual, because artificial eyes are actually very common, like camera lenses, surveillance cameras can be regarded as a kind of bionic eye technology.

At the beginning of this smart bionic electronic artificial eye technology, it was to connect the artificial eye with the visual center of the human brain. This is the brain-computer interaction technology, also known as the human-machine interface and these, It is all done by a small brain-computer chip implanted in the fundus of the eye. This technology is undoubtedly the most interesting to everyone, and it is also the most critical and mysterious in this intelligent bionic electronic eye technology. Even at the press conference, regarding this aspect of technology, Wu Hao just skimmed past it lightly, not willing to go into details.

  Although Wu Hao does not talk about it, from the results presented at the press conference, Haoyu Technology is absolutely at the international leading level in brain-computer interaction technology or human-computer interface technology. And compared with the same type of technology of other companies, the brain-computer interaction technology demonstrated by Haoyu Technology is obviously more mature and more advanced.

  More importantly, other companies are still in the theoretical research stage, and Haoyu Technology has entered clinical trials, and its performance is very impressive. The gap is self-evident.

  And what everyone is more amazed is that the brain-computer interaction technology demonstrated this time is two-way, rather than a single output technology of other companies.

  The brain-computer interaction technology demonstrated this time can not only allow the intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye to transmit image images to the patient's brain, but also allow the brain to control the intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye as it wishes to perform related image zooming, focusing and other functions. In this respect, it is not on the same level as the brain-computer technology displayed by those companies.

  (End of this chapter)

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