Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1621: The probing of pharmaceutical giants

Sure enough, just as Wu Hao had expected, Zhang Jun took Tong Juan into Wu Hao's office in a hurry.

He also leaked a look of disapproval: "It's too much. These Western media are really opening their eyes and telling lies. When do we take control of the lives of all human beings, and when do we play with life and death.

Why do they come up with some technology is to contribute to all mankind, we make something is to play with life?

Let us also hand over the technology, the beauty of thinking, white people dreaming! "

Looking at Zhang Jun’s anger, Wu Hao smiled and pressed his hand and said: “What are you doing so excited? You don’t know what the nature of these Western media is. Don’t we? Is it clear, why bother to be so angry.

Okay, sit down and have a cup of tea to calm down your emotions. Not only can anger not solve the problem, it can easily affect your decision. "

Speaking, Wu Hao picked up two tea cups with a shelf, then blanched them with boiling water, and then filled them with clear tea.

Upon seeing this, Tong Juan sat down with a smile, while Zhang Jun opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but when the words reached her mouth, she swallowed, and then sat down with a sulky sullen expression. Pinch the teacup with his fingers and drink it all at once, then put the teacup heavily on the table.

"I said you can really calm down, and those foreign media report that, don't you worry?"

Is hurry useful?

Wu Hao asked with a smile, and then picked up the purple sand teapot to give Zhang Jun a new cup, which was a long way to go.

"The reaction of the Western media was completely expected and not unexpected, so it is not surprising. What these media represent is nothing more than the opinions and voices of some Western pharmaceutical giants, capital and some groups, and they cannot represent them. all.

In fact, you can view them as a form of tentative behavior, or as a means of suppression and pressure. "

Mr. Wu is right, this is indeed a temptation. Once our medical technology achievements come out, they will inevitably harm the inherent interests of these international pharmaceutical giants. For example, our drugs for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach can make other pharmaceutical giants similar drugs lose a large part of the market. Not to mention the bionic electronic prosthetic eye and bionic artificial heart we launched, which undoubtedly touched the interests of the other party. So the other party's reaction is expected.

Speaking of this, Tong Juan said with a smile: "However, we don't have to worry too much. For one thing, there is no need. We just need to promote these medical technology achievements according to our inherent rhythm and plan. After all, for us, The opinions of these pharmaceutical giants are not important, but our own products are important. As long as our products are excellent, we are not afraid of any conspiracy they use.

Secondly, these pharmaceutical giants seem to react strongly, but in fact they are strong in the outside world. In fact, the pharmaceutical technology industry is the same as the high-tech industry, and the technical strength is overwhelming. In the face of advanced technology, all other struggles are futile.

And compared with the high-tech industry, the medical technology industry has stronger technical advantages. Unless these pharmaceutical giants have similar technological achievements that are more advanced than ours, they cannot stop our development.

High-tech fields can be suppressed, banned, or not used, but in the field of medical technology, it is difficult to ban and suppress. Those patients are not like those who are yelling and screaming, and they won't let their lives and illnesses come to shout slogans and raise their ambitions. "

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, but still said: "Although so, we can't mention the whole country lightly. Everyone knows what those people in the West are like over the years. They are more shameless than we thought. , And there is no bottom line.

So the preparations that should be made are still to be done, and those that should be resisted must also be resolutely resisted. We must keep up with public opinion and make our voice heard so that the public knows our proposition and our goodwill. "

Yes, I will hurry up and do this.

Tong Juan nodded and replied: "Do you think we should post a statement on our official website and overseas social accounts, and respond first."

Wu Hao thought for a while, and then nodded: "Yes, but pay attention to the tone of the wording, be a little tougher, and can't be led by the nose. We have to control the initiative.

After the announcement, you have to use our overseas PR media resources to spread it out as soon as possible. "

Okay, I'll let people get started. After the announcement comes out, I will submit it to you for review and then send it out. Tong Juan stood up and responded to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded, then watched Tong Juan leave. After the office door was closed again, Wu Hao said at Zhang Jun: "You, you are the general manager of an international technology giant company. Can you pay attention to your words and deeds? What kind of bluffing, what it looks like when it spreads out."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun smiled and said: "Isn't I here with you, and there are no outsiders, so I vented a bit. Don't worry, I am definitely not like this outside."

Wu Hao shook his head, then picked up the tea cup again, smelled the fragrance of the tea, and then asked Zhang Jun, "How are you talking with the representatives of the pharmaceutical companies these days?"

Hearing Wu Hao asking about business matters, Zhang Jun also put aside a smile, and said with a serious face: "According to your wishes, after two days of drying, these people's attitudes really softened a lot. But the real talk hasn't changed much. UU Reading People like still stick to their original propositions. They just have a lot of sincerity in the distribution of benefits, and some of the quotes given are still good.

The pharmaceutical companies with the prefixes of the Chinese characters have converged a lot, but they are almost the same as before. They are still the same. They will do ideological work for you at every turn, play emotional cards, and then go online.

According to what you said, we decisively refused. But these people did not give up, but were still entangled. I have answered a lot of calls these days, all of them are lobbyists, and I'm quite stressed. "

Wu Hao nodded in sympathy when he heard the words, not just Zhang Jun, he also answered a lot of calls these days, and they were all persuading. But in this regard, Wu Hao's attitude is still very firm, cooperation is possible, show sincerity, and then talk about other things.

Without sincerity, it is impossible to just play with these empty heads, and he is absolutely impossible to agree, let alone admit it easily. Even if this lawsuit is fought to the sky, he still has an argument.

Of course, there are some sincere partners among them. However, in front of the big giants, the capabilities of these partners seem to be somewhat stretched, and this is obviously not their ideal partner.

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