Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1624: Fiery August

   Chapter 1625 Hot August

  Of course, these departments are not only speaking out, but also taking corresponding actions. For example, sending people to conduct inspections, organizing technical seminars conducted by experts in various fields, and so on.

  Through a series of investigations and researches, each department finally has a basic understanding of the details of these technical achievements. The more we understand the details, the more we can see the extraordinary of these technologies.

  After affirming these achievements in medical technology, related resources, funds, and related policies are also connected one after another. These several medical technology products have also been included in the key support projects for national medical technology achievements. Multiple departments will form joint shifts to open up green channels to jointly promote these technical achievements through clinical trials and expert group assessments as soon as possible. Get listed as soon as possible.

  With so many departments concerned, the progress of these projects has been significantly faster. Of course, Wu Hao and the others like to hear about it. Because these medical technology products are on the market as soon as possible, they will be able to recover the cost and make a profit as soon as possible.

  Be aware that although they have a lot of profitable projects and have substantial revenues, they cannot hold up so many cash-burning projects. There are a lot of places to spend money later, so they must start preparing in advance.

  No matter how hot the news is, it will be gradually forgotten over time. The same goes for Wu Hao's press conference. Over time, the public's attention to it has gradually decreased.

  This also made Wu Hao and the others more or less relieved, they were under constant attention before, which made them somewhat stressed. Because whether it is a person, a company, or other substances, the most fearful thing is to be paid attention to, being put under the microscope, so that all its advantages and disadvantages are exposed. People may not pay too much attention to the advantages, but to the shortcomings and shortcomings, they are particularly concerned.

  No matter how perfect people and companies or materials are concerned, they will find their shortcomings if they are so concerned. During this period of attention, Wu Hao and others, including some of the company's existing and existing problems, have also been relisted. Although these problems have been solved very well, and they are all over, they can't hold back someone to dig, so they were once again used as ammunition for an attack, which annoyed them.

  Fortunately, the heat is getting off now, and both positive and negative messages have gradually disappeared.

  Entering August, the weather is unusually hot. Although the headquarters of Haoyu Technology is located in the suburbs and there is Linghu Wetland Park nearby, the high temperature remains, but it is much stronger than the urban area.

  In response to this situation, Wu Hao and others have also taken relevant measures. For example, non-busy departments can organize employees to take summer vacations, and important busy departments increase high temperature subsidies.

  Of course, for this year's Haoyu Technology, there are very few busy departments, and most departments are very busy. Especially after the press conference has just been held, there are more things coming with it, which also makes Wu Hao and the others extremely busy.

   However, compared to business matters, Wu Hao’s focus is still on technical research. And what attracted their most attention in August, of course, was their second unmanned experimental spacecraft launch mission.

  This launch is still at the Northwest Manned Space Launch Center, and the Jianmu-5 rocket is still used. Compared with the first unmanned experimental spacecraft launch mission, this launch experiment will test the overall performance of the entire manned spacecraft, especially the life support maintenance system.

  This time, the spacecraft will be in orbit in space for a week after launch. During this period, many experiments will be conducted, including autonomous orbital change technology, simulated orbital docking, and a series of related biological test projects.

  Compared with the first unmanned experimental spacecraft mission, the biggest difference in this experimental mission is the spacecraft’s autonomous orbital change technology and simulated orbital docking technology.

  If the experiment is successful, the third unmanned experimental spacecraft that will be launched this winter will take on the cargo replenishment mission of the space station, acting as a cargo spacecraft, and transporting a batch of experimental and life support materials to the space station.

  This is also their latest agreement. On the one hand, they can obtain a subsidy for them, and on the other hand, they can also accumulate and experiment with the docking technology experiment with the space station. This project is very important, and it will determine a series of space cooperation projects between Wu Hao and the aerospace department, especially in the field of manned spaceflight.

  Although this launch experiment is very important, Wu Hao and others did not come to the scene, but watched the rocket launch in real time through a remote connection at the company.

  Jianmu No. 5 medium-sized bundled booster medium-sized launch vehicle. Although it is a new rocket and has a small number of launches, it uses the mature technology of Jianmu No. 2 retractable rocket, so it is very reliable.

  For this reason, the rocket launch was very successful, and the unmanned experimental spacecraft was accurately sent to the intended orbit. Of course, the excitement and concern of the public are not all our first civil manned spacecraft in China, as well as the moment when the two booster rockets of the Jianmu 5 rocket and the core-level rocket successfully returned and landed.

   The two booster rockets plus the core-level rockets descended from the sky, and then landed smoothly on the landing field. This shot really shocked many people. Once this was only a bridge that foreign companies could, it has now been staged in China and has been carried out several times.

  And what makes a space and military enthusiast more excited and interested is the recovery process of the two halves of the Jianmu 5 rocket. The whole process was also broadcast live to the outside world. Therefore, domestic and foreign netizens also watched the recovery process for the first time.

  I saw two helicopters accurately hooking the two halves of the fairing in the air. This scene is really exciting.

  This kind of recycling method, this kind of recycling technology, is undoubtedly a cutting-edge existence in the world. Using a mobile flying helicopter to hook the fairing that also glides and land is as difficult as driving a car at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second to cooperate with another car of hundreds of kilometers per second to thread the needle.

  Of course, this is the proportion of external explanations. As for the industry, this is another way of saying it. But in any case, the difficulty and risks of this technology are obvious. Although some foreign companies have tried relevant technical methods, they all failed without exception. There was even an accident. The helicopter did not enter at a reasonable speed and angle, causing the fairing to directly hit the helicopter, causing the helicopter to crash. The two pilots, several pilots and scientific researchers on the helicopter were all killed. The company also halted the experiment. Up to now, this recycling method has only been carried out by Wu Hao and his company.

  (End of this chapter)

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