Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1644: The merit of Qiu Shan, the name is 0 autumn!


After driving for about three or four hours, when everyone was drowsy, the vehicles began to drive into the city. This is a port city, born and thriving because of ports. However, although it has become the largest inland port city, the city is not large in scale, with a resident population of only 200,000.

The convoy came to a military camp, passed through the gate and stopped in front of an office building. Several officers in regular uniforms were already there waiting for them.

Seeing this, Wu Hao couldn't help but sorted his clothes, then got out of the car with Lin Wei, and walked to several officers with everyone. Upon seeing this, these officers also hurriedly greeted them.

Before walking to Wu Hao, the two leading two quarters of officers saluted at Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, I am Geng Zhiping, the head of the XXX border defense regiment. This is our political comrade Qi Yuanhai, welcome You come to our XXX border defense team as a guest."

"Hello, how are you." Wu Hao hurriedly shook hands with the two officers warmly, and then introduced their respective entourage to each other.

For an introduction, Wu Hao and the others, accompanied by the two regiment leaders and political commissar, took the lead in visiting the honor room of the border defense regiment. The past and present lives of the border defense regiment are displayed here. This is a heroic force that participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Battle of Liaoshen and other wars. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were also listed as the first batch of border guards and then went to station here. This stationing lasted more than 70 years.

There are many precious photos displayed in the honor room. These photos also record many important events in the border defense regiment in the past decades, as well as some evocative stories.

For example, the frontier defense regiment’s residences for several generations have changed tremendously from the initial simple shack, to the brick house, and then to the tube building, to today’s modern barracks. The patrol team has also evolved from the original trekking mule and horse to today’s digital integrated border defense system. In addition to being equipped with a powerful military off-road vehicle with good performance to cross obstacles as a patrol tool, it also uses an intelligent electronic sentry. Surveillance system, as well as drones for three-dimensional patrols.

In addition to these development histories, there are also records of some key events. For example, some characters, tasks, meritorious awards, etc., are very rich in content.

The most moving thing is the rows of portraits of the martyrs on the wall of the martyrs. Since the troops were stationed, dozens of martyrs have died on duty. So standing in front of the Martyrs' Wall, Wu Hao and the others stood upright and bowed deeply at the Martyrs' Wall.

The most interesting thing in the exhibition hall is the exhibits. These exhibits are very rich, including some old equipment, military uniforms, some military supplies, and some works of officers and soldiers.

After the visit, Wu Hao couldn't help but smiled at Geng Zhiping and Qi Yuanhai who accompanied him next to him: "The shock is rich, and I have benefited a lot.

Today’s trip came right, and our hearts were cleansed and purified. I also know that there is a group of heroes like you who have been quietly defending the country for more than 70 years. We are living and working in peace and contentment today. It is because you like a group of lovely people silently bear everything for us, thank you! "

Bang bang bang...

Hearing Wu Hao's praise, Geng Zhiping, Qi Yuanhai and others all laughed. Qi Yuanhai pointed a female soldier through the guestbook opened on the table and smiled at Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, please write us something."

Wu Hao looked at the guestbook that Qi Yuanhai was pointing at for a while, then smiled and nodded in response: "Okay, then I will show my ugliness and write something about my experience after visiting."

With that said, Wu Hao walked to the table and picked up a marker, then leaned over and thought for a while, then wrote: "Qiu Shan's merits are well-known for generations to come, pay tribute to the great frontier soldiers who silently paid for it!"

After writing this, Wu Hao solemnly signed his name and then wrote the date.

"Good words!" When Qi Yuanhai saw these words written by Wu Hao, the smile on his face was even better, and he admired Wu Hao.

"Hahaha, ugly words, shameless." Wu Hao laughed at himself.

"Where, you have both form and spirit." Qi Yuanhai praised. He wasn't flattering, but Wu Hao's handwriting was really good. Although it's not as good as everyone's handwriting, it's also very good compared to ordinary people. This also comes from Wu Hao's accumulated contacts, especially the review of documents. Over time, this style of handwriting by the superiors gradually became apparent, and there was still a little bit of vigor.

Ha ha... Wu Hao smiled and didn't speak any more.

"Come on, let's take a picture together." This Qi Yuanhai is sitting in political work, and then began to continue to talk about it.

The crowd joined Zhang Ying in front of the sculpture in the honor room, and then proceeded to the next destination.

The next thing they are going to visit is the dormitory of officers and soldiers, which can be regarded as an inherent item in the open visit of the military camp. They mainly want to experience the excellent housekeeping style of the officers and soldiers of our army.

Under the leadership of the instructor, Wu Hao and the others came to a "arbitrary" selection of officers and soldiers' dormitory. This dormitory is relatively large. There are ten beds in it, five on the left and five on the left and right, without the traditional upper and lower bunks.

The inside of the dormitory is very tidy, it can be said to be spotless, all the utensils are neatly arranged, and they are in a straight line when viewed from the left to the right.

The beds on the ten beds are very neat, the sheets are not wrinkled, and the quilt appears as a tofu block, with sharp edges and corners.

To say that the only obtrusive place in this dormitory is the flowing red flag on the wall. It can be seen that this class is an excellent class group.

As for the soldiers of this squad, after they entered, they stood upright, with their heads upright, and their spirits high.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and pressed his hand and said: "Don't be so nervous, relax, relax, we just come to see and sympathize with you."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, a squad leader water machine issued a password and said: "Attention all, take a These soldiers take a break and relax a lot.

Wu Hao walked up to a corporal, who was the first sergeant, and asked with a smile, "Where is it from?"

"Report, Cantonese!" the corporal replied loudly.

"People from Guangdong Province are from the south." Wu Hao asked a little bit differently, "How come you have been here as a soldier, how many years have it been?"

Hearing Wu Hao’s question, the corporal gradually relaxed and responded: “The report, it’s the fourth year of this year. I thought of being assigned here in the end. But they were all soldiers there, they were defending the borders, and defending the motherland."

"That's good!" Wu Hao praised and then broke down, and the people around him also clapped after him.

After everyone's applause gradually fell, Wu Hao continued to say to the corporal: "Out-and-out southerners, are you used to coming here?"

"Report, in the beginning, the weather, diet, and living habits were a little uncomfortable, but with the help of the monitor and comrades in arms, I quickly adapted to it." The corporal responded loudly.

Well, Wu Hao nodded and then looked at the corporal and the other officers and soldiers present and said, “We didn’t prepare anything in advance for this temporary visit, but we can’t do it empty-handed. So, I asked everyone to buy it. Some beef jerky, ham sausage, instant noodles, canned food, meat, some daily necessities and other materials, I hope everyone will like it."


Bang bang bang...

"Thank Mr. Wu!" The officers and soldiers clapped excitedly after hearing Wu Hao's words.

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