Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1659: Disruptive technology concealed by light

"In addition, we will also provide a part of the quota for free to those patients who really need help. After the charity project is launched, all patients in need can apply through multiple channels. The entire application process All are transparent. We will also disclose all the selection process to ensure that the entire process is fair and just. Finally, all eligible patients who are selected will also be disclosed to the public for everyone’s supervision."

   Wu Hao's remarks calmed down the agitated people. For these people, they are most afraid of no hope. The qualifications mentioned above are not free, which makes many people's hearts sink to the bottom. Costs worth tens of millions are not something ordinary people can afford. So this also makes many people feel dissatisfied, thinking that such opportunities are just for the rich and have nothing to do with ordinary people. Sure enough, the lives of the rich are good, and the lives of the poor are worthless.

   Of course Wu Hao knew this, so he immediately threw out another charity project, which calmed down those excited people a little bit.

   Of course, there are many dissatisfied people, and it is impossible for Wu Hao to estimate their feelings. As a company, profit is their main goal. This intelligent bionic artificial heart has consumed a lot of capital and resources. They cannot lose money and make money.


   We hope that this intelligent bionic artificial heart can help more patients recover their health, resume their normal lives, and avoid heart disease. Although it still has many imperfections and some problems, I believe that with our unremitting efforts, it will get better and better.

We will also speed up the clinical trial process of this intelligent bionic artificial heart, and strive to complete the relevant clinical trials and marketing approval procedures in the shortest time, so that all patients can use it better, safer and more reliable. , And also cheaper products. "

At the end of the    documentary is a summary. Under a melodious piece of music, the screen introduces the new and dying heart disease patients in the world and even in the country in the form of text on the screen. If this technology is launched one second earlier, it could save hundreds of thousands of patients.

  Relevant departments have heard voices from related companies and people, and are currently actively researching and discussing them. They will work with companies to strive for this technological achievement to benefit all patients.

   This is also good news, and many people agree and become excited. I believe that with the intervention of the state, this technology can be marketed in advance, so this will be a happy event for all heart disease patients.

  The media reporter team of CCTV not only interviewed and reported the news about this intelligent bionic artificial heart, of course, it also interviewed others. For example, the intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye, compared to the intelligent bionic artificial heart, the intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye appears to be a little less concerned.

But in fact, the research and development of this technology is no less difficult than the intelligent bionic artificial heart. It can be said to be at the forefront of the current ophthalmology, brain science, brain-computer excuses, brain-computer interaction systems, etc., and lead the peers. A large number of products of the same type of technology. This kind of technological advantage is absolutely unmatched by other companies, and the series of related technology patents brought about by this have also directly blocked the peers.

   If others want to make a breakthrough in this area, they must break through or bypass the technology patent fence set by Wu Hao. With the current technological level of peers, it is impossible to achieve every ten years and eight years. At that time, the related technology patents of this product are about to expire. Maybe, at that time, they had already produced the next generation of products.

The reason why    has not attracted much attention is that this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye faces relatively few people, and it belongs to a socially disadvantaged group, and there are not many ways to speak, so the voice is naturally weaker.

   But the shock brought by this technology in several industries, especially in the field of ophthalmology, is absolutely unprecedented. People have not considered artificial glasses or prosthetic glasses before, but the difficulty of surgery in this area is huge, and so far there has been very little progress. Among them, there are a few artificial eye technologies, but the pictures presented are just a few lines of human shadows, and the intelligent bionic electronic eye made by Wu Hao and others are simply not in the same era. It's like comparing the original first-generation computer with the current large-scale personal computer game console.

   The first computer "ENIAC", it is a giant, using 18,000 electron tubes, covering an area of ​​170 square meters, weighing 30 tons, and power consumption of about 150 kilowatts. But it's just such a computer that can perform 5000 calculations per second, which is insignificant now. And now any personal computer can easily reach 1 billion or even 10 billion operations per second.

Now Wu Hao's smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye is compared with the products of other peers. Although it is not perfect yet, there are many areas that need improvement and optimization, but compared with the technical products of peers, Leading generations.

   The report did not install the intelligent bionic artificial heart in the form of a narrative documentary, but adopted the normal news reporting method to analyze and report the technology from various angles.

   First of all, of course from the product technology. They directly interviewed many authoritative experts in the field of ophthalmology, and analyzed this technology from a medical point of view. From the perspective of ophthalmologists, this technology is undoubtedly disruptive to the field of ophthalmology, and there are now solutions to many difficult eye diseases before. Although this approach may be a bit extreme, it is enough to save the patients' vision and allow them to continue to see things and see the light again.

   Over the years, these ophthalmologists have personally removed too many patients' eyeballs. Once the eyeballs are removed, it means that the person is in darkness forever. Therefore, most ophthalmologists are reluctant to perform such eyeball removal operations. Why, because what they remove is the light of the patients, and they ruin the hope of seeing the patients again.

   Therefore, for them, it is less than ten thousand, and it is not easy to perform such an eyeball removal operation. Every time such an operation is performed, they cannot help but regret. But what is the solution? If the wound is not promptly removed for treatment, once the wound is infected, the brain is behind the eyes, which may directly endanger the life of the patient. So weighing the pros and cons, they can only be cruel.



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