Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1661: Strong, hard!

Since the release of these products, the attention of foreign countries has not been lower than that of domestic ones. The major foreign media, including some social networking sites, have paid great attention to these technical achievements, and even opened up sections and topics for discussion.

Obviously, overseas people are also very excited about the advent of these technologies, and they are asking when these technological achievements can be marketed and can enter their regions and countries.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others have already responded. In response to their replies and targeted accusations, certain overseas countries and regions also responded accordingly.

For example, the spokesperson of a rogue country responded that they have noticed the advent of these new technologies. These technologies have a huge promotion effect on humans' defeat of diseases. Therefore, Haoyu Technology should disclose these technical achievements, thereby Let the people all over the world benefit. The rogue country has always been a great country, and will serve as a world leader to lead the people of the world to continue on the path of overcoming the disease.

The spokesperson of the rogue country also responded to the concerns of the people of the rogue country about the entry of these technical products into their domestic applications. They believe that there is a possible backdoor system in these several technological achievements, which will affect the safety of people's lives. Therefore, we must be cautious about the entry of these technical products into China. Only by fully certifying the safety of its products and under its strict supervision, can these technical achievements obtain special approval to enter its domestic sales.

In response to this shameless response, Wu Hao and the others were not polite at all, let alone back down, and said directly.

Haoyu Technology has been committed to the research and development of high-tech products, so that more people will benefit from it. Our related products have been recognized and affirmed by the market and users. In terms of security and reliability, especially in protecting user privacy, we have won unanimous praise from all users. So far, we have not There has been a case where user data was leaked because of our reasons. This is consistent with the industry benchmark and has won us a wide range of credibility. From this point of view, the international credibility of a rogue country may not be as good as ours.

In response to their spokesperson’s response that their related products will be conditionally licensed to enter their country, Wu Hao and others directly said: "We do not accept this kind of prejudicial decision, and we will not use such a decision. This kind of aggrieved posture enters a region full of distrust of us and our technology products and excessive.

Even if we want to enter, then we will enter in a dignified manner. This is not our style of doing things. Therefore, unless we are treated fairly and all previous accusations and suppression measures against us are eliminated, we will not consider entering its country for the needs of its people, we can only say sorry. If you really need it, you can consider going to our country or a third country for treatment. "

This life of Haoyu Technology caused a storm in an instant. Basically everyone did not expect that such a technology company would dare to directly attack the world's largest rogue country. And for its intimidation and temptation, he did not buy it in the slightest.

This has never happened before, and it naturally hurts the nerves of many people. Most of them are people who feel good about themselves in the West, and a small part are from domestic and foreign shepherd dogs.

The rogue country has always been an indesectable beacon in its heart. Now someone dares to do it like this, and it seems to be a good one. How can this make these shepherd dogs acceptable? So this time, almost all shepherd dogs They all began to come out to protect the Lord.

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