Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1665: The humble 0 billion gold mine

  , military technology

   In addition, it is said that some more confidential research on cutting-edge technology and weaponry is also carried out here. It is said that many weapons and equipment displayed by Haoyu Technology are studied here, or related experiments are carried out here.

   However, there is information on this aspect, but it is extremely lacking. Under such strict confidentiality measures, it is difficult for the outside world to snoop on one or two.

  Compared to these confidential core projects, there are some well-known projects here, the most famous subsidiary Haoyu Aerospace's various aerospace technology research institutes, and the rocket launch site that is familiar to aerospace fans.

   Haoyu Aerospace, or the series of aerospace projects under Haoyu Technology, has been very ordinary in major media and the Internet in recent years. It has become the largest and strongest private aerospace technology company in China. Even in the world, it is among the best.

   In just a few years, Haoyu Aerospace not only developed and successfully launched its own Jianmu-1 ultra-low-cost launch vehicle, but also realized the Jianmu-2 recoverable launch vehicle that can be returned to land and reused. On the basis of Jianmu-2, Haoyu Aerospace has developed the Jianmu-5 medium-sized bundled recyclable carrier rocket, which has increased the rocket's low-Earth orbit transport capacity to 15 tons.

   And right away, it is said that Haoyu Aerospace will launch their newly developed collapsible launch vehicle Jianmu-7 in the fall and increase its low-Earth orbit transport capacity to 18 tons. The Jianmu 9 heavy retractable launch vehicle, which is an improved model of the Jianmu 7 launch vehicle, is being developed, and its low-Earth orbit carrying capacity can reach 40 tons. This kind of transportation capability can be said to be comparable to the world's strongest heavy-duty launch vehicle lineup.

   And compared to other heavy-duty launch vehicles, Jianmu 9 can also be used for return and landing, which can greatly reduce its launch cost and increase market competitiveness.

   In addition to the impressive launch vehicle, Haoyu Aerospace has also made remarkable achievements in the development of spacecraft and detector technology.

   For example, they launched the world's first independently operated inflatable inflatable space experiment module. And inside this inflatable inflatable space experiment module is the first complete space farm ‘oasis’.

   At present, the first inflatable inflatable space experiment module has completed its mission and returned to the atmosphere and burned down. However, during the flight test, it has achieved very dazzling results, such as verifying the contraction and expansion technology of the inflatable inflatable space experiment module and the intelligent autonomous operation of the space farm inside. And for the first time, a relatively complete circular ecosystem was established in space, which verified the feasibility of the space farm technology and laid a good foundation for the subsequent series of experimental projects.

Of course, among all the Haoyu Aerospace projects, the most fascinating project is undoubtedly their manned spacecraft Walker. At present, the spacecraft Walker has launched two unmanned experimental spacecraft, both of which have been obtained. Success, according to related plans, Haoyu Aerospace will launch a third unmanned experimental spacecraft later in the winter. If the technical verification passes and everything goes well, they may launch their first manned spacecraft next year.

   This also means that they will become the first domestic private enterprise that can send people into space. It will also become one of the few private companies in the world that has sent astronauts to space. Of course, the few space tourism companies that just reach the Carmen line don't count.

   And the focus of public attention is who the passengers of this manned spacecraft traveled for the first time were the astronauts or private tourists. There are also many people who are keenly interested in the fare of this manned spacecraft, and want to know how much it will cost to go on a tour.

  Wu Hao and the others are naturally happy to hear about this, because it can help them promote and save a lot of advertising costs. In fact, their manned spacecraft Walker will actively strive for some official astronaut transportation and space material transportation missions in the future, and will also actively develop civil manned space travel business. Wu Hao is full of confidence in the development prospects of the private space tourism market. Because the earth can no longer satisfy people's curiosity psychology, only the vast universe and the magical feeling of weightlessness can satisfy everyone's curiosity.

Of course, it will take a long time to achieve this, and the most interesting thing at this stage is that Wu Hao and the others will soon use the Jianmu-7 launch vehicle to launch the first civilian lunar exploration at the South China Sea Space Launch Center. vehicle.

   People are very curious about this lunar rover, but so far, Haoyu Aerospace has disclosed very limited information, and this is even more curious.

   However, the launch time of this mission has been determined from the tour project of the South China Sea Space Launch Site rocket viewing tour issued by some travel The distance is now not far.

   It is said that many people have already booked tickets and are going to the South China Sea to watch the rocket launch.

   Compared with these interesting projects and laboratory research institutes, the biological and life science research center here is relatively low-key.

According to some simple reports and data, this biological and life science research center is engaged in research work in biology and life sciences. Apart from playing around with flowers and plants, it seems to be doing research in the field of life sciences, such as human diseases. , Genetic engineering, biopharmaceuticals, etc.

And so far, the only result that has been produced and is well-known to everyone, seems to be the only one hundred acres of roses in addition to the super phage that was released at the previous press conference for the elimination of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. Flower field.

   There is a specific medicine for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach, and the public does not seem to care too much about it. After all, this medicine is not a cure for terminal illnesses. Now there are triple and quadruple therapies for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. So this super phage's specific medicine seems so irrelevant and unnecessary.

  Of course, this is only the perception of ordinary people, but in the professional field, the evaluation of this special drug is very high. Some pharmaceutical giants in the industry estimate that the value of this special effect drug is in the tens of billions of dollars, or even tens of billions of dollars, which can be said to be a full gold mine.

   Therefore, these pharmaceutical giants are very interested in this special medicine and the related technology and patents, and they are still in Anxi to negotiate with Wu Hao.

   And from the doctor's point of view, this specific medicine is undoubtedly much better than the so-called triple quadruple therapy.

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