Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1670: Jianmu 7 Co-recoverable Launch Vehicle

Compared with the relevant data of this intelligent lunar patrol rover, the mission it will perform this time is also particularly interesting.

Among these numerous tasks, finding the lunar surface water and detecting the distribution of lunar mineral resources is what almost all human lunar probes want to do. However, compared to other detectors, this time their intelligent lunar patrol rover is particularly interesting.

The main reason is that it has a relatively long journey and will be directly detected by sampling, which is much more accurate than those long-distance telemetry technologies.

Among the many tasks, finding suitable lunar scientific research stations and lunar city construction sites is the most interesting.

Landing on the moon is also the dream of mankind all the time. Compared with the feat of Lao Mi 40 or 50 years ago. Now, mankind is igniting lunar fever again.

Compared with the expensive trips to the moon 40 or 50 years ago, just taking a picture and digging some dirt and stones in the past, humans now hope and prefer to establish permanent human scientific research stations and permanent human settlements on the moon.

At present, many countries have established many such international lunar exploration organizations, and everyone is actively busy. But up to now, no organization has paid for it.

Regardless of whether it is building a lunar scientific research station or a permanent settlement for humans on the moon, it is necessary to select a location first. Those places are not suitable for the construction of a lunar scientific research station and permanent human settlements. This is all Need to be surveyed in advance. This is not just a matter of satellite detection, it requires detectors or even astronauts to detect it in person.

This time, this is what Wu Hao and their intelligent lunar patrol rover performed.

The outside world has quite different interpretations for this detection mission. First of all, the first interpretation is that many netizens believe that Haoyu Technology’s intelligent lunar patrol rover must be a member of our country’s entire lunar exploration project and will also undertake our national lunar scientific research. Preliminary preparation tasks for site selection.

Although it is not an official detector patrol vehicle, it is also possible to concurrently serve as an official mission. After all, our tradition is to spend the least money and do the biggest thing. How could the space department and experts miss such a rare opportunity.

As for the second interpretation, many netizens believe that this is an exploration mission conducted by Haoyu Aerospace, which aims to provide countries and even overseas countries with commercial lunar ground exploration data, thereby obtaining high economic benefits.

This statement is not unreasonable. When Wu Hao and the others announced their entry into the aerospace field, and announced the development and launch of their own commercial and civilian intelligent lunar patrol rover, it seemed that this was a private commercial project. Since it is a private commercial project, it is understandable to carry out such a task and profit from it.

As for the third interpretation, many people believe that this should be an important part of Wu Hao or Haoyu Technology's entire huge space exploration mission, the foundation and the beginning. Wu Hao and the others have entered the aerospace field so aggressively, and have developed so rapidly in such a short few years, with such a huge investment, it is certainly impossible to go with such a small goal.

They definitely have bigger plans. Wu Hao and others said in the interview that they will vigorously develop the aerospace industry. He also mentioned the idea of ​​establishing a lunar international commercial research station and a lunar city. It is believed that what this intelligent lunar patrol rover performs this time is to prepare for their lunar international commercial research station and the pre-site selection of the lunar city movement, as well as the preparation for the technical demonstration work.

This interpretation is indeed a bit too amazing and unconstrained. But it is not impossible. After all, even Musk is preparing to immigrate to Mars. It seems that Wu Hao wants to establish an international commercial research station on the moon or a lunar city.

For Wu Hao and others, they would not care about these outside interpretations with a smile. Let them guess, their attention now is still focused on the ‘car-and-arrow combination’ that is about to be vertically transported.

In the morning, the South China Sea Space Launch Site was sunny and the blue sky and white clouds were beautiful.

Under the shadow of a red flag, the huge revolving door of the vertical assembly test site slowly opened, revealing the beautiful figure of the newly developed medium-sized retractable launch vehicle Jianmu-7 by Haoyu Technology.

This is a huge rocket with a diameter of 3.8 meters, a height of 59 meters, and a take-off mass of 450 tons. He can transport a load of about 18 tons to the low-Earth orbit, the geosynchronous transfer orbit reaches about 8 tons, and can transport a load of more than seven tons to the earth-moon transfer orbit. It can even transport a four-ton payload to the Mars transfer orbit.

Of course, compared to the heavy-duty launch vehicle, the data of this rocket is still relatively weak, but it is already very good on international rockets of the same type. It can be said to be at the cutting-edge level. Except for a few of the two or three countries, it seems that there is no international rocket performance that can match it, even if it is to be the No. 1 in Asia all day long, and the self-proclaimed universe The first weird flower.

The main rocket is painted in white. Compared with the official one, it looks more concise and atmospheric. In addition to the Haoyu Aerospace logo on the rocket, there is also the logo of this lunar mission. In addition, there are some flags of cooperating countries on it, but the patterns are relatively small.

On top of the current rocket, in addition to the intelligent lunar patrol rover wrapped in the upper fairing, there are naturally three retrieving and landing folding legs at the lowest core level. The three reclaimed landing folds are currently in a folded state, close to the surface of the core first-level rocket, and the exterior is painted in black.

When the rocket core completes the mission at the first level, the return procedure will be initiated after separation. Compared with the parachute and reverse landing method used by Jianmu-2 and Jianmu-5 rockets improved and upgraded by Jianmu-2, this time, Jianmu-7 will completely adopt the same method used by Falcon rockets. Rocket reverse thrust landing technology.

This also means that Haoyu Technology has finally mastered a reliable rocket engine with excellent performance and long working hours. This also means that the first stage of the Jianmu 7 rocket core will abandon the previous parachute design, which will also save them hundreds of kilograms of load weight. And these weights will also be converted into fuel and load weight, thereby increasing the overall economy of the rocket and reducing launch costs.

And this time, this core-level rocket will also change the previous land landing field and begin to use the sea landing field for the first time. Compared with the land landing field, the landing field on the sea surface is more difficult to land, and the uncertainty factor is higher, so the technical requirements are more demanding, which is also a greater test for the rocket technical team.

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