Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1671: The second generation of semi-solid foaming propellant fuel

Compared with land landing sites, sea-based landing sites are more technically difficult, or the rocket’s return to landing is more difficult.

First of all, the sea-based landing site is floating, and it will swing up and down with the ups and downs of ocean waves. In addition to the impact of waves on it, tides, sea breeze, and even the deflection of the earth will have an impact on him.

This also means that this ocean landing site or ocean landing platform must have very strong resistance to wind and waves. In addition, it must have an accurate platform positioning system.

In other words, it must overcome the various effects of the ocean and the weather, and keep the platform stable and at one point. Only in this way can the descending rocket land accurately on the platform.

This is only a stationary sea landing field, and there is a more difficult one. The entire sea-based landing platform will sail forward at a constant speed and maintain a corresponding travel speed, and then accurately receive the core-level rocket returning from the sky. This requires that the coordination between the entire sea-based landing platform and the core-level rocket must be accurate, and only in this way can the two be seamlessly connected. A slight mistake will lead to a complete failure of the entire recovery and landing, and may even lead to a serious accident.

As for Wu Hao's marine rocket landing platform, it was actually welded and transformed by two barges. The two barges were welded together, and there was a very large landing platform on it. The material used on the platform is the same as the material used on the aircraft carrier deck, and its strength is even higher than that of the aircraft carrier deck.

In addition, a fire-fighting sprinkler system is installed on this landing platform, which sprays fresh water to wash and cool the entire deck, and spray dry powder and foam when necessary to quickly extinguish fires.

There is a power system installed under the broken ship. This power system will be able to support this large ocean landing platform to move forward at a speed of 5 to 8 knots per hour, and to maintain the stability of the platform during its movement. And this kind of double conjoined hull itself has strong resistance to wind and waves and stability, coupled with the 360 ​​free multi-position propulsion system and Chuan Shen’s intelligent autonomous control system, it can control the entire ocean landing platform to navigate autonomously, and can Position it precisely above the ocean to ensure that it will not move with the waves, currents, and winds.

When this marine landing platform is performing its mission, there are no personnel on the entire platform, and everything is controlled autonomously by the platform's own intelligent control system. It will predict and make adaptive adjustments based on the landing position of the rocket. That is to say, when the rocket core is landing at the first level, it is actually linked with the landing platform, so that it can greatly improve the landing. The success of the landing.

But even so, there is still no guarantee that every landing will be successful. This is impossible and unscientific. No one can guarantee that such a task will succeed. There are tens of thousands of links and one of the hundreds of thousands of parts that has a problem, which will cause the entire rocket launch mission or the recovery and landing mission to fail.

And now, this marine rocket landing platform has completed all the inspection environments before sailing, ready to lift anchor and leave the port, and start to the intended sea area.

After arriving at the scheduled time, on the one hand, it will start preparations for the landing of the Jianmu 7 core first-level rocket, and on the other hand, it will also conduct various tests. After all, this is also the first landing mission of this marine rocket landing platform, so I tested it several times in advance and tried my best to ensure that it was foolproof.

At the same time, the Jianmu 7 rocket held the intelligent lunar patrol rover assembly, surrounded by everyone, and began to slowly shift to the launch tower.

The entire transfer process is very slow. It should be said that it is also the largest vertical transfer device in the world, and the railway below is also the fastest in the world.

Slowly, after several hours of vertical transfer, the Jianmu-7 rocket was finally transferred to the launch tower, and then the huge structure of the launch tower began to re-wrap the rocket inside.

This is the final pre-launch stage. The launch site, rocket development unit and payload development unit should use this last time to start a full range of testing and verification of the launch system, rocket system, payload system, and payload rocket system to ensure that nothing goes wrong. .

After all the tests have been completed to ensure that there is nothing wrong, the next step will be to fuel the rocket. The Jianmu 7 rocket still uses the semi-solid foamed propellant fuel developed by Wu Hao and others. However, compared to the first generation of recommended fuels, the second-generation semi-solid foamed propellant fuel has higher performance and is simply energy. The higher the density, the greater the thrust generated.

The filling of this semi-solid foaming propellant fuel is actually similar to the filling of kerosene, and it actually appears to be a thicker oil before filling. Only when it is injected into the rocket and reacts with another catalyst, can this semi-solid foaming state be produced, and this semi-solid foaming state can allow the rocket to be filled with more fuel, thereby producing more fuel. Larger and longer lasting thrust.

After the refueling is complete, the pre-launch comprehensive exercise process will begin. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to repeat the drill several times until all tasks are ready and start to wait for the launch time to arrive.

Generally speaking no one knows the result until the last minute. The launch site determines whether the rocket is launched on time, because until the last second before launch, no one knows whether the rocket can launch on time.

If there is a little problem with the rocket or launch system and payload system, the launch procedure will be terminated immediately. All sorts of troubleshooting work will be carried out immediately. If there are some minor faults, it may be delayed for an hour or two.

If the failure is relatively large, the rocket may officially terminate its launch, the rocket will start pumping out fuel, and then the original rocket will be re-transported to the factory for inspection. This process is very complicated, and also very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Therefore, this situation is also a situation that all rocket system technicians, launch site systems, and payload systems are unwilling to see.

Of course, there is another situation that no one wants to see, and that is danger. Especially in the ten seconds after launch, it is very critical. If there is a problem in this process, the impact will undoubtedly be huge.

There have been several such accidents before, and the rocket malfunctioned within seconds after launch, which led to a serious accident and caused many sacrifices.

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