Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1674: Black technology from NASA

Compared with the first flight show of the Jianmu-7 Retractable Launch Vehicle, which was unveiled for the first time, everyone's attention was focused on this intelligent lunar patrol rover.

You know, the countries in the world that have the ability and successfully to send the probe to the moon can count it with one hand. So far, there are only a few countries. Many countries are eager to try and want to use this moon landing to demonstrate their country's strength, but without exception, they have failed. Of course, according to their logic and propaganda, it is considered a success. After all, their probe did reach the moon and landed on the moon. It's just that compared to the soft landings of the previous rockets, they use hard landings. It's not environmentally friendly. Not only did it smash the moon into a big hole, but the garbage was scattered everywhere.

Very unethical, what should I do if I smashed flowers and plants? Although there are no flowers and plants on the moon, it is not good for you to hit sand or stones.

The previous lunar probes in those countries basically used a combination of probes and patrol devices. The advantage of this approach is that the technology is more mature, and the structure is relatively simple, and more reliable and safe.

The shortcomings, of course, are also obvious. The detector occupies too much load, resulting in the size and weight of the patrol device is often small. Because of this, the antenna power on the patrol device is relatively small, and the detector can only be used for relay communication. Some even rely on satellites in the orbit around the moon for relay relay communication.

It is precisely because of this that the patrol device cannot be too far away from the landing probe, which greatly limits the detection range of the patrol device.

The intelligent lunar patrol rover of Haoyu Technology does not have a landing probe. Its main body is an intelligent lunar patrol rover. The whole vehicle is nearly three tons. It can be said that it is so far. The heaviest vehicles on the moon, including the vehicles used by astronauts who landed on the moon decades ago.

And the nearly three-ton intelligent lunar patrol rover to land on the moon smoothly is called a black-tech "sky crane" from NASA, which can also be called a sky crane.

NASA used this sky crane to steadily send several great rover to Mars. This kind of sky crane has attracted the attention of the world as soon as it was unveiled. Because of its advanced concept and technology, it is called one of NASA's black technologies.

Because of this, NASA keeps this technology strictly confidential, and it is impossible for outsiders to steal it. Therefore, although Wu Hao and his team's intelligent lunar patrol rover also uses the "sky crane" technology, they did develop this technology from the ground up.

That is to say, this time, they will use aerial crane technology for the first time to land this large three-ton intelligent lunar patrol rover on the moon. This should be the first time that humans have used this technology to land on the moon. detector.

Why is it not applicable? There are many reasons. Although the moon has a relatively small gravitational force, it is completely in a vacuum with no atmosphere and no air. Therefore, whether it is taking off or landing from the moon, it must be completely dependent on thrusters.

This means that when the intelligent lunar lunar patrol rover is leaving the lunar orbiter and is ready to start landing, the aerial crane mechanism will begin to work. It must first control the posture of the entire intelligent lunar patrol rover and the aerial crane combination so that it can land on a predetermined ballistic curve.

During the entire landing process, several phased decelerations are required to control the landing speed of the entire assembly. When the assembly descends to a certain height, the intelligent lunar patrol rover and the space crane assembly begin to separate, the space crane releases the rope, and the intelligent lunar patrol rover is suspended to prepare for landing.

In this process, in addition to continuously decelerating, the space crane must also control the attitude of the entire landing assembly to ensure that it lands in a correct attitude. In addition, the space crane has to move in the air to select a suitable landing site.

This is also the active obstacle avoidance technology used by other probes before landing, but the descending speed of the space crane is much slower than those of the probes, so the technical requirements are more difficult.

No way, the intelligent lunar patrol rover does not have a dedicated lander. The collision during the entire landing process needs to be borne by the vehicle itself, so the landing speed must be controlled to ensure the safety of the intelligent lunar patrol rover.

As for the aerial crane, at the moment when the intelligent lunar patrol rover lands, it must accurately capture and immediately cut off the steel cable of the suspended vehicle, so as to use the last fuel to fly away from the intelligent lunar patrol. The rover will then fall hundreds of meters away to avoid affecting the intelligent lunar patrol rover.

This action can be said to be very critical. If the steel cables and cables cannot be cut accurately, it is likely that the intelligent lunar patrol rover will be damaged by the aerial crane. It may also cause the aerial crane to directly hit the intelligent lunar lunar patrol rover, causing the entire rover to be scrapped and the mission to fail.

From the separation from the Lunar Orbiter and the beginning of the landing to the completion of the final step, the entire process lasted much longer than NASA's landing missions on Mars. This means that the working hours of the aerial crane are longer, and the technical difficulty is naturally higher.

It is precisely because the technical requirements are very demanding that it has become NASA's black technology. But now Wu Hao and the others have mastered this black technology, and with their own understanding, they have created our national version of the aerial crane black technology This also makes the people very excited, and everyone is looking forward to it with enthusiasm. Can witness the performance of Haoyu Technology's aerial crane technology.

In addition to lander aerial crane technology, this intelligent lunar patrol rover is also a hot spot for everyone. No country or even that company has ever been able to send this large three-ton rover to the moon.

And according to the introduction, this intelligent lunar patrol rover will ride on the moon for a long time and is expected to travel tens of thousands of kilometers. Such a huge task can be said to make everyone look forward to it. Because the distance that the previous lunar probes and patrol vehicles can move is too close, everyone hopes that through this intelligent lunar patrol vehicle, we can see more scenery on the moon and detect more usefulness. The data.

So not only the people, but scientists are also full of expectations for this intelligent lunar patrol rover.

And now there is a problem that has always plagued everyone, that is, until now, Haoyu Technology has not announced the code name of this intelligent lunar patrol rover. What is its name?

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