Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1680: Rising from the shore of the South China Sea


After dinner, Wu Hao and others did not bother Zhou Xiangming and the others. Near the launch, they still have a lot of work to do. Therefore, Wu Hao and the others should try not to disturb their work as much as possible. This is the greatest support and affirmation for their work.

Since they chose not to bother, Wu Hao and the others simply left the space launch center and went straight outside. A few kilometers away from the launch center is the famous seaside beach, which is across the sea from the launch center, so it has become a very good observation point. Every launch mission here will gather a large number of tourists to watch the rocket launch.

This time was no exception. When Wu Hao and the others arrived, the entire beach was already full of people coming and going. Rows of camping tents propped up on the beach, various small stalls, souvenirs, gourmet snacks are dazzling, obviously here has formed an aerospace tourism economic circle.

Because there are too many people, considering safety factors, they did not join in the fun. There is no way. If they are recognized by others, they will definitely cause crowds and crowds. So many people are really unsafe. This is not only for their sake, but also for the sake of so many tourists. In the unlikely event of a trampling unsafe accident, none of them want to see it.

But since we are all in the South China Sea, everyone definitely hopes to be able to walk on the beach and play in the water. Since you can't go to this kind of open beach, you can only go to those closed beaches. There are many on the South China Sea coast, and it is not difficult to find.

What's more, like them, someone has already arranged it. It is a star hotel beach, very beautiful, very clean, and there are few people. Lin Wei and the others looked a little excited, took off their shoes one by one, and started running and playing on the beach. But Wu Hao and the others are relatively less active.

But how could a few girls let them go and drag them up soon. Wu Hao and the others had to put down their burdens and began to laugh on the beach.

As for those who tried to get close to them, or wanted to pick up equipment to take pictures, they were stopped by guards. There is no need for such a picture to be exposed, otherwise it will have some entertainment cover lace news.

Because the launch window was in the early morning of the next day, Wu Hao and the others did not stay at a star-rated hotel, but after enjoying a seafood supper, they rushed back to the South China Sea Space Launch Center. As the launch approached, the entire South China Sea Space Launch Center was under martial law. Unless they had a pass, they would not be able to get in or even get close.

Although it was late at night, the entire launch site was already brightly lit, and there were already personnel on duty in various places on the site. Wu Hao and the others could already feel the tense atmosphere.

In view of this situation, Wu Hao and the others did not walk around the factory, but returned to the guest house. But before that they have completed one thing, that is, invite everyone to have a supper, or seafood, but the taste is relatively lighter. Because the launch mission is approaching, all personnel need to pay special attention to their diets, such as some heavy oils and spicy foods, to prevent physical discomfort, which will affect their work due to absence from work.

At 5:30 in the morning, Wu Hao and the others got up, freshened up and changed into formal clothes, and then went to the restaurant. Casually eat breakfast, there is not much choice, or steamed buns and rice porridge, and then everyone got on the shuttle bus to the launch command and control center.

Under the guidance of the staff, they passed through various gates, entered the launch command and control hall, and took seats on the guest seats. After Zhou Xiangming, Chen Jinghong and the others greeted Wu Hao and the others, they immediately got busy.

Wu Hao and the others, sitting there quietly watching the various data screens on the big screen in front, waiting for the launch time to come.

"One hour to prepare!"

As the countdown entered an hour, there was a sharp male voice on the lobby radio, which also made Wu Hao and the reporters who were allowed to come in suddenly lifted their spirits.

The atmosphere on the scene also began to become dignified. In the last hour before the launch, all the staff were concentrating and watching the data on the screen closely.

The entire command and control hall, except for the various announcements from time to time, had no sound at all, and it was quiet a little that made people uncomfortable.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they have already had many experiences with this, so it's no surprise that they quietly watched the data changes on the big screen and listened to the broadcast. As for Lin Wei and the other girls, they started chatting in a low voice that couldn't bear it.

"Thirty minutes to prepare, swing away!"

Following this command, several "di di di di" sounds were heard between them, and the swing rods surrounding Jianmu 7 opened and separated from the rocket.

"The swing lever is disengaged."


"Enter ten minutes to prepare."

"Five minutes to prepare!"

"three minutes!"

"Prepare in one minute!"

"Thirty seconds!"

"Ten, nine, eight..."

"Three, two, one, light up, take off!

"take off!"

As the countdown ended, huge flames spurted from the tail of the Jianmu No. 7 rocket on the big These flames were mixed with huge water vapor, and the rocket slowly rose up and mounted on the launch tower. The camera on the rack also felt the vibration from the rocket launch.

And Wu Hao, who was in the launch command and control hall a few kilometers away, also felt the huge roar from the rocket launch. This is the neighing sound from the rocket jet flame, this sound is enough to tear the air, so that the entire radius of several kilometers can feel the vibration.

"Make a procedural turn!"

The rocket began to adjust its angle and slowly lifted off. The people who had waited for a night a few kilometers away finally got what they wanted and cheered when they saw the rocket launch.


The huge roar of the rocket came, accompanied by the vibration, so that all the visitors onlookers deeply felt the energy of this behemoth.

The shock of this launch can only be truly experienced by visiting the scene. The tourists couldn't help showing excitement, and they jumped with excitement.

"The ground measurement and control station of the base reported that the rocket tracking is normal and the telemetry signal is normal."


In the launch command and control hall, everyone is working in an orderly manner, and various data and information are constantly updated and broadcast. This kind of launch mission has been carried out many times here, so we have trained a launch team with excellent qualities and skills, so everyone is very calm, calm and professional in dealing with it.

Through the high-definition surveillance camera on the rocket, Wu Hao and the others can clearly see the first angle of view on the rocket on the big screen. The rocket started to rise slowly, getting farther and farther from the ground.

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