Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1687: Separate water from lunar soil

The news that Haoyu's lunar probe "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover successfully landed on the moon, with the release of the first chapter animation, instantly detonated the network, this news was quickly reported by major media , Became the headlines of major media and rankings.

  Especially the rapid release of the panoramic photos of the first chapter directly confirmed this point. Through this panoramic photo, everyone can clearly see the surrounding terrain and the wreckage of the aerial crane that crashed in the distance. Some details of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover on the moon are also shown in the breakthrough. middle.

   And this is even more proof that this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover has landed on the moon safely and steadily.

  Too great, there are only a handful of countries in the world that have a probe capable of landing on the moon, and it is even rarer to have the ability to develop a probe independently and achieve a successful landing on the moon. This strength is probably the middle and upper class among all aerospace countries.

   The ones upstairs, I’m afraid I’m going to remove them, they are the upper-middle class, which should be said to be the most cutting-edge ones. As far as this is possible, no one can compare to the few countries at the head.

In fact, compared to the success of the moon landing, I am even more surprised that within half an hour after the moon landing, I can transmit such a clear panoramic photo like the earth. This kind of response and communication transmission efficiency is definitely for all lunar and even extraterrestrial explorations. The fastest in the device.

Yes, I have also noticed this. Just now I downloaded this photo from the official social account of Haoyu Technology. It is 11 megabytes. This is still a compressed photo. It is said that panoramic photos are several hundred megabytes. Guiqiu Original picture.

   Same request, but a photo is several hundred megabytes, depending on whether our computer can open it.

   You guys upstairs think too much, this kind of hundreds of trillion photos is not for you, even if you give it to you, you may not be able to open it. The scientific research value of this kind of photos is great, and it is impossible for Haoyu Technology to make them public for free. And relatively speaking, scientists' love for this photo is not lower than ours.

   Didn’t the officials say that some photos will be uploaded to Haoyu Aerospace’s official website for free and paid downloads by netizens? I don’t know if this photo will be uploaded, I like to download it to make a wallpaper.

   If you are making a wallpaper, the photo on the official social account is suitable. It is 11 megabytes and the resolution is enough.

  This kind of public photos will definitely be uploaded, but I don’t know whether it’s free or paid. It’s not expensive. If it’s cheap, I’ll buy a few to support it.

   Since it is available for downloading by netizens, the price is definitely not that expensive. Otherwise, everyone will download the pirated version, and they will lose out.

This is also true. In fact, everyone can wait. This time, Haoyu Technology has a professional HD camera. Its imaging quality is much higher than this panoramic camera. We can look forward to the high-definition camera on the rover. The blockbuster filmed.

   Compared with the photos, I am actually more curious why the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover chose this as the landing site. Generally speaking, don’t you choose a large plain? What is special about Qihai?

   is not necessarily all the great plains, some of the terrain where the probes land are still more complicated. The large crater plain is definitely conducive to the landing and the passage of the probe, but the geographical topography is too single, and the value of scientific research is naturally greatly reduced. According to the interpretation of previous experts, the location of the sea of ​​gas is quite special. One is located near the moon’s equator, and the other is a crater formed earlier. It is useful for scientists to study the geographical environment and formation of the moon in the earlier period. Great scientific research value. Third, the sea of ​​qi is not big, but not small. It is surrounded by various lunar mountains, and there are many famous large meteorite craters nearby. The terrain is very rich and has high scientific research value.

This is only the analysis of scientists. In my opinion, the reason why Qihai was chosen as the landing site must be based on the factors mentioned above. On the other hand, I think Wu Hao and the entire lunar exploration project expert team affirmed It also has its own intentions or plans. According to the previously announced lunar exploration missions, the main task of this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover is to find mineral resources and water resources on the moon, as well as a lunar scientific research station and the future moon. City location. So I think that the reason for choosing here may meet some of these conditions.

   According to your analysis, it can be said clearly. The geology and topography here are complex, and the mineral resources are definitely rich. However, the water resources on the moon are mainly concentrated in the ice layers of the north and south poles, of which the Antarctic is mostly, which is located near the equator of the moon. I am afraid that there will be no surface ice. Regardless of whether it is the lunar scientific research station or the future lunar city site selection, the most important one is the stability of the geological structure, and the other is to have sufficient water resources. From this point of view, it is obviously inappropriate.

   is not necessarily, the ice on the moon is mainly distributed in the north and south poles ~ ~ mainly in the South Pole. However, this does not mean that there are no water resources elsewhere on the moon. On the contrary, scientists have discovered that in the shadow of the moon’s craters and mountains, there will also be surface ice. In addition, there are plenty of water resources in the lunar soil.

   In fact, the astronauts and scientists who will land on the moon in the future will not necessarily get water from the ice. They may also use a more ingenious way to obtain water, as well as oxygen and hydrogen. The lunar soil is very rich in silica and iron-titanium oxide (ilmenite), and scientists can completely separate liquid water from it.

   This is too incredible, is this technique reliable? Since there is water on the moon, why do so much effort to separate water from silica and iron-titanium oxide (ilmenite)? The efficiency is too low.

  Intelligence said that this is a backup method. This technology can be applied not only to the moon, but also to the drier Mars.

   Now that these are too far away, I now want to know, is this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover on the moon real, and can it really drive so fast?

   It’s not necessarily true. After finally sending a lunar rover to the moon, it’s better to be more cautious. Otherwise, if it is knocked down and broken, or turned over, wouldn't it mean that so much money and so much hard work will be in vain.

   Don’t forget the mission of this car. If you really want to move a few centimeters to several centimeters like other detectors, wouldn’t it take hundreds of years to complete tens of thousands of kilometers?

  Okay, stop arguing, let's wait and see.

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