Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1718: Viewing traffic password

Melt away?

   As soon as Wu Hao said this idea, it aroused discussion among the experts and reporters present. Some talk about whether it is technically feasible, and some talk about whether it would be a pity that such a precious star core melted like this. There are even people discussing whether this practice is legal and so on.

  Wu Hao paused for a while, and then said with a smile: "As for what to do to transport this platinum star core or dissolved platinum back, our scientists and experts have also given a lot of advice and provided a lot of ideas.

   For example, some experts suggested that if the platinum star core can be transported back intact, then it should be preserved as a scientific research and external exhibition.

   After all, such a large star core is very rare, and it is so special, it will definitely attract many people to visit it.

Some experts feel that if the platinum star core can be shipped back, in addition to retaining some samples for scientific research, the remaining part of the star core will be dissolved. The dissolved platinum and other precious metals will invite internationally renowned Jewelry designers design and sell them as limited souvenirs.

   In this way, everyone has the opportunity to receive such a gift from an asteroid in the universe. I think this asteroid that has existed in the universe for hundreds of millions or even billions of years is enough to be able to witness everyone's love better than diamonds. "

   Hearing Wu Hao's thoughts, the reporters in the audience couldn't help but get excited. This is definitely a great idea, and they are all a little moved. Maybe when the platinum asteroid is shipped back to Earth, they will buy a ring made of platinum in the core of the star to propose to their girlfriend, which is simply too romantic.

   Compared with the excitement of the reporters, these experts are talking louder one by one. Obviously, this idea, especially the idea of ​​directly melting into jewelry, has been strongly opposed by experts.

   In their view, this approach is absolutely violent. The nucleus of this asteroid is very precious. If it can be used for research, I don’t know how many research results can be produced. And such a nucleus is very rare, if it can be shipped back, of course it is worth saving for future generations.

   Of course, there are also experts who support Wu Hao's idea. They believed that Wu Hao and the others first discovered this star core. If they found a way to transport it back to Earth, then Wu Hao and the others should have the right to dispose of it, and no one else can interfere. No matter what Wu Hao and others did with this star core, they had no right to criticize and criticize.

   Moreover, legally speaking, this star core is on the moon, and it is not a state-owned property. Whoever gets it belongs to whoever gets it. If the opposition organization even intervenes in the confiscation, it will be contrary to some existing legal provisions, and it will also greatly undermine the enthusiasm of the private aerospace industry for development.

On the stage, Wu Hao naturally saw the reactions of the people. He gave a slight, and then said: "Of course, some experts suggested that if we can really ship this star core back, and want to realize it. If it is, it should be publicly auctioned. I believe that many people will be interested in it by then. Some companies, research institutes, and even museums that want to preserve the star core and do research will also have it. A chance to get it. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

   Hearing what Wu Hao said, the experts smiled bitterly. If it is a private purchase, it may be possible, but if it is a public auction, how can they compete for huge capital power. I am afraid that by then, this star core will be speculated at sky-high prices by those capitals.

   As for Wu Hao, he picked up the water cup next to him and drank his mouth water, gave everyone a time to digest and then smiled and said in surprise.

"Of course, these are just some of our own ideas of our experts and technical researchers. There is no conclusion about the specifics. And for us, it is still too early to discuss this aspect. How to make this The platinum nucleus is transported back from the moon. This is the focus of our discussion and research.

   You need to know, although I described it as simple, but in fact, if you want to transport it, you need to solve a lot of technical problems. Including relevant laws and regulations, whether we are allowed to transport back such a stone of two or three tons from the moon outside the sky.

   And for us, the feasibility of such an idea and whether it can be profitable are the key points we need to discuss. After all, we are a private technology company, and profitability is our top priority.

  Although this platinum star core is valuable, whether its value can offset the cost of shipping it back is still unknown. In addition, even if this platinum star core is used for commercial operations, whether it will be recognized by consumers is also a question we need to consider.

   So before everything comes to fruition, these are just our imaginations can't be true. "

   Wu Hao will definitely take it away in the end, try to round it up as much as possible, and don't leave too much controversy. The reason for doing this is, of course, to be cautious and avoid some risks. On the other hand, this is not a temptation. If the trial results are gratifying, then this project can also be considered on the agenda.

"Hello Mr. Wu, Provincial and Taiwanese reporter Tian Bingbing. Before that, you mentioned that your company has related plans in the future to set up commercial scientific research stations on the moon, and projects such as the Lunar City Lunar Hotel. May I ask this Does the discovery of solid water on the moon mean that your company’s related plans will be officially launched? Is there a timeline for related plans.” A female reporter in a white suit sitting in the middle row stood up and asked Wu Hao. .

   is still an acquaintance, Tian Bingbing has done a lot of reports about their company before. In other words, Haoyu Technology has always been the focus of provincial and Taiwanese attention and reports. After all, as an international technology giant, their words and deeds, every move, have attracted the attention of the outside world. Being close to each other, Provincial Taiwan will naturally not miss such a good rating flow password, and it is naturally "taken care of".

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled at her and nodded, motioned to the other party to sit down, and then proceeded to preach: "We have a very detailed plan for the lunar research and exploration project. At present, we are working according to our own strength. , Step by step in accordance with the development of the plan.

   The lunar commercial scientific research station and lunar city lunar hotel project you mentioned are indeed part of our entire lunar exploration and development project.


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