Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1722: "Transformers" Lunar Multifunctional Engineering Robot

Hearing his words, the experts and leaders present also nodded one after another. Indeed, this plan is indeed very ambitious, but it is still unknown whether it can be realized. To know the harsh environment on the moon, whether this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover can be supported, and how long it can support is still unknown.

After looking at the reactions of everyone, Wu Hao turned around and said with a smile: "Of course, this route of exploration is not completely untouched. The specific changes will also be made according to some problems or other changes we actually encounter in the future. Variety.

Moreover, if experts and professors have any good suggestions, let's discuss them together. If it is good, we can also absorb it as one of the alternative visiting locations. "

Hearing what he said, the experts and professors present became active one by one. It would be great if they could use this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover to solve their troubles about the moon and the location they aspire to explore.

These experts and professors exchanged a few words, and then a professor said: "There are too many interesting areas on the moon worth exploring. For example, the Copernicus crater in your next exploration route is very famous. Lunar landmarks.

If possible, I hope you can add the Alpine Grand Canyon to the exploration catalog. This Grand Canyon is the largest and longest crack on the moon, with a length of more than 100 kilometers and a widest point of six kilometers. If you can go down to the Alpine Grand Canyon, there will be many new discoveries. "

Alpine Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon is indeed a good place for scientific research. However, this canyon is 6 kilometers long. If you want to go down and find out, the small car on the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover The exploration robot will definitely not work. The "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover must go down in person. The risks brought by this are undoubtedly huge.

So to be safe, I don't recommend where to go for detection. It was another expert who spoke, and he said: “If I were to suggest, I would prefer a straight cliff that spreads seventy-five miles on a flat piece of land. So far, no one knows about it. How did it form? This cliff is very steep, it can be said to be almost vertical. If we can go where to explore, it will greatly promote our study of the formation and changes of the lunar landforms."

The experts began to speak freely one by one, and they recommended many interesting and valuable detection sites. These suggestions have also been recorded for follow-up research and selection.

As for whether to go, it depends on the actual follow-up detection plan. For Wu Hao and the others, the most important task of this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar patrol rover is to find resources and figure out the division of the main mineral resources on the moon, as well as the actual reserves, and so on. Secondly, this is to find a suitable location for the lunar scientific research station on the moon. This task is also important, and it is directly related to the progress of their lunar exploration projects.

So I discussed this topic for about half an hour. After a short break between the meeting, it continued. Obviously, these experts and professors expressed great enthusiasm for this meeting. However, when the meeting was resumed, Zou Huanyi and Zou did not let everyone continue to discuss the original topic, but brought the topic to Wu Hao and the others about the lunar commercial scientific research station and the future lunar city that will be built in the next step.

Hearing Zou Huanyi’s words, Qin Xinghe also said: "Xiao Wu, talk about your ideas and plans. It just so happens that our country is also actively working with other countries to build the first international lunar scientific research station. Tell me about yours. Let's learn from each other about ideas and related design and construction plans. It just so happens that today, so many experts, let them check it out for you."

Qin Xinghe's words were piled up, and the bright-eyed experts here watched him respond.

Well, in the face of this situation, Wu Hao gave a wry smile. Thinking of this, he smiled, then swiped a few times on the folding screen under his hand with his finger, and then a bird's-eye rendering of the lunar scientific research station was displayed on the big screen.

After seeing this bird's-eye rendering image, the experts became excited one by one. While staring at the bird's-eye rendering image, they carefully examined and studied, and they discussed and discussed with the experts nearby.

Wu Hao introduced it to everyone: "This is our bird's-eye view of the design of the first commercial scientific research station on the moon, which is different from the design and construction ideas of the international lunar scientific research station jointly built by our country and other countries. Our lunar commercial research station will adopt a three-step strategy.

First, the first step is to conduct underground exploration for the preliminarily selected landing sites and the preliminary preparations for the construction of scientific research We will launch a group of multifunctional engineering robots to the moon. It is composed of multiple functional modules, which can be operated separately or as a whole. "

Isn't this Transformers? Some experts joked.

Yes, you are right, its internal code name is called ‘Transformers’. Speaking of Wu Hao sliding his foldable screen, the design rendering of the'Transformers' was displayed on the big screen.

"Look, everyone. This multifunctional engineering robot is composed of multiple functional modules. It has a forklift loader body, which can load and unload the lunar soil and level the ground. Secondly, it has an excavator body on it, which can also be lifted. To excavate the lunar soil and level the ground. Third, there is a connecting rod exploration drill on it, which can drill to a depth of about ten meters underground, so as to obtain relevant data and information of the deep lunar soil, and build a lunar commercial scientific research station. Collect geological data information and so on.

After completing the leveling of the selected site, we will then begin the second step, the establishment of a short-term scientific research station on the moon. Use the inflatable and inflatable space capsules we have already mastered to build a large-scale soft scientific research station building circle.

These inflatable and inflatable space capsules are light in weight, can be folded and stored, and do not take up space. Therefore, we only need to launch a few rockets from the earth to realize the initial construction of a lunar unit that can be left alone by astronauts in the short to medium term. Test station. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao swiped his foldable screen, and the big screen showed a bird's-eye rendering of this temporary commercial research station on the moon.

The main building of this scientific research station is composed of several hemispherical inflatable soft-shell space bins. The central building is connected by foldable inflatable corridors to form a whole scientific research station.

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