Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1729: Seafood for food

Zou Huanyi picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup that Buddha jumped over the wall, and couldn't help sighing: "This taste is correct, it is the taste of hometown."

   Speaking of this, Zou Huanyi picked up a small abalone and smiled: "When I was a kid, my mother used to make Buddha jump over the wall for us. But this kind of self-made Buddha jump over the wall is definitely not as special as a restaurant. Basically, there is something to stew.

   Put some dried meat, salted fish, some seafood from the beach, and some carrots. Every time I come back from school, my mother cooks a big jar, enough for us to eat several meals. "

"At that time, living conditions were very difficult. Maybe now you think you should be rich if you can afford to eat seafood. In fact, no one would eat this kind of seafood at that time. And all the good things were bought, and all that was left was. Some defective products, stinky fish, rotten shrimps, these things were taken back by each family, boiled and eaten, without any oily water.

   So I spent a week in school eating steamed mustard mustard, shacha sauce, and the most hopeful thing is naturally the Buddha made by my mother jumped over the wall.

   It's a pity, not long after the reform and opening up, my mother passed away and she didn't have a good day. Speaking of this, Zou Huanyi Zou Lao Zai, the nearly eighty-year-old old man, couldn't help but sigh. By his age, life and death have already been seen. "But he still hasn't let go of his mother who died young.

Qin Xinghe smiled and said: "When we went to school, although our living conditions were better than when you were younger, you can't expect anything from fish, shrimp, and seafood. Maybe there will be one or two hairtails to eat and drink during the holidays. Seaweed soup or something. As for abalone, sea cucumber, or toast lobster, I have only eaten it after working for several years."

Hearing Qin Xinghe’s words, Zou Huanyi also eased from the sorrow, and then smiled at Qin Xinghe and Wu Hao and said: "In our days, there was a lot of seafood but not enough food. Just eating seafood is definitely not enough, so I have to eat. Food. The fishermen use seafood, fish, shrimp, and seafood for food. Only a dozen catties of fish and shrimp will be exchanged for one catty of food. As for abalone and sea cucumber, no one eats it at all."

Seeing the curious look on Wu Hao’s face, Zou Huanyi smiled and said, “You guys, I haven’t experienced that era, when food was very scarce, so it was very precious. Fish, shrimp and seafood are now more expensive than food, but At that time, it was very cheap, and it was food for the poor.

   And, more importantly, food can be stored, but fish and shrimp cannot be stored. Except for some fresh fish and dried fish, it is dried shrimp skin and kelp.

   At that time, what we often ate was a pot of porridge or batter with a little salted fish in it, which was a meal.

   So, now this day is really getting better, we all cherish this beautiful era. "

Qin Xinghe smiled, and then Zou Huanyi said: "We went to school at that time. We didn't eat it in winter. They were cornmeal steamed buns, sorghum steamed buns, and the wheat skin steamed buns, then sauerkraut, Chinese cabbage, or A fried radish slices, cornmeal porridge.

   I have eaten this one winter. People can't help but feel bitter in their stomachs when they see them. "

   Ha ha, Wu Hao followed with a smile. Although he knew that the living conditions in that era were difficult, but when they heard the two of them, he just felt novel and didn't experience too much.

   The two said a few more words, and Qin Xinghe immediately shifted the topic to Wu Hao: "How are your preparations for the first manned spacecraft flight next year?"

Hearing Qin Xinghe's sudden question, Wu Hao froze for a moment, and then nodded: "It is already underway. The development project of the manned spacecraft Walker 4 has started, and the overall progress is rapid. The supporting Jianmu 7 can be recycled and transported. The rocket has also been manufactured, and there should be no problem in catching up with the launch window in the middle of next year."

   Hearing Wu Hao’s words, Zou Huanyi also showed a look of interest: "So, you plan to launch the first manned spacecraft in June and July next year."

Wu Hao smiled and said, "That's the plan. We confirmed with the manned engineering department and the Qin Bureau. Next year's South China Sea Space Manned Launch Site will only have a free launch window in June and July. If you miss this If you launch the window, you can only postpone it until next winter."

  , Qin Xinghe nodded along Wu Hao’s words and explained: “Next year is the first year of spaceflight. The launch plan is very intensive, so there are not many free windows.

   Originally, we planned to use the spare time in June and July for the entire team to repair. Now if you occupy it, the launch team may only have to insist on rest until the end of the year. "

   Hearing Qin Xinghe's words, Wu Hao was a little embarrassed and said, "It's really hard work, everyone. In this regard, we still feel sorry for it."

   Qin Xinghe waved his hand when he heard the words: "This is their job, and it is their responsibility, and they should take it. If you feel uncomfortable in your then you can treat them a little bit more.

   Besides, you are also contributing to the aerospace industry of our country, and we should support it. If you really want to thank you, then do this launch mission and send your spacecraft with astronauts to space safely and smoothly. This is the greatest return to all the hard-working personnel. "

   Zou Huanyi nodded and then asked Wu Hao: "Have you confirmed the astronauts? Who do you plan to send to space for the first manned flight."

Hearing Zou Huanyi’s question, Wu Hao smiled and looked at Qin Xinghe and said: “Astronauts, we still hope that our astronauts can join this project and become the first astronauts of this manned spacecraft. ."

Wu Hao’s thoughts and Qin Xinghe naturally understood. He put down his chopsticks, took the napkin and wiped his mouth, and said with a smile: “I’m not telling you about this, and it’s still under study. Although on the whole, there is no problem, but There are still some opinions and concerns. After all, many people are still skeptical about the reliability and safety of your commercial manned spacecraft.

  Therefore, there are still quite a few objections to allowing astronauts to participate in the first flight of this manned spacecraft.

   Of course, as long as your unmanned experimental spacecraft Walker-3 can successfully complete the docking of the space station's cargo supply and other tasks, and return to Earth safely. Then I think there is nothing wrong with your request. After all, in this area, the above leaders also expressed their support to you.

   And as for the astronauts, everyone is also very active in taking our first commercial manned spacecraft into space. "

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