Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1761: Sit firmly on the Diaoyutai

   Xiao Ma Ge mentioned the preparation of the Starlink project, Wu Hao did not directly refuse, of course, he did not agree to it. After all, this is a huge project worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and it is impossible to finalize it in a few words.

   And depending on what Xiao Ma means, some other players have to be brought in, so this matter is not in a hurry.

   At present, they not only have very advanced satellite technology, but also very mature launch vehicle technology. Therefore, they are an indispensable part of the project proposed by Xiao Ma.

   is also because of this, that's why they appear to be precious, which is why the other party called him first to ask about his attitude. If he doesn't agree to refuse directly, then this project will definitely not work out, and Xiao Ma's calculations will be frustrated.

   Fortunately, he did not take the initiative to refuse. From the point of view of Brother Xiao Ma, this is a kind of consent in disguise. At least he does not reject this project, so the follow-up will be easier to handle, nothing more than the distribution of benefits. In this regard, Xiao Ma also intends to make appropriate concessions in the follow-up negotiations and take Wu Hao down. In this way, this project is mostly successful.

   But Wu Hao thinks so, of course they don’t have to worry about it. Let's check the progress of the matter first, and there are many people who pay attention to Starlink, and it is not necessary to cooperate with Xiao Ma. So, let them roll a roll first, don't worry.

   After finishing the call with Xiao Ma, Wu Hao immediately answered several more calls, all of which had to be answered. He was dealing with these calls all morning.

   didn't end until it was almost noon, which made Wu Hao breathe a sigh of relief, and then began to deal with the things at hand.

   It didn't take long before Zhang Jun walked in from the door. Because the goods have come in more frequently, they are exempt from notifications.

   Seeing Wu Hao burying his head in work, Zhang Jun smiled at him and said, "It's noon, don't be busy, let's go eat first."

   Wu Hao raised his head and glanced at the goods, then lowered his head again while busy with the work at hand, and said, "You do it first, I'll do it right away."

   Zhang Jun nodded when he heard the words, then took a can of functional drinks and walked to the rest area to sit down. While sipping a drink, she unfolded her transparent folding screen and swiped it up.

"Yesterday, when you accompanied the experts and leaders to visit the exhibition hall of Xinyue Fox Garden, someone secretly took vague photos and videos and secretly uploaded them to the Internet. The preliminary judgment should be the attendants of the experts and leaders at the scene. Although the videos and the secret shots The quality of the photos is not high, but the content still attracted strong attention from netizens and the media, and even on the front page of some media. You can see how we deal with it, whether it is to send a letter to the platform to delete the post, or make an announcement. of."

   Zhang Jun brushed the transparent folding screen, glanced at Wu Hao and said.

  Wu Hao, who was processing the documents in his hand, raised his head and glanced at the other party when he heard Zhang Jun's words, and then continued to talk about the work he was busy with.

   This is not necessary, since we dare to let them see, we are not afraid of them spreading out. And there are so many people on the scene, it is impossible to keep confidential. Let it spread out. In this way, it adds a sense of mystery and arouses the interest of the public and the media. It's good.

   In this way, let’s not express our position. If there are media inquiries, you should first confirm the authenticity of these photos, and then condemn them a little bit. You don’t have to say too much, just express your attitude.

Um? Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment, then he understood Wu Hao's intentions, and then he couldn't help but smile.

"This is good. This way, on the one hand, it can confirm the authenticity of these photos and videos, as well as the content inside, and dispel doubts. On the other hand, it can also indirectly express its attitude towards this matter, and it can continue to improve the public and the media's understanding of these issues. The level of interest in the project."

Haha, Wu Hao smiled, then closed the folder in his hand, and then sorted out some messy documents on the table, and said to Zhang Jun: "Those things in the exhibition hall can be put out appropriately. It can be inadvertently or formally announced to the public. But don’t release it all at once. You can post it every once in a while to keep the public’s attention and topic hot."

   This is... Zhang Jun thought for a moment, and then blurted out: "You are preheating for the launch of Haoyu Aerospace next year."

   part of the reason. Wu Hao stood up and picked up the organized files, and then said to him: "Go, go to dinner."

   Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun quickly got up and followed. The two walked to the door, and the personal intelligent assistant Coco, who had long been aware of it, opened the door. After the two walked out, the door closed immediately.

   This is an intelligent access control system, which is also managed by Wu Hao's personal intelligent assistant Cocoa. Through the multi-authentication system, this intelligent access control system can very accurately recognize the identity information of each person coming, and determine whether to open the door for entry according to the relevant authority.

   There are not many people who can directly enter Wu Hao's office. Of course, Wu Hao himself, Shen Ning is one. She can enter directly when Wu Hao is not in the office without asking Wu Hao's consent. For other people, if they want to enter, they must obtain permission from Shen Ning or Wu Hao before they can enter.

   As for Zhang Jun and the others, only when Wu Hao is in the office can they gain direct access. They can’t enter when Wu Hao is not in the As for other people, they can only make an appointment with the secretariat in advance. They can only enter after Shen Ning’s authorization or Wu Hao’s direct consent. .

   Seeing Wu Hao walking out with a stack of documents, the secretariat staff who was on duty outside immediately came up with high heels and took the documents in Wu Hao's hands.

   Where is Shen Ning? Wu Hao glanced at the secretariat office, but did not find her, and then the staff member asked.

   Director Shen has gone to the marketing department, do you need me to notify her to come back? The staff member asked.

  Wu Hao shook his head slightly and said to the staff member: "I have marked these documents. There are a few that need to be dealt with urgently. When Shen Ning comes back, you can let her deal with it as soon as possible."

   Okay, Mr. Wu. The staff member nodded quickly.

   Wu Hao then glanced at Zhang Jun, and the two walked out. Walking into the exclusive elevator, Zhang Jun smiled at him: "Shen Ning, this girl is very capable, when do you plan to go out for exercise."

   Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun, then smiled at him and asked, "What do you want to pay attention to?"

   What ideas can I have? Just ask, we still have a very short supply of middle-level leaders who can be alone and capable. I think Shen Ning is pretty good. Speaking of this, Zhang Jun looked at him and smiled: "It depends on whether you are willing?"


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