Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1764: Annual Exercise of the North in 2002

In fact, Wu Hao has encountered this before, and there are many. However, he is lucky, that is, both his parents and Lin Wei's parents are very smart in this regard, and they will not cause Wu Hao these troubles. Therefore, for those relatives who came to the door, they were able to help as much as possible, and those who could not help were decisively rejected.

Although offended some so-called relatives, but at least a lot easier. Now these people also knew Wu Hao's attitude, and they stopped coming back. Even if they come to the door, they are all about exchange of feelings and will not mention other things.

I hope this product can come out properly. Thinking of this, Wu Hao suddenly felt a little gloating, as if it would be better to stay at home on November to watch this big show.

And Zhang Jun, who didn't know about this, was struggling to bask his face, as if he wanted all the unhappiness in his heart to be put on this bowl of noodles.

Wu Hao smiled, knowing that there is no need to say those comforting words at this time. But looking at the look of the goods, he also changed the subject immediately: "I heard you talked about several orders yesterday?"

Seeing Wu Hao mentioned this matter, Zhang Jun also woke up from his emotions just now, and then took a look at Wu Hao and said, "I'm about to tell you about this. Yesterday I won three orders in total, two of which were all launches. The mission, there is another order. The other party hopes that our'Wangshu' intelligent lunar patrol rover will detect several locations on the moon, and the price is quite high."

Um? Wu Hao paused for a while, then asked: "Is there anything special?"

Zhang Jun shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just that they want us to go to a place where Old Mi landed on the moon, and then shoot and record some high-definition images to transmit to them."

Isn't this just right, we also have a mission plan in this regard, which saves trouble. Wu Hao smiled.

Although it is basically finalized, there are still some details that need to be negotiated, and the contract has not been officially signed, which means that there may be changes. Zhang Jun said this, and then changed his tone and laughed: "But whatever it is, there are many people who come to the door, and most of them are hoping to obtain or share this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface. It’s not bad for their family to patrol the rover's relevant detection data."

Still try to fight for it, after all, it's all money. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Don't worry, if you can fight for it, you will try your best. Who will have trouble with money. Zhang Jun said with a smile.

Um. Seeing this guy say so, Wu Hao nodded and didn't say anything.

Seeing that he didn’t say anything, Zhang Jun was a little slow, and then said to him: “I have something to tell you. The project’s overseas live broadcast copyright."

What are the specific aspects of live broadcast copyright? Wu Hao was slightly surprised, and then asked.

Zhang Jun replied: "This is the part of our live broadcast, and I hope we can provide some vacation news reports from time to time. The offer from the other party is still quite impressive, 10 million euros for three years."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, but he did not directly express his position, but first looked at Zhang Jun and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhang Jun nodded his head and replied: "I think it is possible. We have made this part of the content public, and there is no restriction on copyright. Now one of the media takes the initiative to undertake this part of the work, and also paid a considerable amount of money, which is not for us. That is a good thing.

And compared to money, I think we are more interested in the media’s overseas communication capabilities, which will help promote our aerospace industry, corporate and brand image, promote our overseas brand image, and expand overseas markets. Business is very helpful. "

Can! Wu Hao thought for a moment, and then decided: "You can sell the overseas copyright to them, but the specific details must be negotiated. Otherwise, we will be very passive at that time."

OK, then I will arrange for people to negotiate with them and try to finalize the cooperation matters as soon as possible. Strive for our first manned launch to be seen by people all over the world through live broadcast. Zhang Jun said excitedly.

Ha ha. Wu Hao smiled and looked at Zhang Jun and said, "Speaking of launching, Brother Xiao Ma from Shenzhen market called me in the morning. After greetings, he finally said his purpose.

He wants to pull us to work on the domestic version of the Starlink project. It is initially estimated that 8,000 to 12,000 satellites will be launched to form an entire high-speed communication network covering any region of the world.

Of course, this is only part of the whole project, and their real purpose is to grab orbital resources. Before the orbital orbit has been preempted, try to seize and hoard resources as much as possible, wait for the orbital resources to be exhausted, and then sell them at a high price. "

Haven’t we studied this matter before, the opponent's strength is good, if they participate, I think it can be done. Faced with such a huge project, Zhang Jun said with a look of excitement.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and said, "In addition to us, he also plans to bring in several other companies to participate.

When asked about my attitude, I did not express my position directly, of course, nor did I refuse to oppose it. In this project, we have the dominant position, so don't worry. "

"You are right, but I think we still have to guard against it. If they finally unite against us, I am afraid that it will be difficult to deal with at the time. This project is large enough, how can it be unpleasant to talk to us at that time? It may re-support other aerospace companies. Although the strength of several other private rocket companies in China is too far from ours, they also have their own launch vehicle technology. If capital injection is looked at, it should develop soon.

Although it is not as good as us, but with so much capital injection, they will definitely fill us in some trouble. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao and said seriously: "So I think we still have to be certain, we have to guard against such a move, and be fully prepared."

Hearing what Zhang Jun Hao showed a satisfied look: "Your analysis is correct, it is indeed possible. Then, I will leave this to you, you Come and take care of it."

Hey, don't throw everything at me. Why, are you going to be the shopkeeper again? Zhang Jun suddenly dissatisfied.

In response, Wu Hao immediately retorted with no anger: "When have I ever done a hand shake shopkeeper?"

Why not, do you want me to tell you one by one. Zhang Jun glared at him pretentiously.

Seeing the strong reaction of this cargo, Wu Hao smiled and calmed down: "Okay, okay, I have business, too. I have to go to the northern shooting range. In this exercise, we have several weapons and equipment participating, so I Go and stare."

North 2025 annual exercise? Zhang Jun said in surprise.

"Yes, this exercise mainly focuses on the exercise of new weapons and equipment. Our weapons and equipment are important participants. The General Logistics Department and the Science and Technology Industry have all sent us invitations. I have to go and see."

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