Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1847: The power of technology

"Evasion, evasion, J07, you were bitten by two drones."

"Can't get rid of it, ask for support."

"J09, J10 covers J07!"

"J09 report, I'm fighting with a drone and can't get rid of it. Repeat, can't get rid of it."

"J10 report, I was hit, good luck everyone, this group of drones is not easy to mess with."


Hearing the conversations of the red pilots on the radio channel and combining the first-view images of the two fighters on the big screen, it can be seen that after entering the melee battle between the two sides, they rely on the ultra-high mobility and flexibility and powerful computing decisions. Ability, the twelve 凫徯 smart attack drones have quickly mastered the initiative and expanded their advantages.

At present, the battle damage ratio has reached 7 to one. The Red Air Force lost seven fighter jets, while the UAV side only lost one.

"Knocked down another one."

The big screen showed that a red fighter jet chased by the drone was locked by radar and fired a "missile" to hit the target, exiting the exercise.

"The overall situation has been determined, and this aerial exercise has no meaning to go on." An old man in the crowd shook his head and said with some sadness.

Judging from the reactions of these pilots, they are absolutely elite and skilled. These fighters are also considered the strongest fighters in active service, but in front of these drones, they seem to be completely helpless. It has only been a long time since the battle, and it has "lost" eight fighters, but the opponent's drone has only "lost" one. The unmanned aerial vehicle that was lost was lost under the siege of multiple fighters, and it took a lot of effort.

So it seems, is the era of unmanned fighter jets really here?

Seeing this, many of the air force present, especially those from pilots, couldn't help but feel sad. Most of the operators sitting on the twelve consoles were also pilots. Although I have experienced many such drills before, but this time seeing such a scene, everyone clenched their fists involuntarily.

J01, J05 exit the drill!

With the announcement, there were only two fighters left in the fighting airspace. The two fighters did not fight timidly, but went head-on. At this moment, the pilots had red eyes and ignored everything else. The only goal was to shoot down a few more "enemy planes."

This kind of battle was something they had never encountered before. Even if they encountered a fifth-generation aircraft, they were only shot down from a long distance. The technical problem of this intelligent monster is that the fifth-generation aircraft has stealth and beyond visual range attack capabilities.

So it was shot down by the fifth-generation aircraft, and we can only blame the aircraft generation problem.

But now they are actually defeated by these drones at close quarters, which is very difficult for them to accept. And I heard that these drones are not controlled by humans, but attacked autonomously.

The battle was fought like this, and the loss was a mess, but in the end it was a group of machines, which made many people unacceptable.

Although the remaining two fighters were brave, they were finally defeated regrettably under the siege of so many drones.

The final ruling came from the radio: "The aerial exercise and confrontation are over. It was ruled that all the twelve red fighters were shot down, the blue drone lost one, and the blue won!"

Hearing the announcement, the old man immediately stood up and applauded. Although the others had different thoughts, they all got up and applauded one by one.

"Xiao Wu, you played beautifully. Today, I saw the power of technology." The old man said to Wu Hao, and then said to everyone: "I think this aerial confrontation exercise today is not just for me to see. , And give everyone a lively one.

Sure enough, it confirmed the old saying that if you fall behind you will be beaten.

Therefore, all of us must seek truth from facts, adhere to scientific development, and attach importance to the research and application of cutting-edge technology and weaponry. Now wars are no longer the traditional wars of the previous ones. High-tech and cutting-edge technologies will penetrate and cover all aspects of warfare, so we all must study and study more seriously. "

Speaking of this, the old man turned his head and ordered the accompanying cadres to say: "Collate the relevant materials of the exercise. After returning to the headquarters, we will hold a seminar on this exercise."


After giving these instructions, the old man said to Wu Hao: "Let's go, we are almost done here, let's go to the airport to welcome the drone back."

OK. Although Wu Hao didn't know the intention of the old man, he accompanied the old man and them to the airport.

As everyone walked toward the airport apron, the two Fuling Smart Attack UAVs that returned first had already begun to land.

Two UAVs one after the other, landed on the runway, and then taxied. With the release of the parachute, the speed of the two drones became slower and slower, and then they taxied to the apron.

"This landing process was remotely controlled by the pilots in the hangar." The old man looked at the second batch of the Fulu intelligent attack drones that were about to land, and asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Usually this take-off and landing are actually controlled by our controllers, which is safer and more secure. Of course, it can also be autonomous in emergency situations. Take off and land."

What is the price of such a Fuhuan intelligent attack drone? The old man nodded and continued to inquire.

When he came, Wu Hao was overjoyed, and immediately replied with a smile: "This still depends on the quantity of purchases. If it is purely production and manufacturing costs, it must be very cheap, but the cost of the previous R&D experiment will be included, so the price may vary. Taller.

But in any case, the price of such an intelligent attack drone is much cheaper than the price of the third-generation fighter. And more importantly, it does not need to include pilot training costs.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the remote controllers driving this 凫徯 Intelligent Attack UAV are some old fighter pilots who are grounded or excellent pilots who cannot fly for other reasons.

However, compared to these professional pilots, the cost of training and operating such a drone is not high, and it only takes a few months of training to enable the operator to master this smart attack drone.

Is it the same as playing a game? We have specially developed a related simulation training system for this purpose, which is actually a training game based on this kind of drone.

Trainees only need to gradually master the relevant control skills like playing a game, and then they can master these smart attack drones.

Of course, there is still a difference between playing games and fighting. A good game does not mean that he can adapt to war and the battlefield.

In addition to skill training, it depends on the training of other aspects of the army, especially in terms of thinking. Only with strong thinking can the will be firm, so that even if it encounters a task that is dangerous and difficult, it can never move forward. "

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