Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1855: Additional Energy Backpack

Except for a few technical experts, the rest of the people present were leaders of military officers. Although they had all heard of brain-computer interaction technology, they were not professional after all. If the explanation is too professional, it will be a bit obscure for everyone.

Therefore, Wu Hao's introduction tends to be colloquial as much as possible, telling some content that everyone can understand.

After hearing his introduction, everyone was surprised and naturally felt the advanced level of this technology. As for how advanced and how powerful it is, everyone's experience in this regard is naturally not as profound as those of the military and technical experts on the scene. Only when you really understand the technology will you know how advanced the technology is.

So the unmanned version of Xingtian power mecha here is also controlled by this technology? Someone at the scene immediately asked.

Wu Hao first nodded when he heard this question, and then shook his head: "The basic technology is the same, but there are also big differences."

Everyone nodded, and the old man shifted his target to the weapons held by these Xingtian powered mechas. The old man looked at a 14.5mm three-barreled rotary machine gun on the hand of a Xingtian power mecha, and couldn't help smiling: "This heavy machine gun seems to be specially installed on the vehicle before, but I didn't expect it to be prepared on this now."

"Yes, this machine gun has been used as a vehicle heavy machine gun before, in addition to suppressing firepower, it also undertakes related low-altitude air defense tasks.

We installed it on this Xingtian power mecha, and we mainly wanted to use its firepower advantage. On the one hand, it has a powerful heavy firepower advantage against the enemy, and on the other hand, it is naturally used for air defense.

This 14.5mm tungsten core armor-piercing projectile can not only suppress the enemy's active force and firepower, but also can be used to deal with some light armored targets. Like many armored vehicles, it is difficult to resist such tungsten core armor-piercing projectiles at close range.

It may be weaker than the on-board weapons on some armored vehicles, but if it is in complex terrain, such as the city streets, jungle swamps, mountain forests, and plateau canyons we mentioned earlier, it can play a huge role. "

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present nodded in agreement. Indeed, in a terrain environment where these heavy equipment are difficult to reach, if such a heavy machine gun can be put into battle, its combat effectiveness is undoubtedly huge.

More importantly, this is not a fixed weapon, but moving with firepower, which means that such firepower output can also be maintained when moving and attacking, which is very important for offensive and defensive warfare in this terrain.

The old man smiled and nodded, and then he noticed the weapons and equipment on several other Xingtian power mechas. Seeing this, Wu Hao introduced it immediately.

These weapons and equipment are experimentally used by us, and it is not that they can only use these weapons and equipment. In fact, our Xingtian power mecha is a weapon platform, which can select and carry weapons and equipment according to the needs of the user.

In addition to being able to equip this machine gun, we can also equip automatic grenade launchers, 23mm cannons, and also install some heavy weapons, such as rocket launchers, anti-tank missiles, light anti-aircraft missiles, and more.

In addition, it can also install corresponding weapons and equipment according to the actual needs of the troops, as long as they meet the relevant requirements.

How does this Xingtian-powered mecha perform in the alpine regions of the plateau? The old man asked at him.

Wu Hao understood this question in his heart. Obviously, the old man knew that this Xingtian power mecha would only exert its greatest advantage in the plateau and alpine regions. And it is currently, we need such weapons and equipment in the plateau and alpine regions.

For this question, he has long been prepared. Hearing the old man asked, he immediately replied with a smile.

"In the design and development stage, we have taken into account the needs of the troops to perform combat missions in the plateau and alpine regions, so we have carried out special research and optimization improvements, so that it can meet the combat needs of the troops in these extreme environments.

The entire Xingtian power mecha is driven by many maglev motors, so it will not be affected by high altitude, hypoxia, and alpine environment.

As for the super solid-state battery it uses, although it will be affected by temperature, we have installed a graphene insulation system around the battery. This insulation system can maintain the normal temperature of the battery in a low temperature environment, so that the battery will not be affected by the cold environment.

Even in an environment of minus 30 to 40 degrees, the super solid-state battery it carries can maintain more than 85% of its performance.

Secondly, in addition to equipping this Xingtian power mecha with this additional energy backpack to extend its overall standby combat time, we also developed two power generation backpacks for it specially used in extreme environments.

First of all, the first one is an additional energy backpack that uses chemical energy to generate electricity. When using it, you only need to untie the insurance, pull out the pull ring, and the medicine inside will mix and generate lasting heat. This heat is converted into kinetic energy by a steam turbine, which then drives a generator to generate electricity. After the reaction is completed, can be replaced and reused, which can provide additional power supply for the power mecha.

The second type is more traditional, using a traditional fuel-fired generator to generate electricity, and the generated electricity is directly charged into the battery and can also be used directly.

These two methods are basically to make a generator into a backpack and carry it on the back, generate electricity when needed, and then supply it continuously.

It's just that the first power generation backpack using chemicals is relatively quiet, while the second power generation backpack using traditional fuel generators is a bit noisy.

Of course, neither of these are as good as the additional energy packs on the front.

This additional energy backpack is actually a large power bank, which is also powered by super solid-state batteries, so it is very quiet when working.

And we equipped it with super fast charging technology, such a backpack can be fully charged in just ten minutes. In this way, we only need to equip each Xingtian power mecha with some additional energy backpacks like this.

As for the two special power generation backpacks introduced above, they are only used for emergency use in some extreme environments and areas and battlefields that do not have charging conditions. "

"Solve the power and energy issues, and there are only minor issues left in other areas."

Wu Hao took a breath and continued: "Although it is a small problem, we have not ignored it, and it is still perfect. For example, all the lubricating oils used in this Xingtian power mecha are low temperature resistant.

In addition, we have added an independent oxygen supply system in the cockpit, which can not only help the driver survive and fight in the nuclear, biological and chemical environment, but also can be used in the plateau hypoxic environment to provide additional oxygen for the driver, so as to ensure driving The personnel will not experience some altitude sickness and affect the combat effectiveness. "

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