Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1860: Amazing support system

While Wu Hao was talking to the old man, the hands-on experience session over there had already begun.

Looking at so many cash weapons and equipment, everyone present has long been itchy. Seeing Wu Hao and the old man leave, everyone at the scene immediately began to experience it with the assistance and guidance of the staff.

Of course, these weapons and equipment are not meant to be experienced. Like the big guy Xingtian power mecha next to him, the heavy mechanical exoskeleton assists the protective armor in front of everyone, the control is more complicated, for safety, everyone can go in and experience it, but it is definitely not possible to get started.

However, there are also some weapons and equipment that can be directly experienced at the scene, such as the two miniature reconnaissance drones introduced before, as well as the light half-body and full-body mechanical exoskeleton assist systems.

These two sets of light mechanical exoskeleton power assist systems do not have external armor, so they are relatively simple and convenient to wear. Therefore, it has also become the focus of everyone's experience at the scene.

With the assistance of the staff, many people started their own experiences with these two mechanical exoskeleton assistance systems.

When Wu Hao and the old man saw this, they walked over with a smile. The old man looked at one of the full-body mechanical exoskeleton power-assist systems and said with a smile, "This exoskeleton has those advantages compared to traditional exoskeleton products. "

"There are many advantages, such as a new support system, a new drive system, a new pneumatic assist system, and a new motion following control system.

We call it "four new", in addition to four new, there are "four reforms", "four changes" and so on.

First of all, for this mechanical exoskeleton assistance system, we first created a new support system that is different from previous exoskeleton products. It adopts ergonomic design, so the whole support system fits the curve of the human body, making it more comfortable and convenient to wear, and does not affect the flexibility of the wearer's own activities.

In addition, this support system also supports the weight of a considerable part of the upper body of the person, so that the upper body of the person puts too much weight on the lower limbs, which can not only reduce the impact pressure on the joints of the lower limbs when people stand and walk for a long time, but also It can reduce the wearer's lower limb fatigue.

In addition to supporting the wearer's own weight, this support system also supports the wearer's weapons and equipment and other components, such as the battery energy storage behind the wearer, some weapons, ammunition and combat equipment used by the wearer.

If it is just a normal load, then this support system is not much different than those auxiliary exoskeleton products.

So we have developed a new support system for this light mechanical exoskeleton power system, so that it can support its weight of two to three hundred kilograms.

The performance of the support system in the heavy machinery without bone-assisted protective armor is more powerful, it can support a weight of seven or eight hundred kilograms. "

Wu Hao took a breath, and then continued: "Everyone knows that if any equipment is loaded with too much weight, it will be more laborious to move.

The same is true for exoskeleton products, and we put forward relevant standards when we were developing, requiring this light mechanical exoskeleton power assist system to never affect the wearer's own mobility and flexibility when the load is 100 kg.

That is to say, a load of 100 kilograms cannot affect the mobility and flexibility of this system, and a weight of 200 kilograms does not affect the mobility and flexibility of this light mechanical exoskeleton power system by more than 15%.

The weight of 300 kilograms does not affect the mobility and flexibility of this light mechanical exoskeleton power system by more than 30%.

This requirement is very high. How to avoid and reduce the influence of gravity on flexibility can be said to challenge the laws of nature.

Therefore, this requires a very smart intelligent control system, which can adjust the softness and hardness of the support system according to the gravity and pressure on the support system.

Therefore, even when the wearer is carrying a weight of two or three hundred kilograms, it will not feel difficult, and it will not feel obvious inconvenience in movement. "

Having said that, Wu Hao smiled at the leader who tried on the light mechanical exoskeleton power assist system next to him and said, "Try to pick up this ammo box from the ground and feel its weight."

The leader of the experience nodded, and then, under the gazes of everyone, smiled and bent over, and then picked up an ammunition box containing artillery shells on the ground.

From the moment he picked it up, the leader's expression became weird. He held the ammunition box in his hand and weighed it in his hand, and then looked at everyone with a look of surprise: "I feel very light, like holding an empty box, about seven or eight pounds."

You try to take two steps! Wu Hao suggested with a smile.

The leader of the meeting immediately took this ammo box and walked two steps in the field, and even picked it It felt very light.

Well, you can put it down. You can try it out and see the weight. Wu Hao smiled at the crowd watching.

After the crowd heard his words, a middle-aged soldier came out, and then came to the side of the ammunition box, holding the handles next to the ammunition box with both hands, and lifted it up.

Zhijian saw that the veins on the man's neck were all tightened, his face was flushed, and it took a lot of effort to lift the ammunition box. After weighing it with his hands, he put it down and said to the crowd, "It's about a hundred pounds."

"155 howitzer high-explosive shells, the shells plus the propellant are about 70 to 75 kilograms, and the ammunition box is about 80 to 85." A middle-aged officer in the crowd introduced.

Hearing the words of these two people, everyone present began to discuss. The leader of the previous experience picked up the ammunition box again, then weighed it twice in his hand and said, "I really feel very light, only seven or eight pounds."

Wu Hao replied with a smile: "This is the special feature of this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton power assist system. This support system can adjust the support strength according to the weight of the wearer, so that the wearer will not feel that big. weight.

Of course, in theory, we can completely adjust the wearer's feel to no strength. In other words, the wearer can hold the ammo box without feeling the weight at all, just like holding a ball of air.

However, in this case, mistakes can easily occur, and the wearer will ignore the object he is carrying, causing some dangerous situations. Therefore, we will still appropriately make the wearer feel a certain weight, and it does not need to be too heavy, and the wearer will not feel tired while feeling the weight of the object. "

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