Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1869: Technology that is beyond the reach of peers

The virtual world is coming to version 2.0!

This news was quickly promoted by the secret help of the professional marketing team, and within two or three days, it quickly appeared on the front page of the world's major media and related website community forums, becoming one of the most concerned topics.

In the technology entertainment version, it has caused a collective discussion, and the attention has never been seen before.

Haoyu Technology's virtual world has been welcomed by the majority of players and users since the press conference, and thus opened up a real virtual world universe.

It turned the virtual world, digital world, metaverse, etc. that everyone was only in fantasy and experiment into reality.

Wu Hao and the others have created a real virtual world in the virtual Internet. This world is not only visible, but can also be touched and smelled with the corresponding equipment.

And the content is very rich. It can be said that it integrates all the content on the current Internet and organically forms a whole.

Users only need to enter it and experience these wonderful contents. Whether it's shopping, watching movies, listening to music, watching dramas, social chatting, and your favorite game, everything is available.

Of course, these are not unusual, the ordinary Internet also has these contents. The virtual world is to visualize these and add a better experience.

With the increasing influence of the virtual world, more and more content providers and other Internet companies have joined in. Under the joint creation of these Internet and content, the virtual world is now very prosperous. There are huge user groups in all regions of the world. There are hundreds of millions of people active in it every day, and these hundreds of millions of people also form a huge virtual social group and consumer market group.

This virtual world architecture has also been quickly adopted by many technology Internet companies. For a while, many similar virtual worlds have been launched one after another, and major Internet technology companies have launched their own virtual world projects, and developed a large number of VR and AR glasses equipment. However, limited by technology, the products and virtual world systems developed by these companies are far inferior to them.

Especially when it comes to fluency and authenticity, these imitators are terrible.

For example, the virtual world of Haoyu Technology has only a few partitions all over the world, and each region can accommodate tens of millions of people online at the same time. Such a large user group can be in a partition at the same time, and it can ensure that there will be no jamming due to the increase in the number of users.

This technology cannot be solved by other imitators. In order to prevent stuttering, these imitators can only spend tens of thousands of people who are online at the same time. Even so, sometimes stuttering will occur. Although players can freely cross regions, it takes a long time to reload, and even queues to enter, the experience is very poor.

The virtual world of Haoyu Technology does not need this. In a large partition, such as the domestic partition, there are no other exaggerated partitions. Tens of millions of people can be in one partition at the same time, and there will be very few freezes. condition.

These imitators all want to know what technology Wu Hao is using, but after so long, there is still no progress.

Many experts in the field of technology and Internet believe that Haoyu Technology may have used a virtual neuron system, and then merged countless neurons together in an orderly manner to form such a virtual world, just like a human brain. . In short, this should be a set of very advanced technology, and it is a new technology that other peers are currently unable to reach.

There are even some questions about this kind of speculation. Wu Hao and the others all laughed and said nothing. As for what it is and whether the guess is correct, this is not known to the outside world.

In the past few years, these imitators and colleagues have been poaching high salaries from Wu Hao and his company, and even poached some senior technical experts, but these people have not done much, except to optimize the user experience. , there will be no other achievements.

Although they have all participated in the construction of the virtual world and related maintenance in the later period, and they all know the principle, they just can't do it.

On the one hand, they think that you are not involved in the core system architecture, so naturally they do not understand. On the other hand, most of the technologies they know have been patented by Wu Hao and the others.

Even if these imitators and colleagues know that some technologies will greatly improve the virtual world system, they dare not do it, because it will involve the risk of infringement.

Everyone knows that Haoyu Technology has a team of high-quality lawyers and consultants. They have won several famous infringement cases abroad, and in China, they have also played against many peers, and these peers do not account for the slightest. Cheap.

Therefore, these imitators are very helpless, and even some imitators have filed anti-monopoly complaints with relevant departments, and abused their market positions.

However, they all failed in the end, because Wu Hao's series of practices did not violate the rules at all, all of them were protecting their own legitimate rights and interests, and these colleagues violated the law first. It can be said that he can't beat the fox, but he caused a show.

In fact, the guesses of these technical experts are not unreasonable. What Wu Hao and the others used is a structure similar to the neuron algorithm. In fact, it is the cluster array control technology. This technology can not only be used for servers, so that many server clusters can form an intelligent cluster array.

The entire server cluster can independently allocate computing power according to needs, and many servers can be connected in an orderly manner, and communication is Then, each server cluster can use the cluster array control system to Form a huge server cluster.

Numerous servers and sub-server clusters are combined in an orderly manner to form a huge intelligent server cluster. This huge server cluster can be regarded as the brain, the cluster array control system can be regarded as the central system, and the many sub-server clusters below and the many servers under these sub-server clusters can be regarded as a computing unit, node , and the center.

It is also with such a huge intelligent server cluster that they have the ability to accommodate tens of millions of people in one partition.

Of course, concentrating so many users in one partition involves a lot of problems. Even with a powerful server it is impossible to completely solve it.

Even because the partition is too large, there will be a series of negative problems.

For example, in this daily maintenance problem, such a large partition is not simply closed for maintenance.

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