Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1871: A whole new "world"

In the expectation of everyone, at 0:00 on December 20, Beijing time, the 2.0 version of the virtual world was finally launched. In order to launch the new version 2.0 of the virtual world, the virtual world was closed for 24 hours the day before. In the tormented anticipation of all users and players, the 2.0 version of the virtual world is finally online. However, players did not experience it immediately, because the content of this update exceeded more than 170 g, which is the largest update in history.

Even domestic gigabit network users want to complete the update, it will take nearly an hour to complete the update installation.

Therefore, many players and users basically complete the update and enter the virtual world at 0:30 or even one o'clock.

When the player entered the virtual world after the update, he was instantly stunned by the scene in front of him.

The first is the domestic division. The original virtual world is divided according to each island. The country is called Penglai Xiandao. The core of the entire virtual world is Penglai Xiandao. There are other affiliated islands scattered around. These islands together constitute the virtual world. .

This time, the area of ​​the island has expanded significantly. In addition to those affiliated islands, two islands that are slightly smaller than Penglai Immortal Island have been added, and the environments are different.

Seeing this, all the users who came in exclaimed: "This is Yingzhou, Abbot Erdao

Legend has it that there is Penglai Xiandao outside the Middle East Sea, and there are three immortal mountains in Xiandao, one is Penglai, the second is Yingzhou, and the third is Abbot. The three mountains are beneficial to the sea, and together they form the Penglai Immortal Island.

This time, Haoyu Technology actually added two islands in the virtual world, restoring the real Penglai Immortal Island.

In fact, since the virtual world was launched, it has received many complaints from domestic players. Why is there only Penglai Xiandao, but not Yingzhou and Abbot Erdao?

Unexpectedly, this time, Wu Hao and the others actually added these two immortal islands.

In the domestic division of the virtual world, the three immortal islands present a pin-shaped structure. Among them, the original Penglai Xiandao is the core theme, and Yingzhou is located in the northeast of the virtual world Penglai Xiandao. The island is mostly covered by ice and snow, with high mountains, pine and rocks, dense forests, lakes, waterfalls and so on.

The style of the entire Yingzhou Island is relatively primitive, and no large-scale development has been carried out. Many of these buildings are also integrated with these natural environments, and there are many classical buildings.

Abbot Island is located in the southwest of Penglai Xiandao. The entire island city is crescent-shaped and slender. The terrain on the island is relatively flat, and it is mostly tropical plant style, with beautiful colorful beaches. The island building is tropical island style, obviously this is a tropical modern island building.

The three islands are not connected by bridges and are independent of each other. However, it can be used for transportation, such as ships, aircraft and so on.

In addition, there is a more convenient way to connect, which is the time-space gate. There are time-space gates set up all over the three islands. These time-space gates are connected to each other and can be freely shuttled by user names.

Each time-space gate is like a raised water surface, calm without any waves. When users touch or enter the time-space gate, there will be a circle of ripples where they touch. After the user passes, these ripples will gradually calm down.

It is very convenient to travel through the time-space gate, and there is not even any delay. It is a door that connects two places. After entering the time-space gate, you will arrive at the desired area.

Therefore, although it is divided into three islands, which are relatively far apart, the time-space gate connects the three islands closely together, making it very convenient for users to come and go.

In addition to adding two islands, the area of ​​the original Penglai Immortal Island has been expanded and many new areas have been added in the new virtual world version 2.0 domestic division.

In addition, some of the original layouts have not changed much, but have been re-optimized for some places, so that the username can quickly adapt and not get lost in the new place.

In addition to these new additions, the new version has also greatly improved the picture quality of the virtual world. If the original highest picture quality can reach 4k, this time, the picture quality can be improved to 8k. Of course, this requires 8k devices to support, and users can't understand it for the time being.

But there are some modifications and optimizations that they can still experience. First of all, the new virtual world 2.0 version is more real and clearer. The original virtual world is already very real, but the virtual world of the heart is more real. environment, as if you were in the real world.

If it weren't for the sci-fi facilities that can be seen everywhere and the related window options that appear on the interface, I'm afraid everyone would really be unable to distinguish the virtual world from the real world.

In addition, the details are more abundant, including the textures of various facilities, and even the hair on each player, which are clearly visible and very natural.

Even this kind of change will change slightly depending on the environment in which the players are in the virtual world. For example, in the ice and snow world on Yingzhou Island, players will actually breathe out when they speak.

Snowflakes falling from the sky will slowly accumulate on people's clothes and hair, and will slowly melt when they fall on people's faces and bare skin.

When I came to Abbot Island, I would exercise a lot because of the hot weather. I would sweat slightly on the skin, and the skin would turn slightly red. The shiny beads of sweat fell from my face, which was very realistic.

Grab a handful of sand and let go, and the sand will fall down with the sea breeze.

With blue sky and white clouds, sunny beaches, waves, coconut trees, and bikini beauties everywhere, UU Reading really seems to be in a hot island resort.

It has also been optimized in terms of interactivity and functionality, and has added a new world for each player. This is like buying a house in reality. In the virtual world, users can pay a fee to buy a house in the virtual world, which is actually their own space.

This space can be determined by the player's location, depending on their own preferences. It can be an urban high-rise on the prosperous Penglai Xiandao, a holiday villa near the beach on Abbot Island, or a treehouse in the primitive jungle on Yingzhou Island.

In the user's sub-space, users can freely arrange according to their personal preferences, and can even arrange according to the real home furnishings.

Of course, you can also manage it as your own personal space page, storing personal related data information, materials and so on.

Wu Hao and the others have reserved enough space for each user for their normal use. If they want to expand the space, they need to pay a part of the fee.

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