Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1920: Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft

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Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall, only ten minutes before the launch, Wu Hao and the others have returned to the hall, watching with all their attention.

The signals they saw came from the internal signals of the aerospace system and were synchronized with the signal data in the launch command and control hall in the South China Sea, so they could see the latest data information in real time.

Although the launch was in the dark, CCTV still chose to broadcast it live and invited relevant experts to interpret it. On the beach opposite the Nanhai Space Launch Center, a large number of tourists have gathered to watch the rocket launch.

This seems to have become a kind of tourism industry here. Every day when the rocket is launched, the place is overcrowded and very lively.

There are even special travel agencies to organize related rocket launch tour groups to organize tourists to watch the rocket launch. If you encounter an important rocket and spacecraft launch, then the tour group ticket is even more difficult to find.

And this seems to have become an important channel for many aerospace rocket enthusiasts to understand the launch time of the rocket, because tour groups often extract the launch time and announce the launch time to attract tourists.

And these space rocket enthusiasts will study and determine what rockets to launch and what spacecraft to launch based on these messages.

Ready in ten minutes!

With the sound of the broadcast and the sound of the alarm, the last section of the slewing platform protecting Jianmu-7 on the launch tower slowly opened, revealing the true face of the Jianmu-7 carrier rocket.

Compared with the previous Jianmu-7 rocket, it is very different. The Jianmu-7 rocket launched this time does not have the huge fairing section above. In the same way that the Falcon rocket carries the Dragon spacecraft, the Walker manned spacecraft is also directly mounted on the top of the Jianmu-7 two-stage rocket.

Without the protection of the fairing, everyone can clearly see the appearance of this unmanned experimental spacecraft of the Walker.

Inside the Xinyuehu command and control hall, the atmosphere had already frozen to the extreme. Because it is often in the last few minutes before the rocket launch, it is the most prone to situations.

So at this time, everyone is fully focused, paying close attention to every beating data information on the screen, so as not to leak.

Five minutes to prepare!

As the announcement sounded, it meant that the rocket entered the final countdown stage.

Under normal circumstances, the low-temperature hydrogen-oxygen rocket will emit white water vapor smoke at this time. However, Wu Hao's Jianmu series rockets will not, because they use self-developed semi-solid foamed propulsion fuel. This does not require cryogenic storage and is in a semi-solid state. And it will not produce pollution after combustion, and it is a very clean and efficient new type of propulsion fuel.

Ready in one minute!

As the announcement sounded, I saw that the data pendulum linking the rocket on the launch tower had been opened to remove the cable. This means that the rocket has entered the stage of autonomous operation and no longer needs external command information and no longer needs power supply.

Fifty seconds!

Forty seconds!

Thirty seconds!

Twenty seconds!

Ten, nine, eight...three, two, one!

Fire up, take off!

001 milliseconds!

Program turn!

As a huge fire was ejected from the tail of the Jianmu-7 rocket, a huge sound wave swept in.

I saw that the rocket took off slowly like clouds and fog.

On the TV screen, on the beach opposite the launch site, cheers erupted from tourists watching the launch.

As for the Xinyuehu command and control hall, all the technical staff including Wu Hao burst into warm applause and laughter.

Driven by the huge tail flame, the rocket continued to accelerate and climb, shooting directly into the moonlit sky.

Through the surveillance camera on the rocket, the large screen displays the surveillance images conveniently transmitted from the rocket body and the ground engine. These cameras will always monitor the relevant data information during the flight of the rocket, so as to help the technical staff to understand and control the flight status of the rocket.

Of course, even if the rocket fails at this time, the ground launch command and control center has no way to intervene, and everything has to be solved by the rocket's own flight control system.

Therefore, at this time, there is no other sound in the quiet hall except for related data broadcasts. Because once there is a sound, it means that there may be a problem with the rocket.

Because once there is a problem, there is no way for the ground to intervene to solve it. The only thing that can be done may be the self-destruction button.

In fact, this button has always been in the hands of the controller. Once an emergency occurs and it is determined that the rocket cannot be saved, the controller will immediately open the protective cover and press the self-destruction button.

The faulty launch vehicle will self-detonate in mid-air, which is to prevent the faulty rocket from falling down and exploding, resulting in greater harm and disaster.

After the rocket was successfully ignited and launched into the air, Wu Hao and the others relaxed a little. Many things are the most tense at the last moment before the start, but once it starts, it will be calmer and more relaxed.

I was so nervous just now. Although we have seen this rocket launch countless times, every launch is still very nervous, for fear that there will be problems at the last moment. Zou Xiaodong patted his chest and smiled.

Hearing this, Yang Fan laughed and joked: "Can you not be nervous, rockets and spaceships are tens of millions of things together. If fireworks are really set off, then all this money will be wasted, and this may become the world's largest The most expensive fireworks ever."

Bah, Bah, Bah, this is not the end of the launch, this is the most taboo word to say at this time. Zhang Jun pouted a few times, and then pointed at Yang Fan and Zou Xiaodong with a hint of dissatisfaction: "You two, don't pay attention to the occasion and time when you are joking."

And Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand to signal Zhang Junxiao to put out the fire and said: "Okay, there is no one else here, so let's just say it. But if you really go to the scene, don't say that when you go there, it's easy to be beaten by the group.

You have to know that this word is the last thing that people who engage in launching do not want to hear. Whoever said it is in a hurry. "

Hehehe... Hearing Wu Hao's joke, everyone present laughed, and the atmosphere relaxed.

Just as he was talking, the latest broadcast came from the UU Reading broadcast.

The first and second stage rockets are separated!

I saw that on the black and white telemetry screen, with a burst of fire, the first and second stages of the rocket were successfully separated. The second-stage rocket continued to push the Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft to climb, while the first-stage rocket slowly descended.

This scene was also captured by surveillance cameras mounted on the secondary rocket body and in the tail engine compartment.

The first stage rocket grid plate opens, and the slowdown begins!

At this time, the picture on the big screen switched to two parts, and one part continued to display the second-stage rocket of Jianmu No. 7 and the unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft of Walker No. 3 at the top.

The other part is switched to the relevant pictures of the landing Jianmu-7 first-stage rocket and the rocket landing platform in the South China Sea

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