Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1938: 1 chance to become famous

In fact, Wu Hao and the others are now expressing an attitude more. As for the specific details, a dedicated team of forensic lawyers will conduct this review, and the relevant explanation and signing process will be videotaped throughout to ensure the authenticity of the signature authorization.

Zou Feifei was naturally very excited about the new technical solution proposed by Wu Hao and the others, and wanted to agree immediately, but was organized by Zou's mother. Mother Zou's hesitation and worry are completely understandable. After all, this new technology treatment plan has certain risks, and no clinical trials have been conducted yet. They are the first. To put it uglier, it means that they are regarded as guinea pigs.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others did not reluctantly say more, but said some words of relief, and then left the ward.

After taking off the protective clothing, masks and gloves, Wu Hao and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Hao took the cup in Chen Keren's hand and took a sip. At the scene, Chen Keer has become his new sidekick, otherwise it is Wu Hao's daily work and some trivial matters in life.

This change has also caused a lot of discussion inside and outside the company. Some people think that Shen Ning may have fallen out of favor, Wu Hao no longer trusts her, and plans to cultivate new people. Some people also think that there must be something wrong with Wu Hao and Chen Ke'er, otherwise this Chen Ke'er would not be able to suddenly parachute into Wu Hao's office to be a secretary, and he became Wu Hao's personal secretary so quickly.

For this kind of rumors, Wu Hao ha ha ha. As for Shen Ning, she smiled and didn't care about this matter. The reason, she naturally knew that this Chen Ke'er's true identity was not a person at all.

Besides, she has been with Wu Hao for so long, so she still has this confidence. Even if you are too bad, you can't be replaced by a robot. Although this robot is a bit "okay" and has more body than her, it is still a robot.

Xiao Wu, you seemed a little hesitant to say anything in there just now, is there any problem? Professor Xu Shenghua immediately cared about Wu Hao. As the specific leader of the expert group, he was very concerned about the patient's condition. I noticed in the ward just now that Wu Hao frowned slightly after carefully observing the damage information on Zou Feifei's face, he must have found something. It's just that he was in the ward at the time, and there were patients and their families, so he couldn't ask.

Now that he came out, he couldn't help but ask.

Hearing Xu Shenghua's voice, everyone else looked at Wu Hao. Seeing this, Wu Hao nodded slightly: "It is true that a relatively difficult problem has been discovered. The patient's eye was severely burned, and the eyeball has been removed. Although it is said that the fundus nerve is not damaged, it is sufficient for the implantation of the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye. entry requirements.

However, have you noticed that the patient's eyelid, which is what we call the eyelid, including the lacrimal gland, has been severely damaged, especially the eyelid is almost gone.

You know, this is probably the most frequently exercised tissue on the human body, and there are many muscle and nerve tissues around it. It is technically very difficult to fix this. "

Isn't there a biological 3D printer, just print it directly, what's so difficult about it? Zhang Qinghong asked his own question.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's not that simple, biological 3D printers are not omnipotent, there are many things that can't be printed, not to mention that this technology has just started, and it is still not perfect. Printing is not yet possible."

Wu Jiuzhi continued Wu Hao's words: "Don't look at the eyelid, which is just a layer of skin that wraps the eyeball, but in fact its structure is very complex. In such a thin eyelid, it also includes the superficial skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle layer, tarsal plate and eyelid. conjunctiva and other structures.

In addition, there are medial canthus, lateral canthus, upper punctum, lower punctum, eyelid margin and palpebral fissure and so on.

If we do not borrow 3D bioprinting technology and simply rely on self-transplantation for cosmetic repair, it is impossible to achieve. Unless an allogeneic transplant is performed, the associated tissue is removed from the donor's face for repair.

And this will inevitably lead to a series of problems, of which the problem of rejection is naturally the most troublesome for us. "

Hearing Wu Jiuzhi's words, everyone nodded and fell silent. But Director Qi Feng Qi, who had not spoken, saw that the atmosphere at the scene was a little frozen, and then smiled to ease the atmosphere and said: "Why, this has not started yet, everyone has been overwhelmed by difficulties and depressed.

As the saying goes, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and there will always be a way.

Besides, if you haven't tried printing yet, how do you know if you can't print it out? "

Yes, it is. Xiao Wu, have confidence in your technology. Xu Shenghua looked at him and said with a smile.

In response, Wu Hao smiled bitterly, then nodded and said, "You are right, there will always be a way.

Let's take it step by step, from easy to difficult, and slowly carry out treatment and repair. On the one hand, this is of course to save time as much as possible, shorten the treatment cycle, and relieve the pain of patients.

In addition, this is also for us, including the entire treatment team and technical team, to adapt and practice. In this way, when we encounter difficult parts later, our skills and cooperation have been tempered almost, and we will definitely be able to overcome these difficulties with hard work.

Finally, this is also to buy us more time for scientific research to help us better solve these problems. "

Xu Shenghua nodded in approval and said, "Xiao Wu, that's what I think, your 3D bioprinting technology can't be limited to technicians and engineers, and it will harm many doctors, including medical researchers.

In this way, we can pool our respective and concentrate our efforts to overcome these problems.

Like this kind of problem related to eyelid repair, I think we can set up a special research group to conduct targeted research, which will make it easier to produce results. "

Hearing Xu Shenghua's words, Wu Hao nodded in agreement and said, "It is absolutely possible. We are experts with rich experience in the medical field. With these people joining in, I believe that the research and improvement of our technology will play a huge role in promoting."

Seeing Wu Hao agree, Qi Feng immediately nodded with a smile: "You decide this aspect, I will help you to coordinate as much as you need.

Now this is no longer a matter of Zou Feifei alone, but a major medical technology issue. If we can achieve a breakthrough in our hands, I believe that everyone present will definitely write a strong stroke in the history of medicine. "

Sure enough, they are engaged in organizational work, which has already begun to boost their morale.

However, although everyone knew Qi Feng's purpose, all of them were smiling. Indeed, as Qi Feng said, this time is really a rare opportunity for them, a chance to make a name for themselves.

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