Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1946: Heart replacement surgery can actually do this!

As the order was issued, a few transparent tubes were added with mechanical tentacles, which were then inserted into the rabbit's chest cavity, and then inserted into the rabbit's aortic vein.

Through this system, it can temporarily replace the rabbit's heart and carry out the blood transfer and exchange work.

"Start the heart removal surgery, the timer begins!"

Immediately, the countdown started on the big screen. Through the first-view picture of the 18-handed multi-tentacle miniature intelligent surgical robot, you can see that there are several mechanical tentacles reaching in, some holding the heart, and a shelf holding the heart. of the proximal aortic vessels. After this was completed, with the scissors on the tentacles closed, the aortic veins on the rabbit's heart had been cut off, and then a heart that was still beating slowly was taken out of the rabbit's chest with mechanical tentacles, and then placed aside. on top of the tray.

"Bioprinting Heart Ready!"

Immediately, the scientific researcher standing on the operating table opened a red box with a medical cross that had been prepared, and a burst of cold air came out. In the cold air, there was a glass container, which was opened The container, the researcher carefully took out a small fresh heart tissue from it.

Then, after taking out the relevant solution and cleaning the rabbit's heart, after several consecutive cleanings, the researcher placed the bio-3D printed heart in a square plate on the edge of the operating table.

The researchers who control the 18-handed and multi-tentacle miniature intelligent surgical robot have completed the preparations for the cleaning of the rabbit's chest. When they saw that the 3D bioprinted heart tissue was ready, they immediately manipulated the mechanical tentacles to gently lift the heart. Grab it lightly, and put it into the rabbit's chest smoothly.

Through the miniature high-definition probe on the mechanical arm, everyone in the observation room can see the relevant pictures in the rabbit's chest so clearly.

The biological 3D printed heart placed in the rabbit's chest was slightly adjusted by the mechanical tentacles, and then a new mechanical tentacle came in to fix the biological 3D printed heart. Then new tentacles came in, anastomosing the aortic veins on the 3D bioprinted heart with the rabbit's aortic veins.

Soon, a mechanical tentacle like a sewing machine came in, went around the rabbit's main vein, and began to sew up.

The sewing speed is very fast, which is a little surprising, just like a sewing machine. With the sound of a sewing machine and some staplers, these blood vessels are sewn together.

Looking at the time, it's only been seven or eight minutes.

You must know that such an operation, even on a rabbit, takes several hours to complete. Now, with the help of such an 18-handed and multi-tentacle miniature intelligent surgical robot, it took seven or eight minutes to complete it. For the most part, this is too fast.

Pull out the extracorporeal circulation system and start to check the suture effect.

With the extracorporeal circulation system pulled out, everyone in the observation room began to stare at the high-definition picture on the big screen, wanting to see the effect of this vascular anastomosis.

You know, suturing blood vessels is actually very simple, it is nothing more than suturing the two pipes together. The difficulty is that the interface of the two blood vessels can be prevented from leaking through suture, and this tests the ability of suture.

Obviously, the suture technology of this 18-handed and multi-tentacle miniature intelligent surgical robot is very good. We have observed it for a long time, but we still haven't seen the slightest leakage.

Get ready for CPR!

Gu Tian </span> I saw a special tentacle inserted into the rabbit's chest and began to gently press the rabbit's heart. At the same time, medical personnel began to inject related drugs into the rabbit to activate the bio-3D printed heart tissue.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, as the special tentacle kept pressing the newly implanted 3D-printed rabbit heart, the heart finally responded and began to beat slowly.

As the drug worked, the heart beat faster and faster.

The anesthesiologist glanced at the test data information, and then signaled to the researchers on the operating table.

"The heart transplant is successful, start to clear the chest cavity, and prepare to close the abdomen!"

clap clap clap...

In the observation room, everyone stood up one after another and gave warm applause.

Today's animal surgery experiment has really opened their eyes and increased their knowledge. It turns out that heart transplant surgery can actually be done, so fast, and so simple.

Everyone had been prepared for a long time and planned to watch the entire operation here, but I didn't expect that the operation took only a few dozen minutes from start to finish, which was too fast.

Although they know that the real heart surgery is definitely not as fast as it is now, according to this progress, I am afraid it will not be much slower, which is much faster than the most advanced conventional heart transplant surgery.

This also caused everyone, especially Wu Jiuzhi and Xu Shenghua, to stare at this 18-handed and multi-tentacle miniature intelligent surgical robot in the operating room.

Xiao Wu, how much is such an 18-handed and multi-tentacle miniature intelligent surgical robot, and what conditions do we need if we buy it and introduce it? Xu Shenghua asked Wu Hao.

And his question also attracted the attention of everyone present, even the leaders of the health department showed a curious look.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Actually, the price of such a multi-tentacle smart surgical robot is not Compared with the surgical robots currently used in the industry, the price is actually not much different. Even some of our models are cheaper and perform better than these surgical robots from other peers in the industry.

The price of an 18-handed and multi-tentacle miniature intelligent surgical robot like this is about tens of millions and tens of millions, with different models and functions, and the prices are also very different.

The specific price still needs to be determined according to the order you choose. After all, everyone has different needs, different specifications, and naturally different prices.

And for domestic hospitals and some of our cooperative hospitals, there are also relevant preferential measures in this regard. If you are interested in the specific situation, I will let a special person introduce it to you. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Xu Shenghua nodded, then looked at the 18-handed multi-tentacle miniature intelligent surgical robot in the operating room over the glass and asked Wu Hao, "Operate this multi-tentacle surgical robot. trouble?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's not troublesome at all. It can be said that it's very simple. The relevant doctors only need a month of short-term training to be able to operate the operation proficiently."

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