Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1949: "people" that don't exist

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After chatting for a while, after everyone finished their meal, Xu Shenghua and the others said goodbye to Wu Hao and left. Many of these people are technical masters in various hospitals, and their schedules are relatively busy. Many operations and various meetings are waiting for them, so these people have to rush back.

Watching everyone leave, Wu Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, this matter was finally resolved temporarily. You know, these days, they have been named by netizens a lot, and even some extreme people have begun to criticize and attack them.

This also led to the fermentation of relevant online public opinion, so Wu Hao and the others who did not intend to apply this technology to clinical trials too early had to change their plans.

To be honest, Wu Hao admires and sympathizes with this girl. Although they say that this technology can save the girl, they are still not sure if such a technology that has not been clinically tested is really applied to this girl.

Especially since this girl still attracts so much attention, once there is an accident, then they really can't wash themselves if they jump into the Yellow River.

Not long after returning to the office, before taking a breath, Wu Hao received a special call.

The phone number was from Wu Hao's old friend, Xu Hui from the Anxi Security Department. For the call at this time, Wu Hao was a little confused, could it be that something happened.

Xu Hui's voice appeared on the other end of the phone: "Hello, President Wu, has the medical expert team left?"

Hearing Xu Hui's words, Wu Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then said angrily, "Don't you know if you're leaving or not, what are you doing, Captain Xu."

Hearing Wu Hao's sarcastic tone, Xu Hui smiled and said: "Don't be so emotional, it's all for your own good. If it wasn't for you, why would we send people to watch all day, now you are all It's become our focus, you know how much work it brings to us."

Hearing Xu Hui's complaint, Wu Hao suddenly laughed angrily and said, "You should stop complaining with me, and leave it to your leaders.

What's the matter, Captain Xu, do you have any advice? "

Xu Hui on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's been a long time since I talked to you, so I want to chat with you, get in touch with each other, and build a relationship between the police and the people."

Wu Hao heard that his head was full of black lines. Last time this guy said that, he knocked out more than a dozen sets of advanced technical equipment from him. He said that he borrowed it. what.

I have something to say, I am busy. Wu Hao was angry. With this guy, you can't be polite, or you don't know what's waiting for him. This is also mainly because they are too familiar with each other, so they naturally speak casually and do not need to see outsiders.

Hearing Wu Hao say this, Xu Hui laughed on the phone, and then said: "I asked you for someone, who is Chen Ke'er next to you, why does it seem like he just appeared out of nowhere, we can't find it here. There is little information about her."

Hearing Xu Hui mentioning the three words Chen Ke'er, Wu Hao's heart tightened, but he relaxed immediately, and then pretended to be calm: "Oh, this is my relative, who came to me to experience life."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui teased angrily: "Don't come here, what relatives, with such a big background, we didn't find any information about her. It was as if this person didn't exist before.

Such a big living person suddenly appeared in your park, like a big living person, you should give me an explanation. "

Hearing Xu Hui's words, Wu Hao smiled and said: "What's there to explain, it's just a little girl, you have enough to eat, check what she is doing.

Don't worry, it's all your own, there will be no problem. "

Hearing Wu Hao say this, Xu Hui put away his smile and said solemnly: "You kid, don't give me sloppy eyes, I won't emphasize your importance, including your company's importance. Such a stranger suddenly appeared beside you. , and can't find any information, what do you let others think.

Our job is to keep you safe, so we must know who they come from whoever appears around you, so that we can make sure they don't pose a threat to your safety.

Now this Chen Ke'er, we haven't found any information about her, which is too abnormal, as if this person does not exist.

So this person is definitely not likely. She is either a broken-winged angel who fell from the sky, as we guessed, or she may be an ace from an overseas institution who has carefully arranged for you to be around.

You must take this matter seriously. If necessary, we may also take decisive measures to arrest and isolate her for review. "

Hearing what Xu Hui said, Wu Hao couldn't help but get nervous, and he repeatedly refused: "No, there is absolutely no problem with this person, I promise myself that if something goes wrong with her, I will bear all the responsibilities. "

Hearing Wu Hao's assurance, Xu Hui on the other end of the phone couldn't help but be taken aback. He looked at the relevant photos of Chen Ke'er captured on the screen in front of him, and looked at the exquisite and beautiful face, and couldn't help but be puzzled.

Who is this Chen Keer, and why can't find any information about her. When a person comes to the world, there will always be a trace that cannot be concealed no matter what.

But this Chen Ke'er is an exception. Before the sudden appearance of the Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park, there was no news at all, not in China, nor in the customs and exits. Even Xu Hui and the others went to investigate the recent case of smuggling, but they didn't find any information about Chen Ke'er.

It stands to reason that such a beautiful girl will attract attention wherever she goes, but so far, no one seems to know her.

Is it a cosmetic girl?

This hypothesis was put forward at the same time, but it was quickly rejected by experts, because after visiting multiple plastic surgery experts, this Chen Keer did not have any traces of plastic surgery, which means that her face should not be touched. of. Because every face that has undergone plastic surgery has some artificial marks, which may not be seen by ordinary people. But for these plastic surgeons, they can tell at a glance and spot the details.

However, after careful identification, the plastic surgery experts shook their heads one after another.

And this is the ability of AI technology. After Cocoa recognizes the physical signs of countless people, the facial contours generated are also real faces, without artificial traces.

When making this face, it was also cast in one piece using a new technology, so these experts naturally couldn't see it.

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