Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1962: 3 robots

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In fact, although these four laws are perfect, they are still flawed. Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that because it is too perfect, it will not be difficult to apply these four laws to AI robots unless there are relevant laws and regulations to support it.

Even if there is regulatory support, it may not be able to supervise in place, because people's selfishness will always drive you to constantly look for loopholes and avoid supervision.

Moreover, humans will not make robots pure and friendly, so what's the use of making them, as pets?

To put it bluntly, one of the main purposes of robots is to replace humans to do those heavy and dangerous jobs, and military use is the top priority pursued by all countries.

So for the major military powers, how can they allow their robots to become as docile as sheep.

Of course, it does not mean that these four laws are worthless. It is not the case. Civilian robots can completely use these four laws to maintain and maintain the stability of social order. Otherwise, the world would be in chaos.

Su Qidong looked at the four laws on the wall, turned his head at Wu Hao and said with a smile, "Xiao Wu, do you think these four laws can restrain robots?"

This is a common question. After the three laws of robotics were put forward, this question was raised. Over the years, this question has been debated without a precise answer.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

So hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and said: "If it is only used to restrain robots, then these four laws must be more than enough, but if it is used to restrain humans, obviously a hundred and ten thousand laws are not enough.

The first to break the law will not be robots, but humans. "

well said. Su Qidong nodded in appreciation, indeed, human beings should be said to be the most untrustworthy of all known creatures, and the treaties that have been torn up so far are much more than standing.

Everyone please. Wu Hao led the crowd to an exhibition hall next to it, which displayed various robot parts and introduced some exhibits.

The most interesting are the three robots placed in the middle of the exhibition hall.

The reminder size and life size of the three robots are unmistakable, but there is a big difference between them.

The first is the tall robot in the middle. It is relatively tall, about 1.8 meters, which is almost the height of an adult man.

This robot has a metallic color as a whole, and there are some yellow-colored industrial test paint parts on it. The robot is surrounded by this metal shell, and the driving tissue and some cables can be seen in the exposed parts of some joints.

The head of the robot is a bit creepy, because the whole head is a bit like a metal skeleton. Compared with the neater limbs, the head looks a bit messy, especially the back of the head, where a lot of cables are exposed.

The eyes of the robot are completely exposed, like two cameras, which looks more sci-fi. The robot has no nose, but a device that looks to be an olfactory sensor for detecting nearby air components.

There is no mouth below, and it is protected by a metal shield, but it should be a sound device inside.

The whole robot feels like it has peeled off a person's skin, leaking muscle tissue, and then painted it in a metallic color.

The robot standing on the left side of this robot is similar in size to the robot in the middle and has the same reminder style, but the metal shields on its body have been removed, revealing many parts and electronic components inside, As well as the dense cables, it looks more like an anatomical display of the robot in the middle.

As for the robot on the far right, it is very different from the other two robots. The first is to remind the above that the height of this robot is obviously thinner than the other two robots, about one meter seven.

This robot is the most interesting, and it is also the biggest difference from the other two robots, because this robot is very human-like and is a female-shaped robot. It is covered with a layer of simulated skin, whether it is skin color, detailed texture, or some fine hair, it is very real.

It was naked and only wearing a set of underwear, thus revealing a tall figure. His long hair was **** at will, revealing a delicate face.

This is an unforgettable and unforgettable face, with delicate skin, beautiful eyes, and a smile on her cheeks, as if a real beauty is looking at everyone with a smile.

Seeing the attention of everyone, Wu Hao introduced with a smile: "These three robots here are our little technical achievements. It can be distinguished as its internal disassembly model, overall assembly model, and simulation model. ."

Is this a real robot prototype or a model made to show off? Tan Yongzhen turned his head and asked Wu Hao curiously.

of course it's true. Wu Hao replied with a smile: "We won't put a few fakes on this scene just to welcome everyone, let's fool everyone."

Wu Hao laughed when he heard the words, and then explained: "These three robots are some staged technical achievements that we have achieved during our research and development From left to right, it can be seen as the three parts of the entire research and development stage. a stage.

The first is the robot on the far left, which is the first overall engineering prototype we assembled and developed. On this engineering machine, we have integrated related technologies together for the first time to form an organic whole.

As you can see, in this robot, our technology is still immature, and there are many flaws and shortcomings.

In fact, this is just a verification machine, and it is precisely because of this verification machine that we know that it is possible to assemble a robot by relying on the related technologies we have developed before. "

previous technology? Tan Yongzhen asked a question, and it could be seen that he was very concerned about this and asked very detailed questions.

Wu Hao nodded and replied: "Yes, on this robot, the related robots we have developed before are integrated.

For example, the limbs, legs and arms of this robot use our intelligent bionic electronic prosthetics, or intelligent bionic robotic arms.

At present, the technology about this intelligent bionic robotic arm and intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis has been widely used, and the technology is relatively mature, so we directly use this robot, which is very applicable.

Next, there is the torso of this robot, and in this regard, we have used the relevant technology in our intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system.

Please see, the entire spine support system is borrowed from the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton. "


Chapter 1962 Three Robots

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