Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1968: Life is too long, robots are actually flattering

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After introducing these, Wu Hao led everyone to the experimental test field on the basement floor by taking the elevator. The entire basement floor is very wide, and a very wide experimental test space is blocked by glass in the middle. There are passages and some test equipment around it, which looks more like a robot arena.

However, the purpose of everyone was obviously not here, but came to another laboratory through a passage. Compared with the large test field in front, this place was relatively small, so that so many people came in and it seemed a little crowded.

The most interesting thing is a robot walking on a treadmill. Most of the robot's body is wrapped in a metal shell without any paint, only the face is covered with a fake skin.

Several experimental testers wearing black short sleeves were standing next to the treadmill with folders and transparent tablets and were discussing something. When they saw Wu Hao and the others came in, these experimental testers immediately stopped the work at hand. , greeted Wu Hao with a smile.

What surprised or surprised everyone was that the robot walking on the treadmill turned off and turned off the treadmill after noticing that they had come in. Then it stopped slowly, turned around and got off the treadmill. Several experimental testers stood together, and the artificial skin man looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

This is also a female character robot, with a height of about 1.7 meters, which is basically the same as the height of a real female. Although most of the metal shell leaked out of the body and did not cover the artificial skin, it was still possible to feel that the robot was tall and slender.

Especially the beautiful face covering the face, people can't help but feel a little misunderstood, and even feel a little absurd.

Wu Hao walked up to the humanoid simulation robot and introduced to the crowd with a smile: "This is an engineering prototype that our company is developing, officially code-named 'Lele'."

Having said that, Wu Hao asked several researchers with a smile: "What is the test project today."

"Today's main test content is still in limb movements. On the one hand, it tests the coordination of limbs during Lele's movement, and on the other hand, it tests the wear and tear of robot-driven joint components during long-term movement." The staff reported to Wu Hao and everyone else.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, then looked at the robot named Lele and said with a smile, "Good morning, Lele."

Good morning sir, long time no see! Lele replied with a smile after hearing his words.

Wu Hao smiled and pointed at Tan Yongzhen and Su Qidong. They said with a smile: "Today I will lead you to see you. Come and introduce yourself to everyone."

OK. Lele replied, then turned his head and smiled at everyone and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Lele, I am a new type of humanoid developed by the Intelligent Robot Technology Laboratory of the Automation Machinery Technology Research Institute of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. bionic robots.”

Hearing Lele's introduction, everyone smiled, and there was interest in everyone's eyes. However, everyone can feel that this robot is a little bit stiff, whether it is in action or in language. This kind of stiffness can't be felt if you don't pay attention, but it's just a little bit stiff, and no real person speaks. The action is so natural.

It can be seen that Wu Hao should still keep his hand, at least now the robot called Lele in front of them should be said to be inferior to the robot called Chen Keer. Otherwise, relying on Lele's performance, I am afraid that the outside world would have discovered the abnormality long ago. It won't be so long. No one noticed Chen Ke'er's abnormality. It was Wu Hao who took the initiative to inform everyone, which shocked everyone.

Noticing everyone's expressions, Wu Hao smiled and said, "You can try to communicate with her."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone was overjoyed, and they all made budgets for off-roading. How could they miss such a rare opportunity.

However, this opportunity to ask questions first was given to Tan Yongzhen. Tan Yongzhen gave in for a while, and then looked at Lele with a smile on his face and said, "Lele, you are so beautiful."

Thank you for your compliment. Lele showed a shy look and replied softly with a smile.

"Lele, who are your parents?" Tan Yongzhen glanced at Wu Hao, then asked with a smile.

"Of course my parents are all the researchers who developed me. In my eyes, they are my parents." Lele replied with a smile.

Ha ha ha ha…

Hearing this question, everyone laughed, the answer was very good, and the expression was very natural and sincere.

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"Who is he, do you know him?" Tan Yongzhen smiled and then pointed to Wu Hao and asked.

"Of course I know him. He is Wu Hao, the founder of Haoyu Technology. It was he who created me. From this point of view, he is my father." Lele turned to look at Wu Hao and said with a smile.

"Haha, little flatterer!" Tan Yongzhen laughed and scolded when she heard the words.

However, from this question, they can also feel extraordinary, because Lele can actually relate the two questions before and after, UU read and give corresponding appropriate answers, and there is even a pleasing tone in the language, This is very rare, the robot can actually flatter, which is fresh enough.

"It's not. In my heart, Mr. is equivalent to my father. Without him, there would be no me, so I respect him from the bottom of my heart." Lele pouted slightly and retorted angrily.

Ha ha ha ha…

Hearing this answer, everyone's laughter became even more enthusiastic.

Standing next to Tan Yongzhen, Su Qidong couldn't wait to look at Lele and asked with a smile: "Lele, hello, it's nice to meet you, I have a question to ask you, what do you think of human beings? Look at the relationship between your robots and humans."


Everyone was shocked and looked at Lele, waiting for her answer. These two questions, or these three questions, are actually difficult to say, neither difficult nor difficult.

Because Wu Hao and the others can set fixed answers to these questions. When someone asks them, they can directly install the prescribed answers and answer them. The difficulty is because if there are no fixed answers to these questions, then Lele needs to calculate and generate the answers to these questions independently, and the technology designed in it is more complicated.

"Hello, Academician Su, it's a pleasure to meet you. There are a lot of works about you in my database. They have helped me a lot." Lele smiled at Su Qidong.

"You know me?" Su Qidong said in surprise, knowing that they haven't introduced themselves since they came in, so how did this Lele know?

Chapter 1968 is about to die, the robot will flatter you

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