Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1979: Unmanned Corps

In addition to these conventional UAVs, in recent years, stealth UAVs, stealth UAVs, and Wu Hao's intelligent attack UAVs have appeared one after another, and are growing into new aerospace overlords.

Among them, Wu Hao's Fuluo intelligent attack drones are the most advanced. Although this intelligent attack drone is very mysterious, little information is known from the outside world. But judging from some of the only reports and related materials, we can also spy on one or two.

Especially overseas are very concerned about this intelligent attack drone, and it has been called the pioneer of the era of combat drones by a famous defense magazine.

In addition to drones, unmanned combat vehicles are also developing rapidly.

This type of unmanned combat vehicle is divided into two categories. One is the unmanned modification on the existing weapons and equipment, such as the corresponding unmanned modification on the existing tanks and armored fighting vehicles. These tanks and armored vehicles are remotely controlled for combat.

The other one is this type of UAV combat vehicle that is specially researched.

Because it is specially researched, this type of vehicle has also been completely designed for the intelligence of drones. For example, because the crew cockpit has been removed, its volume can be made smaller, so the kind of unmanned aerial vehicle that everyone has seen. Humanized combat vehicles are actually not that big.

The weapons it is equipped with are generally small-caliber machine guns and machine guns, as well as some anti-tank or anti-aircraft missiles, and it is currently undertaking some infantry combat support tasks.

At this stage, the performance of such unmanned combat vehicles cannot replace traditional land warfare equipment.

Aside from such unmanned combat vehicles, there is another kind of unmanned equipment, that is, unmanned intelligent robots. However, this does not refer to Wu Hao's intelligent mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, or advanced weapons and equipment such as unmanned Xingtian mecha, but refers to various unmanned special operations used in the military field and on the battlefield. equipment.

Among them, the most common should be the unmanned intelligent EOD robot. This type of robot is essentially a remote control car, but it is equipped with a robotic arm and some preset quality programs, which can undertake related explosive discharge tasks. This has played a very important role in both the battlefield and daily security cases. It can be said that it is the most widely used, and also widely recognized and praised unmanned robot equipment.

In addition, there are unmanned wreckers, unmanned underwater submersibles, underwater demining robots, underwater special operation robots and so on.

Countries are scrambling to develop unmanned equipment to replace some traditional combat posts, especially dangerous ones.

With more and more unmanned equipment, the concept of unmanned warfare has become more and more popular.

The use of unmanned weapons and equipment to promise a war without human beings may have been just a bridge in sci-fi film and television works in the past, but now, all countries are trying to make it a reality.

In real time, in some military conflicts and regional wars in recent years, there have been such signs. It was unimaginable in the past that a major country used drones and missiles to crippling a regional power with zero sacrifice of its own personnel.

And this has given scientists, military experts, and artists even more endless imagination.

In their vision, future wars do not require human participation at all, and all consist of unmanned weapons and equipment. These weapons and equipment carry out related combat tasks through remote control or through preset instructions. It only takes a few commanders in the rear headquarters to conduct corresponding commands according to the operational intent, and they do not have a single real soldier under their command.

In other words, in the future, even the position of commander will no longer be available, and everything in the war will be handed over to artificial intelligence and the AI ​​system, which will direct the operations. Relying on powerful computing power, artificial intelligence can respond quickly, and obtain the most accurate, appropriate, and calmest relevant instructions through existing data information, which is more than enough to be used in some ordinary military warfare tasks.

Of course, the AI ​​command system is built on unmanned equipment. If it is a real soldier, the results of the ai command system can only be used for reference, and must not be taken seriously, because it can never understand and evaluate human courage and determination.

Therefore, the war in the future may be a bloodless war, and the two sides will fight against robots. Without personnel sacrifice, what is consumed is nothing more than the resources of both sides.

How interesting such a war should be, how peaceful such a war should be, and how terrifying such a war should be.

The so-called too much is too much. If the future is really such a war situation, can human beings really be at peace, can they really be bloodless, I am afraid not necessarily.

And now, Wu Hao and the others have unveiled their new masterpiece, a combat-type humanoid bionic robot. This is undoubtedly the most important and crucial part of unmanned warfare.

It can be said that as long as we have it, then we can use this combat-type humanoid bionic robot and existing weapons and equipment and unmanned equipment to form an unmanned army.

That's right, the unmanned army.

An army composed of no one, all machines, a bloodless army, an army that will never betray, an army whose combat effectiveness exceeds the table.

In conventional warfare, UU reading www. Such a force as is undoubtedly the existence of the current ceiling, and no one can surpass it. Fighting against such a force is also hopeless for a powerful army, because they will not find any weakness, any gap.

Whether it is in the overall decision-making command, or in the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers, there is a crushing existence.

And this unit is not afraid of sacrifice, it can fight to the last unit, or even destroy the entire army, except for the high cost, the other is nothing. But the fighting troops are different. If the casualties are too high, let alone whether they can support it, let alone the troops themselves, whether these soldiers will back down or even mutiny.

Of course, what I'm talking about here are all conventional wars, regional wars. If it was a total war and super weapons were used, such a force would easily be wiped out in a mushroom cloud.

The powerful mushroom cloud can not only directly destroy and melt these robots, but the electromagnetic pulse wave will also destroy the central control system of these weapons, burn the electronic components in them, and make them directly paralyzed.

By that time, none of these things will work, nor will they exist. Even at that time, the existence of human beings in this world may be unknown.

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