Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1981: Great power comes from extreme speed

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And it doesn't look like a thin steel plate, it should be quite thick. This combat-type humanoid bionic robot actually kicked the thick steel plate into a big hole with one flying kick. Such strength is really extraordinary.

If it is kicked on someone, I am afraid this person should not feel well.

The performance of the combat-type humanoid bionic robot did not end. It waited from the iron plate, and then another straight punch hit the steel plate, which also made a huge noise.

The fist, which shone with cold metal light, left the steel plate, and saw a fist mark dent on the steel plate.

Then, the robot performed a series of movements followed by a horizontal kick, and directly kicked a square log next to it. It seems that this should be the building block used in the project. The side length is about ten centimeters. It is a bit like the old railway The sleepers on top are boxy.

As for this combat-type humanoid bionic robot, a horizontal kick actually knocked the square wood into the middle of the ladder, the square wood was broken into two sections, and sawdust was splashed. And this scene, the people watching the scene couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.


Such a thick square wood, if a human kicked it, it would be broken, but this robot could easily break it. With such a power, if you play close combat, it is estimated that dozens of strong men will not be its opponents.

The combat-type humanoid bionic robot did not stop, but broke several square logs in a series of kicks, and then smashed several slates with its fists. The thick granite slabs that are actually used for paving, look very hard.

But even so, it still can't stop the fist of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot. I saw that under its strong blow, the slate shattered and dust was thrown everywhere.


Everyone present clapped and applauded, everyone watching this series of performances was full of enthusiasm. The smiles on the faces of Li Weiguo and Luo Kai, who were headed by them, became even brighter. At this moment, their eyes were fixed on the combat-type humanoid bionic robot that was still being demonstrated in the test field, for fear of missing a little detail.

Xiao Wu, it's almost impossible, I feel distressed when I see this going on. Luo Kai turned to Wu Hao and said. In his opinion, it would be a pity if such a good robot was broken just to show them.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is just a daily test project, it won't have any impact.

The metal parts of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot, especially some key parts, are made of alloy materials, and the strength is very high. Generally, there is no problem in collision.

On the other hand, the kind of blow that everyone sees is not the use of brute force to fight head-to-head, it is not like this. It's like we humans split bricks and kick wooden sticks. There are no bricks in the bones of our hands. The wood and stone are hard, but why can they be split? This requires skills. The so-called skills are special angles, special methods of exertion, and special training. "

A special way of powering? After hearing his words in the middle of the scene, he couldn't help but be puzzled.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded and explained: "Yes, the so-called special power generation method is the control of power and speed.

When the speed of an object is fast enough, its power will be astonishingly powerful. Powerful power often comes from extreme speed.

For example, a water droplet can destroy the entire human combined fleet with super high speed. "

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone burst into laughter, and everyone knew what Wu Hao was talking about.

When everyone's laughter faded, Wu Hao smiled and continued: "Just like bullets, the same caliber, rifle bullets are far more powerful than pistol bullets, even if the caliber of the pistol bullet is larger than the rifle bullet, the same result will be .

Why, this is the factor of the kinetic energy of the bullet, because the barrel of the rifle is long and the pressure is high. Another reason is that the charge of the rifle is more than that of the pistol, so the firing speed is higher. "

What does this have to do with robots? Another person interjected in doubt.

Speed, that's what hitting speed does. Since the other party asked, Wu Hao had to explain with a smile: "This combat-type humanoid bionic robot has a very high speed when it strikes, so that it can generate such great power."

But we all know that the effect of force is mutual, causing such great damage to the steel plate, square wood and slate, the robot must bear the huge force backlash. Someone said to him.

Wu Hao nodded in response: "That's right, this is an inescapable law of powerlessness, but it's not impossible to solve it.

In fact, the solution is very simple, that is, imagine how our human body solves this problem when faced with such a large force.

Simply put, it is the buffer to disperse the reaction force. For example, after the blow, the arm bounces back slightly, so that a lot of force can be removed. Secondly, including the vibration of human muscles, it can also be and the movements of the human body, as well as the joints of the whole body, etc. , which can buffer the impact of huge force.

The same is true for this robot. Its joint connection mechanism is not fixed, but like human joints, there are also certain gaps, which are filled with special lubricating oil.

When the robot receives huge forces, these forces will also be weakened through the joint clearance and oil pressure, so that it will not affect the components in the robot body.

In fact, to put it simply, we have installed a lot of shock-absorbing and buffering mechanisms for it, so that it can absorb and disperse these huge reaction forces.

Of course, the body strength of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot itself is also one aspect, otherwise, it will not be able to withstand these. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at the crowd and said with a smile: "In fact, this kind of test intensity is so strong. If this combat-type humanoid bionic robot wants to go to the battlefield, it must face more cruel and strict tests. Just the project.

If nothing else, let's talk about the impact of the bullet, which is much larger than hitting steel plates, square wood, and slate. "

So, is the modular additional armor installed on this robot designed to be bulletproof? Li Weiguo turned his head and glanced at him, then continued to stare at the robot in the field and asked.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is designed for bulletproofing, the cost of such a combat-type humanoid bionic robot is extraordinary, it can't be scrapped after two shots, it's not worth it.

Therefore, one of the most important research projects in the improvement and upgrading of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot is to improve its overall protection ability. "

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