Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1988: super weapons factory

"How is this possible?" After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone was surprised, but more felt that it was impossible. Even if it is said that it can be deployed globally, how can it be possible to accurately track a screw and make full use of it, which is unimaginable.

Of course possible. Wu Hao replied with a smile: "Because our factories all adopt an intelligent and unmanned production model, which does not require workers to participate in production, there are naturally no mistakes. The advantage of high intelligence and automation is that it can always be consistent. Therefore, the production loss can naturally be controlled to a very low range, and it can even reach a theoretical zero!"

Speaking of which, Wu Hao glanced at the surprised crowd and continued.

"Of course, even in intelligent and unmanned production, there will be many problems in the entire production process, possibly due to a small earthquake, or environmental humidity, loose machine screws, displacement, failures and other factors. So There will also be some defective products in production, but these defective products will be controlled within a very low range.

In fact, on the entire production line, we have set up automatic quality inspection systems, which can monitor all production processes and product status on the production line at all times, so as to find these defective products at the first time and eliminate them.

At the same time, there will also be related testing equipment to detect the status of related equipment on the assembly line, so that intelligent maintenance robots will be dispatched in time for maintenance. "

Everyone please. Wu Hao led the crowd towards the passages on both sides. Everyone walked, paying attention to the various equipment on the production line. Especially seeing various robotic arms working flexibly, this kind of scene may have only been seen in some science fiction movies and some publicity reports.

Suddenly, a white cone-shaped object about half a person's height came to the crowd from a distance. After seeing the crowd, it immediately moved out of the way and stopped on the side to wait for the crowd to pass.

When everyone saw this, they became more interested in this moving cone.

"This is an intelligent patrol robot in our entire factory. It constantly monitors the production line and the dynamics in the factory, and reports to the factory's intelligent control center for corresponding processing based on the data information scanned by itself.

For example, when this intelligent patrol robot travels to a certain area and detects that the humidity in this area is too high, or the humidity is too low, it will automatically collect data and transmit it to the factory's intelligent control center.

The factory's intelligent control system will compare the robot's sampling sleep and its own data, and may even send other intelligent patrol robots to review. After confirmation, the ventilation system or air conditioning system in this area will be controlled to adjust the temperature and humidity.

For another example, when the infrared system of this robot detects that the temperature of the machine is too high, this may be a fault signal, and the relevant intelligent maintenance robot will also be notified to come for inspection and maintenance.

The reason for this is to avoid the failure of the detection equipment of these equipments themselves, so this set of patrol monitoring system is set up, which is to ensure that the factory is always in safe and normal operation. "

Just as Wu Hao was talking, a group of unmanned trailers drove past a blue line next to the production line. The trailers were full of parts.

These trailers stop in front of a piece of equipment, and then a mobile robotic arm on the trailer takes the parts from the truck to a shelf next to the piece of equipment and drives to the next place.

Looking at the curious expressions of everyone, Wu Hao introduced with a smile: "This is the intelligent material management system in our factory. It will carry out precise placement management according to the usage of materials in front of each equipment.

And according to the production plan, the materials of each section will be put in from time to time, so as to meet the normal production of the production line.

Of course, when the production plan of this production line is adjusted and related products are no longer produced, the material components originally distributed in each section will also be re-collected by this system, and then shipped to other workshop production lines that require such components, or other factories. If it is not used temporarily, it will be stored in the warehouse for later call. "

How many products can this factory produce every day? Su Qidong glanced at the factory building with no end in sight, then turned his head and asked Wu Hao curiously.

This cannot be estimated. Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "The production of the entire factory is not at a constant speed, but at a variable speed according to production needs.

For example, those products are in strong demand, then we seem to need to speed up operation, improve production efficiency, and run at full speed. If the demand for those products is not so strong, then production cuts may be made, and the pace will be slowed down.

At the same time, the process and time required to produce different products are also different, so this time is really hard to estimate.

According to the full-speed production efficiency of such a smart transparent folding screen device being produced on the production line, about twenty to twenty-five units can be produced per minute. "

Twenty-five units per minute, 1,500 units in an hour, and 36,000 units in a day, this is still one production line! Li Weiguo couldn't help but count, and then gave an astonishing figure.

This production efficiency can absolutely crush all foundries, which also means that Wu Hao and the others can easily defeat other similar products on the market with super-cost products, thereby occupying the entire market. Of course, if they want to and go crazy.

In that case what awaits them is not massive profits, but annihilation.

Can such a factory produce weapons and equipment? Finally, Luo Kai smelled a question that he had been holding back in his heart for a long time. As soon as this question came out, it immediately aroused the interest of all military experts and leaders. Even Su Qidong and Tan Yongzhen became interested and looked at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao glanced at everyone after hearing the words, and then nodded with a smile under everyone's attention: "Of course, such a production line can theoretically be applied to the production of various equipment products, including military weapons and equipment. The premise is that we must carry out corresponding transformation and upgrade of some production equipment according to production needs, so as to meet the relevant needs.

In fact, many of our weapons and equipment are also produced by this super-intelligent factory, such as our battlefield sweeper suicide attack drones, smart bullets, smart grenades, and other small weapons and equipment, all through produced in such a factory.

Even our intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protection system is produced by such a smart factory, and it can also be used in the production of our humanoid bionic robots in the future. "

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