Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1997: Wu Hao's Confession (C)

Nowadays, people always like to think that industrialized agricultural products are low-end mass products, while the primitive farming technology of small farming is called original ecology, high-quality agricultural and sideline products.

There are many agricultural and sideline products on the market that are branded as farmhands or farmhouses with original ecology, and the prices are generally higher than those produced by industrial dialects. This is also the reason why many people do not believe in the agricultural and sideline production produced by Wu Hao's intelligent unmanned agricultural (pastoral) farms.

And to take this, Wu Hao also explained it specially.

Although so much was said before, Wu Hao felt that it was not enough, so he added.

One thing I would like to introduce to you is that the areas reclaimed by our intelligent unmanned agricultural (pastoral) farms are basically deserts, with little human activities, so they are rarely polluted, and there are no chemical substances. Exceeding the standard, pollutants, heavy metals exceeding the standard, etc.

In the construction of intelligent unmanned agricultural (pasture) farms, when we level the land, we will comb and clean the soil finely, and sample and analyze the surface layer including the deep soil to ensure that the soil in this area is not contaminated. , we will start to grow various crops, cash crops, and pasture farming on it.

And about all crops, including commercial crops, and even pasture grass seeds are carefully selected by us, all seeds are the current best varieties, in line with domestic and international standards, and do not use any unapproved genetically modified crop seeds, to Make sure that every grain, crop, livestock meat and dairy products grown and produced are safe and healthy, and will not cause harm to the human body.

Secondly, we also strictly follow relevant standards for fertilization and pesticide application. For example, in fertilizers, in addition to using a large amount of ecological organic fertilizers, we are very restrained in the use of chemical fertilizers. Unless there is a special need, we generally do not abuse chemical fertilizers indiscriminately in pursuit of yield.

As for the problem of food contamination caused by biological fertilizers that everyone is worried about, please rest assured. These bio-fertilizers come from the identification of livestock and poultry such as cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, etc. in our pasture. These feces will be collected and concentrated by robots, subjected to biological miniaturization and disinfection and sterilization, and then made into biological fertilizers, which are sprayed and scattered in the soil. These bio-fertilizers produced by fermentation, disinfection and sterilization are also in full compliance with relevant safety standards. Please rest assured.

Secondly, in the prevention of pests and diseases, under normal circumstances, we do not recommend the use of pesticides. But everyone knows that such a large area of ​​farms and pastures is bound to break out of various pests and diseases, so pesticides still need to be sprayed when necessary.

In this regard, we are extremely cautious and restrained, and the pesticides used are basically biodegradable pesticides. These pesticides are all purified from organisms, and only work on pests and diseases, and are not harmful enough to human beings. You can rest assured.

Secondly, we also pay special attention to the timing of spraying, that is, it is forbidden to spray pesticides before the crops are mature and harvested to prevent pesticide residues on these crops.

If this problem occurs, all crops will be processed and never go to market. This part of the crop that can be used will be rinsed, and then dried after rinsing. After it is detected that there is no residue, it will be transported to the feed factory for crushing as feed for livestock and poultry.

For those crops whose residues are seriously exceeding the standard and cannot be processed, they will be destroyed in situ.

Before entering the market, all crops will undergo multiple inspections by robots and manual workers to ensure that all products entering the market are safe and qualified.

Through the QR codes on these crops, you can find information about the entire process from sowing and growth to harvesting, and even surveillance videos, to help you monitor the source and safety of these foods.

The same goes for the ranch. At present, in addition to pure milk and milk powder, our ranch also produces beef, sheep, pork and poultry meat. These meats will also be directly supplied to the relevant supermarket shelves through special cold chain channels.

Similarly, you can rest assured of meat products, because we strictly monitor the whole process from breeding to slaughtering, and check at every level to ensure that a qualified product is delivered to everyone, so that everyone can eat with confidence .

Similarly, you can also check the source of these meat products through the QR code, including the pig, the number of the cattle and sheep can be found.

Food safety and food quality have always been our goals, so we will also strictly control all production processes to ensure that everyone can eat green, safe and secure products.

At the same time, we also welcome everyone to monitor all our products. If you find any problems such as chemical residues in our products, you can also report a complaint directly to us. Once verified, we will deal with it seriously. At the same time, whistleblowers will also be rewarded very generously.

Of course, if you have solid evidence and you don't want to report it to us, you can expose it, and we will take it seriously after we learn it. However, the premise is that the evidence you have is true and valid. We will also reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility for maliciously framed people.

Once the case you report is real and we will immediately arrange for professionals to investigate, and invite third-party agencies or relevant department staff to participate in the whole process. The whole process is completely open and transparent, never conceal, let alone will cover up.

No matter who is found, it will be dealt with seriously. At the same time, we will also launch a product quality recall mechanism to recall all our problematic food products on the market, or destroy them on the spot. The whole process is completely open and transparent for everyone to supervise the whole process.

Some people may ask me whether this will increase the cost and make these agricultural and sideline products a high-priced luxury product, a special offering for the rich, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

Please rest assured on this point, because we adopt an intelligent, unmanned and fully automatic production mode throughout the whole process, without the participation of personnel, the whole process is efficient and low-cost. Coupled with the favorable conditions of the vast land and sparse population in the west, all the agricultural and sideline products we produce are basically the same price as all ordinary products on the market, and even the prices of many products are even cheaper.

Of course, some products may be more expensive, such as fresh milk drinks, milk powder, and some high-quality beef and mutton, etc. You can purchase according to your own needs and consume rationally.

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