Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1999: Transformers in the factory


Then there is only one way, and that is to upgrade industrial technology and realize automated production, thereby reducing personnel. In fact, many companies have started this initiative very early, but it is still not enough.

Many factories are now in urgent need of a complete set of automated production technology, so as to get rid of the dilemma caused by the lack of human resources.

As a technology company, we are also deeply aware of the difficulties of the entire OEM industry. In particular, the lack of human resources and the serious impact of the increase in labor costs, we are deeply affected.

Maybe you remember that when our products were selling well, they were abnormally out of stock. This was not some kind of hunger marketing that we did, but we really encountered problems in production.

Due to the confirmation of the foundry, the production capacity could not be increased, so the originally scheduled delivery date could only be postponed indefinitely. This also led to our products being sold extremely hot, but they could not be sold because of shortages. According to a statistic we once did, we lost about 10 billion to 20 billion US dollars in sales due to out of stock.

In addition, the increase in labor costs due to lack of personnel has also affected the continuous rise of foundry costs, which is why everyone complains about why prices have increased so rapidly. Because these foundries, including materials, are growing rapidly. No way, we can only follow the growth.

It is against this background that our super-intelligent manufacturing factory was born, and in fact, we decided to intervene in this industry due to helplessness.

Because the production capacity of the foundry has been seriously affected, coupled with the fact that major technology companies are robbing the production capacity of these foundry companies, on the one hand, the foundry costs of the foundry companies have increased, and on the other hand, the share of production capacity we can obtain is also It's becoming less and less, which has seriously affected our market sales and the experience of our consumers.

So, we wondered if we could build a production factory ourselves to produce these products, so that we would not need to be limited by the capacity of the foundry.

Although it is said that a new production plant is a huge investment, but thinking that this problem can be solved once and for all, we gritted our teeth and took out a considerable amount of money to prepare for the acquisition or construction of a foundry company.

At the beginning, we were going to learn from the successful experience of other foundry companies, learn their technical achievements or directly purchase related technical equipment from them to build an ordinary production plant.

However, after careful research, we found that if we learn from them to build such an ordinary production factory, wouldn't we also be troubled by problems such as lack of human resources and increased labor costs.

This made it difficult for us, should we continue to build such a production plant, or should we stop there and endure it for a while. Anyway, all these technology companies in the industry seem to have come here.

Is it just that, no, we are not reconciled. Because we don't want to be rotten, we have our pursuit. Besides, if the labor shortage continues and labor costs continue to rise, what will happen in the future?

So driven by a series of reasons, we re-examined this project and decided to save as much personnel input as possible in this new production work, thereby weakening or avoiding us from falling into the quagmire of labor shortages and increased labor costs.

At the beginning, we just planned to realize automation as much as possible and reduce the number of workers. Later, our technical experts and researchers had more and more ideas, and finally formed a complete set of technical theoretical proposals. This is our super intelligent manufacturing. The predecessor of factory technology.

In fact, our first-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory has not been completely unmanned. There are still many workers in its production process, but compared with the production factory of ordinary foundry enterprises, it has been greatly reduced. .

As for the second-generation super-manufacturing factory, we continue to introduce compression on the basis of the first-generation, realizing that the entire production process does not require workers to intervene, and it is completely completed by automated equipment and industrial robots.

However, in other auxiliary links, such as the transfer of goods, the operation of factories and parks, including the maintenance of equipment, etc., still need personnel to be responsible.

As for the current third-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory, the entire factory and even the entire park have been intelligentized, unmanned, and automated. It is truly realized that the entire factory and even the entire factory area does not need an employee, and all are handed over to the intelligent management system of the factory area and the factory to realize autonomous operation without human intervention.

At the same time, the third-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory can also realize the same factory or even the same production line to produce different products. And it can also freely combine production lines according to product orders to adapt to production needs.

To give a simple example, for example, a certain place suddenly needs a batch of products urgently, but it is extremely lacking in the market, and it takes a long time to transport from overseas, and it is simply too late. However, domestic production is very small and cannot be provided in a short period of time.

At this time, our third-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factory can play a role. We only need to input the relevant parameters of this equipment into the control system, and the intelligent control system of the factory can automatically adjust and transform the production line according to the production needs of this product, so as to carry out production. The whole process is very fast, the adjustment and changes of the entire production line can be completed within 12 hours, and mass production can be realized within 24 hours.

Such a production plant may seem to have no role in normal times, but in the event of an emergency, it will play a huge role. It can be constantly changed as needed, and it can be called a Transformer in a factory.

It can be a superfood processing factory that produces hundreds of tons of bread a day, or a medical supplies production factory that produces millions of masks, protective clothing, and protective face shields a day. It can also be a production factory for emergency production of clothing, bedding, or other emergency supplies and equipment.

With such a factory, we can have the confidence and confidence to deal with these unexpected problems, and can greatly reduce unnecessary losses and sacrifices.

Looking back, let's talk about the boss of the digital foundry company I mentioned earlier in Guancheng. He was one of our earliest partners and purchased two first-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factories directly from us.

The two first-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factories have been built, and they have become the main production force of his foundry business. With these two first-generation super-intelligent manufacturing factories, it grabbed a lot of orders from many famous foundry giants, which also made him a lot of money.

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