Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2014: State-of-the-art in aerospace technology


Of course, these greetings are only superficial words, and what really promotes the cooperation between the two parties is a series of stricter cooperation terms. However, these things are impossible to say on this occasion.

After chatting with the two for a while, a staff member came to notify that the press conference was about to start.

Wu Hao and the others responded, and were led by the staff to the press conference.

At this time, the entire hall was already filled with various reporters, and the back was filled with various machinery and equipment. After they entered the scene, there was a shutter sound.

Wu Hao and the others found their seats and sat down. The press conference was just beginning.

After some introductions, the press conference officially began. First, Zhou Chengfang from the aerospace department announced the relevant tasks and astronaut candidates.

"Hello, friends from the press. Welcome to the press conference on the launch of the Walker 4 manned spacecraft."

"First of all, I will inform you about the content of this mission; according to the relevant mission plan, this mission will be carried by the 'Walker 4' manned spacecraft independently developed by Haoyu Aerospace and will carry the 'Jianmu No. 7' carrier rocket in the day after tomorrow. It was launched at 5:20 a.m. on the 25th from the South China Sea Launch Site. After the Walker 4 spacecraft entered space, it will fly in space for about 28 hours, and finally at 10:50 a.m. on the 27th. We will land at the main landing site in the Mongolian area."

"The astronauts to perform this mission are selected by us from the astronaut team, after considering a series of factors such as the mission content, the astronauts' appearance and status, and related mission plans, and finally selected from the entire candidate list. Five astronauts entered our adaptive training mission. After three months of adaptive training, we finally selected one astronaut based on the excellent performance of the five astronauts and other factors. Astronauts who meet the requirements of this mission in terms of conditions, and a backup astronaut."

"Among them, the astronaut who carried out the launch mission of Walker 4 is a young astronaut in our third batch of astronauts, Comrade Yuan Zifeng. The backup astronaut is an old astronaut in our astronaut team. XXX."


"Next, we have invited the astronauts to meet you!"

clap clap clap...

After a burst of warm applause, Yuan Zifeng appeared in the glass room in front of the reporters wearing a very sci-fi white space suit. Like the previous press conferences, astronauts must be isolated from the outside environment to avoid contracting some diseases such as influenza or other bacteria, which is also for the personal safety of astronauts.

As soon as Yuan Zifeng appeared, the shutter sound of the cameras in the hands of the reporters kept ringing. After a full minute of sound, it gradually stopped.

What surprised all the reporters was not only Yuan Zifeng's young face, but also the space suit Yuan Zifeng was wearing at the moment. Compared with the traditional clumsy in-cabin space suit, this space suit is more lightweight, lightweight, simple and slim, beautiful and sci-fi.

Gu Hao

Compared with the Parker-style in-cabin space suit of the Dragon spacecraft, Wu Hao and his group's space suit is more concise and elegant. It is white as a whole, with some blue and pale gold decorative colors on it, not much , but refined enough.

There aren't too many device buttons on the entire suit, just a few necessary physical buttons. In addition, it is a display screen on the wrist, which is small in size and more like a special "watch". All the functions on the spacesuit in this cabin can be controlled through this touch-screen display.

In addition, there is a jack on the left thigh of the space suit, where the data cable and the independent oxygen supply facility are connected. But at the moment, there is no connection.

Yuan Zifeng wears a pair of two-color gloves, the back of his hand is white in the space suit, and there is a pale gold LOGO of Haoyu Aerospace on it, which is extraordinarily delicate. The palms are dark grey and have some anti-slip paint on them.

The right hand holds the helmet of the spacesuit in the top cabin. This helmet is also sci-fi, and it looks extraordinarily thin. The front is a very pure glass cover, and a faint blue light flashes in the glass, and there are various sensors on the forehead.

The astronaut helmet is connected to the space suit through the built-in interface, without the need for additional wiring.

In fact, these reporters only saw the surface. This space suit in the cabin represents the highest technology level of Haoyu Technology in the field of aerospace technology.

Why do you say this, because its technology is very complex, and it can be regarded as a small manned spacecraft. It can play a huge role. When the manned spacecraft fails, or leaks and damages, the space suit in the cabin can still ensure the safety of the astronauts' lives.

For example, the material on this space suit is the same polymer composite material they used on the inflatable inflatable space capsule, and a special liquid material is also filled in the middle. It can not only repair urgently when the space suit is broken, but also prevent the leakage of gas and oxygen in the space suit and ensure the personal safety of astronauts.

It can also quickly solidify when encountering huge external pressure, thereby resisting huge overload pressure, making astronauts more comfortable when launching into space.

At the same time, it can also protect astronauts from harm when encountering some dangerous situations.

In addition the biggest requirement of the astronauts in the cabin is lightness and ease of movement. So this space suit is very light, and the entire space suit in the cabin is only 5.1 kg in total, which can be said to be very light. And its material is very soft, which is convenient for astronauts to move.

Except that it is heavier than ordinary clothes and a little more troublesome to wear, it is no different from ordinary clothes.

The functions of this space suit are much more than that. For example, there are a variety of sensors distributed inside this space suit to detect the astronaut's physical state, such as blood pressure, blood oxygen, heartbeat, breathing and so on.

The helmet matched with this cabin space suit is full of high-tech, such as the glass mask on the front of the helmet, which is actually a high-definition transparent screen, which can display various data information.

It can not only display various data information of this space suit, as well as some body detection data information of the astronauts themselves, but also can be connected to the spacecraft to display various data information on the spacecraft.

In this way, the astronauts no longer need to pay attention to the data information on the spacecraft, and can monitor and observe all the time through this transparent screen. At the same time, through the eye control, some simple manipulations can also be performed. It can even be used with sensors built into the spacesuit gloves for gesture control and more.

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