Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2024: Moonlight Dinner

Holding Lin Wei's hand, the two stepped on the sand and led by the hotel staff to sit in a white tent under a coconut tree on the beach in front of the hotel.

This is a sunshade tent, which is ventilated from all sides. There is a white dining table and two chairs inside. There is a faint light on the tent to adjust the atmosphere.

"Mr. Wu, are you serving food now!" The manager of the hotel led two waiters and said softly to Wu Hao and Lin Wei.

The hotel attaches great importance to such distinguished guests as Wu Hao, and the manager personally goes out to serve Wu Hao and them. I even heard that after Wu Hao and the others booked the room, the hotel organized a related professional service team to receive Wu Hao and them, and strive to provide the best service.

In fact, this hotel was decided by Wu Hao and the others after listening to the assessment of the security team. Before they moved in, security team members had already come to make relevant preparations.

Wu Hao looked at the hotel manager who was slightly bent over with a flattering expression and nodded with a smile: "Go on, it's hard work."

You're welcome, providing the best service to every customer is what our hotel has always pursued. The manager replied, and then withdrew very knowingly, leaving the space for them.

When Wu Hao and Lin Wei heard the manager's words, they couldn't help laughing. They didn't know if other tourists had the same treatment as them, so the general manager of the hotel would personally serve them.

With the slightly fishy sea breeze blowing, Lin Wei couldn't help leaning back on the chair and opened her hands, her eyes were slightly closed, and she said with a look of enjoyment: "It's so comfortable, I really want to stay here for a while longer."

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao smiled and said, "If you want to live, live there, arrange some work, and give yourself a vacation. Anyway, we have a house here. I remember you bought several."

There are several buildings, just three buildings, one on the Hekou side, one on the B'ao side, and one on the Yalong side. Maybe we will buy one here in the future. After all, we may often run here in the future. Lin Wei thought about it and said.

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the words: "It's not necessary, it's enough to have those three buildings. Besides, it's not far from B'ao, so it can be taken into consideration."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei nodded slightly and did not insist, but sighed: "How can I have so much free time, there are still a lot of things waiting for me in the company.

Besides, even if I can pick the time and give myself a vacation, can you do it this way? "

Seeing Lin Wei looking at him, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly. Indeed, this is a major disadvantage of both of them working. It is difficult to coordinate the time arrangement of both parties. Especially since the two are the heads of large companies, it is even more difficult to adjust the schedule together.

Wait until this time is over, I will definitely spare half a month to come and play with you for a few days. Feeling Lin Wei's gaze, Wu Hao responded with a smile.

It's weird to believe you. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and said no more.

Wu Hao laughed, and then said to Lin Wei: "We don't have time, can we let our parents come? Anyway, they are also idle, and the house here is also empty. Let them come and live for a while. The climate is more suitable for health preservation.”

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei couldn't help shaking her head: "I bought these three houses at the time, and I didn't clean them up much, so I definitely can't move in directly. If I want them to come, I'll have them clean up.

But the question is will they come?

My parents are busy with projects right now. The apartment and other projects you asked them to get hold of. They are both very concerned. How could they leave work and come here for vacation and health.

As for your parents, it's more difficult. I think their second elders are used to living in your hometown. "

Tani Tsuki

Aren't they afraid that if they live here for a long time, they will make you unhappy. Wu Hao laughed and joked.

Go, am I that kind of person, it's too late for me to be happy when they come, how could I be unhappy. Speaking of this, Lin Wei stared at Wu Hao and said, "I tell you, don't put these things on my head, it's obvious that you are too busy and don't have time, and the second old man is afraid of affecting your work, so he went back. ."


Wu Hao was at a loss when he heard the words. He really couldn't refute this. One of the reasons why Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman went back was because he was busy at the beginning of the year, and the two old people were worried about affecting his work, so they went back.

After coughing a little, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Summer is coming soon. It's too hot here. It's totally a sin for them to come here. Let them come to spend the winter when it's cold."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said to Lin Wei: "Your parents, you have to persuade you to retire when it's time to retire. People in their 50s and 60s, don't be so frustrating. Grow flowers at home and practice Tai Chi. Quan, what's wrong with square dancing?"

Go, how old are my parents? Lin Wei rolled his eyes at him, then sighed and said, "It's not that I haven't persuaded them, but they are too stubborn to listen to persuasion at all.

In the words of the two of them, I don't have to worry about them now, but my brother is still young and I have to ask them to help me.

I was speechless when I heard this, Lin Lei is also about to graduate, is he still young?

Besides, the family property of the family is not much, and it is not much. Isn't it enough that I don't want to give Lin Lei all of it, I was still tossing about it all day, and I had a headache looking at it. "

Speaking of which, Lin Wei glared at Wu Hao and said angrily, "Why don't you tell me, compared to my daughter, their second elder loves your cheap son-in-law's words. If you go to persuade it, it may be useful. "

A son-in-law is a son-in-law, where can you get a cheap son-in-law. Wu Hao was angry.

Not married yet, not a cheap son-in-law. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and sneered.

Well, now that I have mentioned this, Wu Hao shook his head helplessly, then looked at her and said, "Well, I'll go back and find a time to talk to the two It's almost enough, don't worry too much. .

I also received some news before, there are some people who want to take my relationship from their second-oldest side. "

"What do you mean, these people hit their minds on them?" Lin Wei suddenly became serious when she heard the words.

Wu Hao didn't speak, because the waiter started to serve at this time. Not far away, a girl in a white dress walked onto the wooden platform and slowly played the violin.

The melodious and melodious sound of the piano sounded, accompanied by the sea breeze and waves, making all the people on the beach intoxicated.

Taste how it tastes. Wu Hao forked a piece of salad with a knife and fork, and then ate it.

Come on, you're going to kill me. It was about her parents, Lin Wei said eagerly.

It's nothing major, just some small things that can't be on the table, just a little reminder, don't worry. Wu Hao smiled and comforted.

Although Wu Hao said it lightly, Lin Wei's brows were still slightly wrinkled. Obviously, she could hear that things were not as simple as what Wu Hao said.

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