Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2035: The mission has just begun

"Of course, in order to greatly reduce the intense discomfort caused by the huge overload of the spacecraft's ascent, we also used a special liquid sandwich material on the spacesuit material.

This liquid sandwich material is very soft under normal conditions, it is no different from ordinary cloth, and it is also very comfortable to wear. However, once a huge overload is encountered, this material will quickly harden and play a very good supporting role, and this can reduce the pressure on the body of the astronaut due to the huge overload, so that it can be used in the ascent stage. , the ride is more comfortable. "

In fact, there is one thing Wu Hao didn't say, that is this liquid sandwich material, which is actually the liquid sandwich material in their inflatable inflatable space capsule, but the composition and properties are different.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Su Qian nodded with a smile, and then said to Wu Hao: "It can be seen that in order to allow the astronauts to enter space smoothly and safely, you have done a lot of very meticulous work in this regard.

Mr. Wu, now the spacecraft has successfully entered orbit, and the launch mission has been a complete success so far. I just paid attention to the Internet. Everyone is very concerned about your manned launch mission this time, and also expressed support for our country's aerospace technology field and private aerospace enterprises. Here, what do you want to say to these netizens? "

Sure enough, the same problem is in line with CCTV's style. However, Wu Hao did not rule out such a problem, so he nodded with a smile, and then said to the camera: "First of all, of course, thank you for your long-term attention and support. Thanks to everyone's understanding and support. , we were able to go step by step to the present, and made some small achievements.

Of course, we can achieve today's achievements, and this is inseparable from the support of the state and relevant departments. Without strong policy leadership, industrial strength and talent support, we would not be able to reach today.

Please rest assured that we will not be complacent because of such a little achievement, but will continue to work hard and strive to make more achievements in the field of aerospace technology to give back your support and help.

In the future, we will also actively explore the market business in the aerospace business field, and strive to transform more cutting-edge aerospace technology achievements into related products, so that everyone can enjoy more advanced, convenient, intelligent and high-quality products and services. "

After speaking, Wu Hao nodded to Su Qian. Susie had a meeting, and then nodded to make a summary by herself.

Watching the camera lens leave, Wu Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was always being targeted by the camera lens. To be honest, he was really uncomfortable. Especially what you represent is the image of a company, so you must pay special attention to your words and deeds. Otherwise, a little mistake may be magnified by someone with a heart and become a tool for cyber attacks to smear him.

The sky is getting brighter, and the joy after the successful launch has gradually diminished. Everyone who has been busy for several days has either gone to get off work for breakfast to rest, or is still sticking to their posts and continuing their work.

This mission has just begun, not just after the successful launch, the astronauts are still in the sky.

Gao Jinguang and Zhou Chengfang went to the restaurant to finish breakfast. Because of the successful launch, the breakfast this morning was special, it was hot dumplings. Although it is said that this is in the South China Sea, the absolute south, the dumpling species seems to have crossed the line of eating habits in the north and south, and has become a staple food recognized by both the north and the south.

Of course, because of the difference between the north and the south, the dumplings in the north and the south are also very different. In the north, the dumplings are usually filled with livestock meat and vegetables. The dumplings are more solid and look very heroic.

As for the southern dumplings, most of them are shrimp dumplings, crystal dumplings, and corn dumplings, as well as steamed dumplings. Here, the style is elegant and sweet.

However, most of the dumplings in the restaurant at the launch site are northern dumplings. There is no way that there are more northerners on the entire South Sea Island, especially those from the northeast, so they are naturally influenced by northern tastes.

In fact, the more reason is that many people at this launch site are from the north, whether it is the related team of Haoyu Aerospace, or the related team of the aerospace system. Even the relevant personnel of the launch site system are drawn from the major launch sites in the north, so the overall taste of the restaurant is more inclined to the north.

Secondly, successful buns, celebration dumplings, this is a long-standing tradition of the launch system, no matter where or what age, this custom has been carried on all the time.

The success of the launch made Gao Jinguang, Zhou Chengfang and the others somewhat relieved. After all, this is the first manned launch of a new ship and a new arrow, and the risk is huge, so both the launch system and the astronaut system are under enormous pressure.

Now that the launch was successful, the expressions of the duo and other expert technical staff became much lighter. The atmosphere in the entire restaurant was not as solemn as it was before the launch, but became relaxed and happy.

After eating a plate of dumplings, Wu Hao was slightly refreshed. After a short rest, he returned to the launch command and control hall with Gao Jinguang and Zhou Chengfang.

At this moment, the entire hall is empty. In addition to some finishing staff of the launch system and rocket system, they are still working, as well as the remote commander of the spacecraft system.

At present, the remote control command of the spacecraft has not been completely handed over to the Anxi Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, and there is still a lot of work to be done here. What's more, the two leaders of Haoyu Aerospace, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming, are here.

Seeing Wu Hao and the others coming in, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming, who were discussing things, got up and greeted them.

Wu Hao smiled and squeezed his and then smiled at the two of them: "What's the situation now."

While speaking, Wu Hao looked at the big screen, which was divided into three pieces. In the center was a world map, which showed the flight path of the Walker 4 spacecraft and its current location.

On the left side of the map are some relevant parameter information of the spacecraft, and on the right side are some more video windows inside and outside the spacecraft cabin.

In the outside picture, it is dark at the moment, and there are some city lights below. From the outline of the city displayed by these lights, everyone can roughly tell where the spaceship is at the moment.

Although such scenes are not uncommon for Wu Hao and the others, at this moment, he feels that the night scene outside the window is particularly beautiful, probably because it was shot by their own manned spacecraft.


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