Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2056: feel good, everything feels good

Compared with the extensive eating method of one mouthful of buns and one mouthful of soup, Wu Hao prefers to break the buns and soak them in a bowl like foam or gourd head. Generally, adult men start with two buns, but Wu Hao and the others don't eat much, one bun is enough.

After drinking a sip of the fresh soup, Wu Hao felt that his pores were opened. Although it's almost May, it's a blessing to have such a delicious hot soup in the morning.

The crowd didn't say much, but they each finished the bowl of mixed liver soup with their heads bowed, and then leaned on the chairs, basking in the morning sun leisurely.

Looking at the streets where people come and go, and the pedestrians who are not looking at them, Wu Hao said to the crowd, "Let's go, let's find a place to sit."

Everyone understood and immediately got up and left the street. And the security guards who were wearing civilian clothes around them immediately followed in their footsteps.

After looking around, a few people finally returned to the park. Compared to outside, they are more relaxed inside the park. The more important reason was that they had found a cafe and were about to go in, when they heard the security guard who went in first to inquire about the situation came back and reported that there were several reporters inside.

Hearing this, Wu Hao and the others lost interest. If they were entangled by these reporters, they would never have thought of leaving An Sheng this morning.

This cafe is actually not too far from the headquarters of Haoyu Technology. There are many reporters interviewing in the past few days, so there are several reporters here, and they are not too surprised.

Back in the park, I came to the second floor of the open-air cafe by the lake. Several people sat under a sunshade and looked at the scenery in the park leisurely.

Zhang Jun leaned on the chair and propped up his bulging belly. Looking at the lake scenery in the distance, he couldn't help revealing a smile and said, "It's really comfortable!"

Yes, the sun today is very comfortable. Zou Xiaodong also squinted at the sun in the sky and said.

You guys, this is in a good mood, so everything feels good. Wu Hao took a sip of coffee and said.

Hehe, of course we are happy. The goal we have been looking forward to for so many years has finally been achieved. Can you be unhappy? Zhang Jun said with emotion: "When we started our business, I never dreamed that one day we would be able to launch our own manned spacecraft, and we would use our recyclable launch vehicle. It's a dream."

"Let's not talk about the beginning, that is, when we announced to the outside world that we would build a manned spacecraft, how many people outside believed it. Some media even directly criticized us for being fanciful and unrealistic, and some even criticized us for being over-the-top.

Now, I especially want to see what these people are saying now. "Zou Xiaodong said a little indignantly.

He was right. Back then, many people and the media broke the cold water against them for their high manned spaceflight project. Some people even criticized and attacked them directly, and the words they said were very ugly.

At that time, the indignant Zhang Jun and the others wanted to respond, but they were held down by Wu Hao. In his words, the response now has no power, it will only show them timid and lack of confidence. It's better not to respond, and when the results are achieved in the future, slap them in the face with the results.

What's the matter, you still want to @ them one by one. Wu Hao laughed and joked.

What's wrong, I've already wanted to do it. Zhang Junyi said angrily.

You do things without considering the consequences. If you do this with your front feet, the net on your back feet will explode. You think that our popularity is not high enough, and you want to add fire to us. Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and said angrily, then looked at a few people and said: "Don't worry, netizens hold more grudges than us, they will slap these people in the face for us, let's just watch the fun. ."

Still not slapped in the face. Zhang Jun shook his head a little pity.

Well, let's not talk about that, let's talk about it. Wu Hao waved his hand, and then said to a few people.

Hearing what he said, several people also put away casually, then sat up and looked at Wu Hao.

Fatty has been on a business trip in the past two days and went to the capital to help me visit the astronauts and their families. Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and said, "In addition, a major task of your trip is to discuss with the space administration department about follow-up cooperation, especially the personnel and material transportation mission of the space station, which has been promised to us before. The next time you mainly focus on this matter, it is up to you how many orders you can grab."

Understood, Zhang Jun nodded, and then smiled bitterly: "I also said that I have a day off, it seems that today is not enough. I have to find some Zhou Xiangming and others and some experts in aerospace technology, and ask In this regard, it is better to know what to do, so that we can gain the initiative in the negotiation.”

In fact, there is no need to be so nervous. Yu Chengwu is there. He will **** the astronauts to the capital. You will meet there. When he is present, you can completely hand over technical matters to him. Wu Hao said with a smile.

That way, it's easier for me. Zhang Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Wu Hao: "What about the commercial cooperation between us and the aerospace department on the space station, I won't mention it this time."

Wu Hao thought for a while, then looked at him and said, "It can be mentioned, but it's not that urgent. This project can't be rushed, it has to be taken slowly.

Let's take a look at their reactions first, it's impossible for them to make a decision right away for such a big project. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun also nodded and said, "So this time I mainly express my cooperation intention, and then observe the other party's reaction, as for the rest, don't worry.

But in this case, isn't that our follow-up manned launch project is going to be suspended? "

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the words: "We don't need to suspend just follow the normal plan, and we can't appear to depend on them, which is not good for the follow-up cooperation and negotiation.

Isn't the training of our full-time astronauts about to end? Just in time, let them go to the upper reaches of the sky to practice and prepare for a series of follow-up commercial projects. "

Are you referring to tourism projects? Yang Fan asked.

Wu Hao shook his head: "Not only space tourism projects, but also others."

What about the space tourism project, can it be launched now? Zhang Jun asked Wu Hao: "The popularity of space tourism is very high on the Internet. Should we take the opportunity to do some publicity?"

You can do it, but pay attention to the size. Wu Hao thought for a moment and said, "You can take the opportunity to start the registration activities related to space travel, and then take the opportunity to promote a wave. Let's find out how many people we can attract."

I do not report too much hope, not everyone has such courage. Zou Xiaodong shook his head and said.

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