Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2058: 5 year plan

Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming and the others want to advance the lunar scientific research station project, what do you think? After taking a sip of coffee, Wu Hao looked at the three and asked.

Hearing Wu Hao's question, the three looked at each other, then shook their heads and didn't speak, and Wu Hao didn't rush, but waited patiently.

Seeing that no one spoke, Yang Fan took the lead and said: "But from a technical point of view, I support their choice. They are right, the lunar low-Earth orbit exploration environment has been saturated, and it is meaningless to squeeze in. It is better to find another way. , to open up a new track.

At present, we have accumulated a huge advantage in lunar exploration, and I think we should make full use of this first-mover advantage. Instead of delaying it to others, the advantages we have accumulated can be greatly reduced. "

When Yang Fan's words fell, Zhang Jun said, "I have read the reports submitted by Zhou Xiangming and Yu Chengwu, and I think what they said is reasonable. But once such a large project is launched, it cannot be like a commercial space station. The project can be canceled when it says cancel.

Haoyu Aerospace is about to go public soon. Once this project has a peak problem, the stock price will have to jump off the building again. In addition, this project will have to invest a lot of money, manpower and material resources. Once it is launched, the money will flow like water. So I think it's better to be cautious. "

I agree with Zhang Jun's statement. Zou Xiaodong nodded and said, "For such a big project, it's better to be cautious. Now the company is getting bigger and bigger, so every decision we make must be cautious."

It's right to be cautious, but if you're too cautious, that's the problem. Yang Fan retorted: "The reason why many big companies are developing more and more slowly is because they are afraid of failing too much, so they are hesitant to make decisions, and they are not aggressive enough. So over time, the development is getting slower and slower, like this Are there any examples?

I think the greatest value of Haoyu Technology should be innovation. Without innovation and development, what value would such a company have in development? "

After speaking, Yang Fan looked at Zhang Jun and Zou Xiaodong, waiting for their responses.

As for the two of them, they smiled bitterly, and then shook their heads slightly.

Okay, let's talk about things, there's no need to get emotional. Seeing this, Wu Hao immediately waved his hand and said, "It's a good thing to be cautious, and I've made it clear to them. If they can't convince me with really favorable reasons, they'll definitely pass my test.

In addition, in this regard, we also need to seek the opinions of the company's technical expert committee, and also ask the aerospace authorities, as well as the opinions and suggestions of some experts in the circle, and then we will discuss and decide.

I just asked you to share your thoughts today, I didn't make you rush to make a decision. "

I'm not against it, I'm saying it's better to be cautious. Zhang Jun said: "I am also very optimistic about the development prospects of this project. The moon is a planet that cannot be avoided by human beings.

If we can seize the opportunity here, it will be very beneficial to our future development in the field of space exploration.

But I believe you all know that this is a relatively slow process, with slow investment, slow results, and even slower profits. So we have to be fully prepared for this.

Anyway, be prepared for long-term investment, instead of throwing too much money at once, which is not conducive to the development of this project and is too wasteful. My suggestion is to lengthen the project cycle and break it down into multiple steps to complete slowly, which is more secure. "

I agree. Zou Xiaodong nodded and replied: "I have the same idea as Zhang Jun, I am not against this project, I just think it is too radical, so I cool it down.

I think it's better to press down and let Yu Chengwu and the others prepare more fully. That's better.

Although I don't know much about aerospace technology, I still know a little bit in general. Such a large project must have a cycle of ten years and definitely longer. In other words, it will take ten years to see some results. "

Ten years is too long. Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the words.

Ok? Hearing his words, the three of them couldn't help looking at him.

My plan is that within five years people will land on the moon and live there.

Five years, that's too fast, it's impossible. The three of them, even the more radical Yang Fan, shook their heads.

According to the third-phase construction plan of the lunar scientific research station we designed, we can completely complete the entire first-phase project in five years, so as to accommodate about ten astronauts and scientific researchers. Wu Hao explained.

That time is not enough. Zou Xiaodong shook his head and said.

I don't think it's a big problem. Wu Hao did not explain too much, but smiled and believed.

And Yang Fan nodded after thinking about it: "It should be possible to complete the first phase of the lunar scientific research station in five years, but the time is a little too tight, Yu Chengwu and the others may not be able to. accept."

Since they picked it out, they must show some sincerity, otherwise, how could they let them go. Wu Hao snorted softly.

Five years is just five years. I don't have too many other requirements. When the time comes, bring the meteorite back to me first, and let me get it back first. Zhang Jun simply said.

Don't hold out too much hope, even if all are shipped back, will not make much money after deducting the shipping cost.

"Then find a way to reduce the cost. The big deal is to melt it into gold ingots on the moon and bring it back." Zhang Jun waved his hand proudly, as if to tell them that he was bound to win this meteorite.

No, the value would be low. Zou Xiaodong hurriedly stopped and said, "The most valuable thing about this meteorite is that it is a meteorite. If you melt it, then it is no different from ordinary gold."

Wu Hao nodded and smiled when he heard the words: "Let's talk about it later, if there are such conditions, it's fine to ship the whole piece back.

It doesn't necessarily have to be sold. Even if it is sold, it will only cost about one billion yuan. It is better to put it in this park for people to visit, and it can sell some ticket money every year. "

It is also said that it is better to put it in the park. Hearing Wu Hao's words, both Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan nodded in agreement.

A group of prodigal sons, you put more than one billion things in the park, and you are not afraid that others will steal them. Zhang Jun watched as the three hated iron.

"In this park, who would steal it. Besides, no one can easily remove such a heavy thing."

"It's definitely not enough to take the whole thing. I'm afraid that someone will deduct a little bit every day. No matter how big the meteorite is, it won't be deducted." Yang Fan worried.

"It's simple, just get him a glass cover on it." Wu Hao interrupted the arguments of several people.


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