Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2063: "Savior" for people with hair loss

Hearing Zhang Qinghong's words, everyone nodded. Indeed, it is not easy to achieve today's results, and it is indeed necessary to be more cautious. In addition, any treatment on the patient must be carefully and cautiously, because it is related to the life and health of the patient.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Wu Hao spread his hands with a smile and said, "I have no opinion, and it's not too short of time."

Seeing Wu Hao's answer, the others in the room nodded as well.

After chatting with everyone for a few more words, Xu Shenghua turned to Wu Hao and said, "Mr. Wu, when you were in the ward, you introduced your hair follicle cloning and transplantation treatment technology. Is this technology already available? Is it ready for use?"

Hearing Xu Shenghua's words, everyone present looked at Wu Hao with intense interest on their faces. Especially some men with sparse hair or even some baldness, their eyes can't help but sparkle.

Among them is Director Qi Feng Qi, who has been bothering him for a long time about hair loss. He even thought about having a hair transplant at one time, but his body was not very hairy. After going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor shook his head helplessly.

Traditional hair transplant surgery is to extract qualified hair follicle tissue from the gas part of the person, and then implant it into the patient's hair loss site. The parts where the hair follicles are extracted may be on the temples or the back of the head where the hair is relatively thick. Because we all know that people tend to lose hair from the front and top of the head, the so-called Mediterranean hair loss. The temples and the back of the head are relatively less prone to hair loss, so these places often become the most ideal hair follicle extraction sites in hair transplant surgery.

Of course, not everyone has such a condition. For some patients with hair loss, it is not possible. The head cannot extract a suitable and sufficient amount of hair follicles. To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to extracting the hair follicle hair from the hair-bearing part, and then implanting it into the hair loss part, which is a bit like tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall.

If the hair at the extraction site is thicker and the quality of the hair follicles is better, then there is no problem in extracting some and implanting it in the hair loss site. However, if the hair at the extraction site is already sparse and thin. If you extract it rashly, then the hair volume may become thinner in these parts that are more washed.

Moreover, the extraction process of the hair follicle itself is also damaging to the scalp. If it is not handled properly, it is likely to cause some problems, which will lead to hair loss problems in these places that do not lose hair due to improper handling.

So doctors turned to shifting the target from the patient's head to the patient's body. You must know that people have very thick hair in many places besides hair. Such as beards, such as armpits, pubes, etc.

Compared with the exposed parts, these parts are not easily shown to the outside world, and the hair volume is also very thick, which is very suitable for hair follicle extraction. Even if it is all extracted, it is fine, after all, the hair in this part is not as important as the top of the head.

However, compared to the huge area on the top of the head, even if all the hair follicles in these parts are extracted cleanly, even if there is not one left, it will not be enough for the needs of the patient's head. So many people gave up in the end and wore a bald head, including some celebrities and business leaders.

Do they have no money, do they have no resources, obviously not, but their own conditions do not allow it.

Then someone else thought that since the patient's own conditions are not allowed, can we use the method of allografting to extract the hair on the top of other people's heads, and then implant it on the top of the hair loss patients.

This is indeed a good idea, but so far, this idea has never been realized. Because of the rejection of allogeneic transplantation, hair follicles are no better than other tissues and organs, and the survival rate of allogeneic transplantation is very low.

Now, Wu Hao's hair follicle cloning and transplantation treatment technology can solve this problem very well, which undoubtedly gives hope to many men and women who are suffering from hair loss.

In addition, everyone has seen the huge market after the technology of cloning and transplanting hair follicles.

You must know that in China alone, there are 250 million people suffering from hair loss, and the conservative estimate for hair transplants among them is more than 10 million. This is undoubtedly a very huge market. If this technology can be successfully commercialized, it will undoubtedly bring very considerable benefits to Wu Hao and the others.

According to the cost of cloning and cultivating hair follicles of 1,000 yuan per patient, according to 10 million people, this is a profit of 10 billion yuan. And this is only the most conservative estimate, and the actual benefit is much larger than this.

You know, a person has 100,000 hairs, which is considered normal shiny. Calculated on the basis of one dime per hair, 100,000 hairs are 10,000 yuan. And this is at the lowest price. You must know that the current market for hair transplant surgery is the first flight standard, and the price of each hair follicle is about 20 to 30 yuan.

So if you want to have black and beautiful hair, you have to pay a huge price.

Then, based on the average fee of 10,000 yuan for a patient, what is the benefit of these 10 million patients?

Even if this is the case, the cost of hair transplantation brought by the cloning and transplantation of hair follicles is much lower than that of traditional hair transplantation. com And this is no doubt that many patients who suffer from hair loss have seen the dawn and hope.

Facing Xu Shenghua's inquiry, Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "At present, this technology is still in the laboratory test stage, and the overall progress is still very good. We plan to apply for relevant clinical trials in the second half of this year, and strive for two to three This technology will be put into commercial use within the year to save those patients with hair loss."

If that's the case, then you are the regenerative parents and savior of those who lose their hair. Xu Shenghua praised.

Mr. Wu, is the cost of this technology expensive? If it is too expensive, no matter how good the technology is, many people may not be able to use it. Qi Feng asked Wu Hao with a smile. It can be seen that he is also very interested in this technology.

Of course, if you contact the situation on his head at the moment, everyone can understand his mood at the moment.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "You can rest assured in this regard, we will control the relevant cost and price within a relatively reasonable range, I can assure you now that our hair transplant cost is much higher than the current cost. Similar hair transplant procedures on the market are much lower.

Our dream is to use this technology to save those patients who suffer from hair loss, so that there will be no more bald heads in the world! "


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