Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2066: Climb the 3 Treasure Palaces

In fact, here, today's consultation is almost over. Overall, the results of the treatment during this period are still very significant. Some of the damaged muscle tissues on the patient's face have been repaired very well. Now there are some small muscle groups and capillaries that are left to finish the work. . Once this is done, the skin graft can be performed.

And the use of Zou Feifei's own cells to print out the muscle tissue, nerve, blood vessel network, etc., the transplantation is very successful. These 3D bioprinted tissues perfectly replaced the original damaged parts and looked no different from the original normal tissues.

You must know that the skin tissue of Zou Feifei's damaged part is severely damaged, but even so, the experts still try to retain all the skin tissue that can be preserved.

Many people may have questions, why do bio-printed skin tissue transplants have to be carried out, and why keep these damaged skin tissues. In fact, this is mainly because the entire treatment cycle is relatively long. It is good to remove these damaged skin tissues now, but there is no new skin to protect the open wound, which can easily cause infection and is not conducive to the recovery of the transplant site.

Therefore, during the entire treatment process, these originally damaged skin tissues should be preserved as much as possible, so that they can temporarily act as relevant protection to avoid external infections and so on. As for skin that is already damaged, artificial skin can be temporarily used for alternative coverage. The so-called artificial skin, or tilapia skin is replaced. The so-called artificial skin is actually a layer of medical consumables similar to plastic wrap or similar materials.

It does not completely replace the skin, but it can protect the exposed wound inside from external infection like the skin. The skin of tilapia actually has a similar effect, but relatively speaking, it is more hygienic and safe without artificial skin.

In some cases, doctors have to remove and limit Zou Feifei's own wound recovery part, so as not to affect the subsequent treatment process. Moreover, the newly grown related organization is not able to be like an organization, so it is also to be cleaned up.

After all treatments are completed, experts will use 3D bioprinted skin tissue to replace the damaged skin in stages. As for these damaged skin tissues, all of them will be removed and cleaned up before surgery. In this way, when it is restored, it can restore the most realistic appearance.

So for Zou Feifei, this treatment process is actually very painful. Especially after each operation, when the anesthesia dissipates, the pain is really unbearable for ordinary people. Because it is on the face and is closer to the brain, in order to avoid long-term anesthetic damage to the cerebral nerves, Zou Feifei must resist these pains.

Even many times, she insisted on not taking anesthesia. After hearing this, Wu Hao subconsciously didn't believe it. He didn't believe that a girl could be so strong. This is really admirable.

In addition to Wu Hao's admiration, he couldn't help sweating for this girl, because she had to grit her teeth and persist for a while.

This group consultation is actually an evaluation of the effect of the previous treatment. Therefore, in addition to Xu Shenghua, Qi Feng and the others, there are other experts. Their main task is to assess the outcomes and risks of previous treatments and the use of related new technologies.

If the evaluation results are not so satisfactory, I am afraid Qi Feng and the others will come forward to stop the project, and then immediately change the treatment plan.

But from the evaluation and discussion this morning, the whole treatment effect is still very obvious, and the performance of the new technology is amazing, so this project will continue. This is one of the reasons why so many people are present today.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Wu Hao's mood has also changed. He is really happy for Zou Feifei, naturally also for their technology, and for the continuation of this project.

After having lunch with everyone at the medical center, Qi Feng and the others immediately said goodbye and left. After all, they also have their own jobs, and it is impossible to delay here for too long. However, Xu Shenghua and the others stayed, and they all found Wu Hao.

Seeing this, Wu Hao knew that these people had something to do with him, and immediately invited them to the company campus. When Wu Jiuzhi saw this, he was also very curious to join in the fun.

Wu Hao did not invite a few people to his office, but found a place to sit in the park. After the staff brought tea to everyone, he smiled and said, "Professor Xu, Director Zhang, you are busy people, why do you have time to come to me today to catch up."

Hehe, Mr. Wu, we all go to the Three Treasures Hall without incident. We have something to ask you for. Xu Shenghua smiled and said very frankly.

Yes, I have a very difficult case in my hands that cannot be done with conventional treatment, so I will find you here. Zhang Qinghong also spoke to Wu Hao.

Oh, what kind of case, so tricky? Wu Hao also became interested when he heard Zhang Qinghong's words, and then smiled and asked the question.

Seeing him ask, Zhang Qinghong took a file bag from the students who followed him, then opened it, took out a stack of cases and distributed it to several people.

"This is the case I encountered. The patient He Wenlong, 37 years old this year, is the co-founder and vice president of a company. As for him, he and his ex-wife were divorced by his ex-wife last winter because of conflicts in marriage and property division. A bottle of sulfuric acid caused extensive damage to his face and body. In addition to the skin, one eye was also damaged and blinded by the corrosion of sulfuric acid. In addition, the hair on the head was also damaged. Seriously injured.

Subsequently, his early stage was collectively subdued by the security guards of the restaurant and the brave masses, and handed over to the police who came later. And He Wenlong was also rushed to the hospital for treatment.

The chemical burns are so severe that we need to clean them up constantly, and the whole process is fraught with danger. Not only will it cause secondary harm to the patient, but it will even harm the treating doctor.

Because of the relatively large burn area on He Wenlong's body and the sulfuric acid, his life was once in danger. Fortunately, it stopped in the end, but the person was abolished, and now he is still living in the hospital.

Although his life was saved, his body was seriously damaged, especially his face, upper body and genitals, which can be said to have caused a large area of ​​disfigurement, which is very unfavorable for our treatment.

After a series of treatments, although the results are there, it is not very ideal. And He Wenlong also suffered from serious mental illness because of his disfigurement. "

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